Help as to why my ME system will only craft once...

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Minnesota Jeff

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi guys and gals,

I've put together a simple ME storage and crafting station using the Applied Engergistics 2 mod in DW20 1.7.10 and I've pulled the system apart three times now and put it back together (with the idea of compacting it as I learn more about it). But each time I get it together I craft an item (I think) and then when I go to craft a second time it tells me 'No Crafting CPUs are Available'. Below are some screen showing my set up. If anyone sees anything erroneous let me know please. This is getting a little frustrating to say the least :)


What you wont see in the pics above is the Creative Energy Cell. That is tucked into the wall behind the Energy Acceptor, to help me keep this compact as possible. Also the ME Interfaces on the Inscribers have been made to be flat and sit on top of the Inscribers (white cable) And the Inscriber on the top is the unit to put everything crafted together(blue cable). In the back left is a Crafting Unit under a Co-Processor under two 1k Crafting Storage units. And the extension of the Red cable on the left is Importing from a chest, receiving quarry items, into the ME system. That works great. Only wish the Importers had a bigger storage then 9 items :) Any feedback to help me get this system to work consistently will be greatly appreciated.


Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
Each Crafting CPU multiblock structure can only handle one crafting order at a time, regardless of how many storage units and co-processors it contains. When you ask your network to craft an item (or a stack of items, etc.), the entire multiblock will be busy until it's exported the last item into the last crafting machine (Molecular Assembler, furnace, pulverizer, etc.). If you try to request any more items before the first set is done, the CPU won't let you, because it's still busy. The only solution is to add more multiblock crafting CPUs.

All the co-processor units do is allow the CPU to execute multiple different steps in the crafting at once. For instance, if you request an item that's crafted with an Enderium ingot and a pure quartz crystal (assuming you've automated production of both of these on demand), a CPU with no co-processors will craft up a quartz seed and drop it into your pool of water and wait for it to finish before starting to melt down the enderpearls for the enderium (or vice versa). If you add a co-processor, the CPU will be able to let both time-consuming steps run at once, greatly decreasing the time it takes to craft the item. However, this won't help you order two different items from the same CPU- a CPU busy doing two (or more) things at once is still busy.

Another note, the basic Crafting Unit (the gray one that's used to craft the others) doesn't actually do anything. It's only use (outside of crafting) is to fill in spaces in a CPU that would otherwise not be a solid box, and therefore invalid. You'd be better off upgrading it to another Crafting Storage Unit and attaching it to your network somewhere that's not adjacent to your existing CPU.

Also, it doesn't look like there's an actual co-processsor in your CPU. All I see are orange and gray blocks; no purple.

Finally, if you leave the interface in an Import Bus empty, it'll import everything it can. I think there's also an upgrade to turn the whitelist into a blacklist, although I forget what it's called. FYI.


Jul 28, 2013
Finally, if you leave the interface in an Import Bus empty, it'll import everything it can. I think there's also an upgrade to turn the whitelist into a blacklist, although I forget what it's called. FYI.

It's an inverter card, and having tested it out last time it was mentioned, it doesn't work with the import bus unfortunately.

Minnesota Jeff

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have now a Co-processor over my crafting unit (by the way ParAdoX83 it shows to be online but never seems to light up) and over the top of the Co-Processor sits the 2 1k crafting storage blocks. This is how I currently have it set up and it still tell me the same thing. I'm befuddled here. I love seeing how folks use there ME System to craft up items in the You Tube vids I see and I want to be able to do that but this thing is kicking my butt here, metaphorically speaking. :) Here is a screen of the current setup:


Minnesota Jeff

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The previous screens I posted were somewhat erroneous as I didn't have the Co-Processor in that I put right before posting the start of this thread. Apologies. My current set up is much as it was in the prior screens except that I moved my CPU's to a different location. (to no avail) Here is a screen of how it sits now:


And ParAdoX83 here is a pic to show you that the Crafting Unit is online. I've never seen this block light up like the Co-Processor and the Storage blocks do.

I have seen so many times guys (mostly, no offense ladies :) ) on You Tube running up to their ME Systems and crafting up items from their inventory and I would really like to be able to do that. Oh sure I can use it like I do any crafting table (manually) with the advantage of having loads of inventory to continue crafting as much stuff as I want. But, I just wanted to be able to auto craft a few things namely the Processors (engineering, logic, calculation, etc...) for the moment. I'm befuddled here with this system.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
just a hunch: is the item you craft a printed xyz/processor?

if yes: do you take it out manually?

Minnesota Jeff

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's an inverter card, and having tested it out last time it was mentioned, it doesn't work with the import bus unfortunately.

