Help, I am getting explosion sounds from the far side of my base

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The exact same thing happened to me in my old mindcrack world. I had around 16 cobble generators along with 16 igneous extruders feeding cobble into some recyclers all going into a mass fab. One day I logged on and I started hearing random explosions. I thought maybe it was a pipe or something but it wasn't. The sound did indeed get louder as I approached the mass fab and the recyclers but I never found out the source of the explosion sounds. About 2 weeks later, I updated my modpack version and my stupid world save got corrupted. Man I was so f****** mad that I didn't go back to playing until 3 weeks or so. I had 8 FUSION REACTORS in my world which I just got. Not to mention a 3gb save.

Edit: 100th post FTW


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've had item pipes make explosion sounds when moving a lot of items at high speeds. I can imagine with enough items that lower speeds will also give that issue.

So I suggest checking any piping (do you have the cobble running through pipes?), you should be able to see the circles (blast waves) you see with regular creeper explosions and stuff coming from the pipes. Or you can try shutting down the machine (or parts of it) to see if it stops.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The exact same thing happened to me in my old mindcrack world. I had around 16 cobble generators along with 16 igneous extruders feeding cobble into some recyclers all going into a mass fab. One day I logged on and I started hearing random explosions. I thought maybe it was a pipe or something but it wasn't. The sound did indeed get louder as I approached the mass fab and the recyclers but I never found out the source of the explosion sounds. About 2 weeks later, I updated my modpack version and my stupid world save got corrupted. Man I was so f****** mad that I didn't go back to playing until 3 weeks or so. I had 8 FUSION REACTORS in my world which I just got. Not to mention a 3gb save.

Edit: 100th post FTW
8 fusion reactors? Can't tell if troll or serious..


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have a different question: WHY? What ever could you need 8 reactors for?
Powering stacks upon stacks of fabricators, running 40 tree farms, terraforming, filling up around 35 idsu's, powering 32 simultaneous quarries,powering stacks of every multiblock machine in gregtech, etc...

Kaedon Agronox

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If this has not been solved I MAY have figured it out. If you have an automatic crafting table somewhere nearby ... check and see if it is not overloaded with scrap. I had the same problem, I had some scrap going to a crafting table and some going to my mass fabricator. I forgot I "Broke" The recipe in the autocrafting table so I could collect scrap.. and the scrap got backed up... like Seriously backed up.. (100++ stacks of scrap) and as soon as I broke the table the scrap went everywere and the noise stopped.