Help as to why my ME system will only craft once...

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Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
I'm not sure I correctly understand what's going on here.

Is the issue
  1. When you request a processor, it starts to insert items into the inscribers, but never actually finishes crafting, or
  2. When you try to request a second processor while one is already crafting, you can't because your CPU's busy; but if you wait until the first processor finishes, it's fine?
I had assumed #2, hence the wall of text about how, exactly, co-processors and CPUs work. However, if the issue is #1, it means you set something up wrong.

If your setup can't even produce one processor, you're probably putting items into the wrong face of one of your inscribers. The items that go in the top slot of the Inscriber have to be inserted into the actual top face (assuming it's not rotated weirdly); items that go in the bottom slot (i.e. pressed silicon) have to go into the bottom face of the machine; and items to go into the middle face (gold, quartz, diamonds, silicon, and redstone IIRC) can be inserted into any of the other faces.

The tricky part is the fifth Inscriber, which will not work at all unless the three different items are inserted into three different faces, which is not easy to do with only AE. The simplest way to do it is to probably just use Export Buses on the side and bottom to constantly supply it with redstone and pressed silicon, respectively (the silicon one needs a crafting card) and place your Interface on the top, with three recipes: Pressed Gold (I don't remember what the exact name of the item is off the top of my head, but you know what I mean) -> Logic Processor, Pressed Quartz -> Calculation Processor (that's what it's called, right?), and Pressed Diamond -> Whatever the top-tier processor is.

The other Inscribers just need a single Interface on the side, with one recipe corresponding to the press in the Inscriber.

Once you've got all that set up, you should be able to request a Processor just fine. When you do, the network will first drop an ingot/crystal/gem into one of your first three Inscribers, then when it's done, drop the pressed item into the last Inscriber. Since this Inscriber already has the redstone and silicon it needs, it'll go to work immediately.

When it's done, the Import Buses will try to pull another redstone and a pressed silicon from your network. I'm assuming you already have redstone lying around, so the bus on the side of the last inscriber will just take one (if you're crafting redstone somehow, this bus needs a Crafting Card too). The other Inscriber, on the other hand, will need to request a new pressed silicon from your network, so it'll choose a random Crafting CPU to carry that out. This CPU will then drop a silicon item into the appropriate Inscriber, and when it's done, the Import Bus will then transfer it to the fifth Inscriber.

Minnesota Jeff

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
read carefully what i wrote about the co-processing unit ;) it adds the ability to use 1 more machine at the same time. it doesnt add steps or sth like that. so lets say u wanna craft sth that requires to craft item A on machine A and item B on machine B to craft item C. with just a crafting unit the ME would craft item A and after it finished item B, and then start item C. however if u add a co-processing unit it will craft A+B at the same time. as i said: this only works if the crafting is done on seperate machines. if the crafting would need to be done on the same machine you could have 10000 co-processors it would still not craft simultaneously. that said: you DONT need a co-processing unit for what u r trying atm

EDIT: above i say "crafting unit", but what i mean is not the "crafting unit" block from AE² but a "xk crafting storage". those are the ones that act as "primary" crafting cpus. care: having more than 1 of those in ur processing multiblock only increases the "size" ur jobs can have. they dont act like co-processors, so you cant use more than 1 machine at the same time with just crafting storage units

so to ur problem: as i said, having 4 different press-receipes on 1 ME-interface/inscriber doesnt work. you need
- 4 different inscriber, each having the required press inserted already
- 4 different me-interfaces, each having 1 specific pattern

then the patterns u make are like 1 gold = 1 pressed xyz

as to why it doesnt work with your method: because the inscriber doesnt output the press itself, only the pressed material.

EDIT2: for the processors you have to use a fifth inscriber ;) though you need only 1 inscriber for all 3 processor types, because all items you input get outputted as well

Thank you Para, Your information, and everyone else who has taken the time to give their opinions and knowledge, will be a lot of help I am sure. I wanted to post a few more screen because I think I need to explain my set up a little better. I'll post them as thumbnails and in order as they should be looked at. I hope that by doing this is does not make things more confusing but helps to clear up any questions about how I have my Inscribers set up.
Number 1 Inscriber.png ME Interface on Inscriber#1.png Inscriber#2.png Me Interface on Inscriber#2.png Inscriber #3.png ME Interface on Inscriber#3.png Inscriber #4.png ME Interface on Inscriber#4.png Inscriber #5.png ME Interface on Inscriber#5-1.png


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
ah ok, i was workin with wrong assumptions xD let me test sth i guess i know why it doesnt work

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
Thank you Para, Your information, and everyone else who has taken the time to give their opinions and knowledge, will be a lot of help I am sure. I wanted to post a few more screen because I think I need to explain my set up a little better. I'll post them as thumbnails and in order as they should be looked at. I hope that by doing this is does not make things more confusing but helps to clear up any questions about how I have my Inscribers set up.
View attachment 18195 View attachment 18197 View attachment 18199 View attachment 18202 View attachment 18204 View attachment 18205 View attachment 18206 View attachment 18209 View attachment 18211 View attachment 18213
That all looks like it should work... Hang on a second- is your fifth Inscriber actually getting power? I don't see a cable connecting directly to it.

Minnesota Jeff

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Save yourself a lot of trouble and just follow this guy's design for AE Inscriber (Processor) automation, I built it in my own world as a little self-contained unit and it works wonderfully.