I emptied out the interface of the Import Bus and that works just fine. It imported everything from my quarry intake chest (so to speak) into the ME System. So no troubles there.

Minnesota Jeff

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
just a hunch: is the item you craft a printed xyz/processor?

if yes: do you take it out manually?

Far as I know, the system, set up as it is should craft the item and direct it back into the storage. Here is a screen of what I currently have setup to auto craft. That is if I can get the CPU's to come online.


Minnesota Jeff

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Far as I know, the system, set up as it is should craft the item and direct it back into the storage. Here is a screen of what I currently have setup to auto craft. That is if I can get the CPU's to come online.

View attachment 18186

Oh and no I do not take it out manually to answer your question. Far as I know as I mentioned it should go back into the system when finished. Theoretically.

Minnesota Jeff

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
if u rightclick on the crafting cpu, does it show item that are still to finish crafting?

I just did, and it shows to have a printed Calculation Circuit 'Scheduled' (1) And I'm guessing that if I cancel that job my CPU will be available again :) But then I ask, what stops it from finishing the scheduled project?

Minnesota Jeff

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just did, and it shows to have a printed Calculation Circuit 'Scheduled' (1) And I'm guessing that if I cancel that job my CPU will be available again :) But then I ask, what stops it from finishing the scheduled project?

Yup CPU comes available again. So now I know that it hangs in the CPU waiting to be finished. Just need to hammer out why it hangs there. Hmmm.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
afaik u need 4 different inscriber, 1 for each press. and a fifth one to craft the processors

(there might be a way to make all presses in 1 inscriber, but i never made it)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Read the post by "Someone Else 37", he has explained the issue.

In short if you want to craft more than one "chain" at a time you need more than one CPU setup.

And it needs to be cuboid in shape, a long line like you have doesn't work


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
nope he hasnt explained this issue at all. and tbh his explanation is partly wrong, because a co-processing unit adds the ability to use multiple machines at once (+1 machine per co-processor). it doesnt add "steps". and the multiblock prcoessor can eitehr be a long "line" or a cuboid. doesnt matter

personally i think the problem is, that he has all 4 presses in the ME interface alongside the patterns. however that wont work.

Minnesota Jeff

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
afaik u need 4 different inscriber, 1 for each press. and a fifth one to craft the processors

(there might be a way to make all presses in 1 inscriber, but i never made it)

That's precisely what I have 4 inscribers (with import buses) for the Circuits and one inscriber (with two export busses one Import bus along with an Me Interface w/processor patterns) to put the redstone and the silicon circuit together with the other circuits, as requested, to make the processors.

Minnesota Jeff

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Read the post by "Someone Else 37", he has explained the issue.

In short if you want to craft more than one "chain" at a time you need more than one CPU setup.

And it needs to be cuboid in shape, a long line like you have doesn't work

When you guys talk about crafting more things at once are you referring to crafting more of one particular item or crafting different types of items at one time? My problem lays in that I cant even get a simple gold ingot to go into my inscriber to be pressed and imported back into the system because it hangs up in the CPU unit. As you can see here:


And to address your cuboid suggestion is this what you mean by cuboid? Because I have been going by Illuzions You Tube and either way I put it, it shows to be online.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
read carefully what i wrote about the co-processing unit ;) it adds the ability to use 1 more machine at the same time. it doesnt add steps or sth like that. so lets say u wanna craft sth that requires to craft item A on machine A and item B on machine B to craft item C. with just a crafting unit the ME would craft item A and after it finished item B, and then start item C. however if u add a co-processing unit it will craft A+B at the same time. as i said: this only works if the crafting is done on seperate machines. if the crafting would need to be done on the same machine you could have 10000 co-processors it would still not craft simultaneously. that said: you DONT need a co-processing unit for what u r trying atm

EDIT: above i say "crafting unit", but what i mean is not the "crafting unit" block from AE² but a "xk crafting storage". those are the ones that act as "primary" crafting cpus. care: having more than 1 of those in ur processing multiblock only increases the "size" ur jobs can have. they dont act like co-processors, so you cant use more than 1 machine at the same time with just crafting storage units

so to ur problem: as i said, having 4 different press-receipes on 1 ME-interface/inscriber doesnt work. you need
- 4 different inscriber, each having the required press inserted already
- 4 different me-interfaces, each having 1 specific pattern

then the patterns u make are like 1 gold = 1 pressed xyz

as to why it doesnt work with your method: because the inscriber doesnt output the press itself, only the pressed material.

EDIT2: for the processors you have to use a fifth inscriber ;) though you need only 1 inscriber for all 3 processor types, because all items you input get outputted as well
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