A few days ago I was going to play my FTB world and when I logged in it started downloading the mod pack like an update and I let it. It finished and I went to my world and it was gone so I took it out of the old FTB folder and put it in the new ultimate folder on my desktop that the update thing made, it updated again when I got back on the I went to my world it was there. I got on it and only a square was loaded, I can fly around the square and it's the only thing in the world, my portal gun portal doesn't take me anywhere, and my fps gets cut in half on the world. I am sad because I have out so much time and effort into the world, can someone tell me what they think happened and how I can prevent it from happening in the future? I don't want to loose another world. My world broke, if you know how I can maybe get it back please tell me. Thank you.