Illuzions Video is exactly where I began learning about Applied Energitics 2 and the ME System. I've watched his video 1 several times to be sure I didn't miss something. And far as I know I haven't. His second video is what gave me the idea to flatten out the ME Interfaces to help squarsh this system down several more blocks. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
the problem would be the crafting card at your export bus. you can easily solve it by adding a 2nd crafting storage to ur ME system

let me explain why:

crafting cards need a free cpu to work. however, since you craft (hence using ur 1 cpu) the autocrafting request from the crafting card for another pressed silicon, wont be registered, hence the whole process stops

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
Have you tried requesting the printed circuits from your network directly? If that doesn't work, you'll probably need to move the Interfaces on your first four Inscribers to the back of those Inscribers.

In fact, you might need to move those Interfaces to the back anyway.

Minnesota Jeff

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm not sure I correctly understand what's going on here.

Is the issue
  1. When you request a processor, it starts to insert items into the inscribers, but never actually finishes crafting, or
  2. When you try to request a second processor while one is already crafting, you can't because your CPU's busy; but if you wait until the first processor finishes, it's fine?
I had assumed #2, hence the wall of text about how, exactly, co-processors and CPUs work. However, if the issue is #1, it means you set something up wrong.

If your setup can't even produce one processor, you're probably putting items into the wrong face of one of your inscribers. The items that go in the top slot of the Inscriber have to be inserted into the actual top face (assuming it's not rotated weirdly); items that go in the bottom slot (i.e. pressed silicon) have to go into the bottom face of the machine; and items to go into the middle face (gold, quartz, diamonds, silicon, and redstone IIRC) can be inserted into any of the other faces.

The tricky part is the fifth Inscriber, which will not work at all unless the three different items are inserted into three different faces, which is not easy to do with only AE. The simplest way to do it is to probably just use Export Buses on the side and bottom to constantly supply it with redstone and pressed silicon, respectively (the silicon one needs a crafting card) and place your Interface on the top, with three recipes: Pressed Gold (I don't remember what the exact name of the item is off the top of my head, but you know what I mean) -> Logic Processor, Pressed Quartz -> Calculation Processor (that's what it's called, right?), and Pressed Diamond -> Whatever the top-tier processor is.

The other Inscribers just need a single Interface on the side, with one recipe corresponding to the press in the Inscriber.

Once you've got all that set up, you should be able to request a Processor just fine. When you do, the network will first drop an ingot/crystal/gem into one of your first three Inscribers, then when it's done, drop the pressed item into the last Inscriber. Since this Inscriber already has the redstone and silicon it needs, it'll go to work immediately.

When it's done, the Import Buses will try to pull another redstone and a pressed silicon from your network. I'm assuming you already have redstone lying around, so the bus on the side of the last inscriber will just take one (if you're crafting redstone somehow, this bus needs a Crafting Card too). The other Inscriber, on the other hand, will need to request a new pressed silicon from your network, so it'll choose a random Crafting CPU to carry that out. This CPU will then drop a silicon item into the appropriate Inscriber, and when it's done, the Import Bus will then transfer it to the fifth Inscriber.

I have only ever requested the system to do one process. (because its all I have ever been able to do till I found out I can right click the CPU and get an interface). And as I found out it seems to hang up in the CPU on "Scheduled" mode. I have gold ingots in the system and everything else as far as that is concerned to make everything I have tried. When I click Cancel in the CPU it clears it all up and when I try another item I get the same response, hanging up and not going beyond the "Scheduled" mode in the CPU. I don't believe the ingredients are getting as far as the inventory due to the CPU holding up the process and never getting to the Inscribers.

Minnesota Jeff

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
the problem would be the crafting card at your export bus. you can easily solve it by adding a 2nd crafting storage to ur ME system

let me explain why:

crafting cards need a free cpu to work. however, since you craft (hence using ur 1 cpu) the autocrafting request from the crafting card for another pressed silicon, wont be registered, hence the whole process stops

I have 2, 1k Crafting Storages. Did you mean a 2nd Crafting Unit?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
no, you need 2 phyically not directly connected crafting storages. yours are connected and hence work as 1 (multi-)block

Minnesota Jeff

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
no, you need 2 phyically not directly connected crafting storages. yours are connected and hence work as 1 (multi-)block

Ahh well that's a little hinky since Illuzions You Tube video worked great and he only ever had the one CPU/Storage Unit on both Video 1 and Video 2 the Single Crating Unit/Storage. So should I just hook into the Blue line (Inscriber 5 ) using only 3 of 8 channels atm with a complete 3 or 4 block CPU/Crafting block?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
well you can believe me or not, or try it out, or believe a youtube video where u never actually see him requesting stuff without knowing how many printed silicons h egot in the ME already ;) trust me his setup doesnt work, unless u got enough printed silicon already

1. you dont need a "Crafting Unit" block. the yonly have 2 uses
a) "receipe" block for the other blocks like the crafting storage blocks
b) or as a filler block to get a cuboid without actually having to craft the more expensive co-processors or crafting storage-blocks.
2. you can put the 2nd crafting storage block anywhere you like, where it is not touching your other crafting-storage-multiblock
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Minnesota Jeff

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
well you can believe me or not, or try it out, or believe a youtube video where u never actually see him requesting stuff without knowing how many printed silicons h egot in the ME already ;)

Oh don't get me wrong I'm going to take your word for it. I didn't mean to come off like I didn't. And I am going to go to work to make some extra room and get that second CP/Crafting Unit put together and hooked up.

But please answer, do I make a duplicate of the one I have hooked up now and get it hooked into my system and only reacting with the #5 Inscriber?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
there is actually 2 way to solve it

1. the easier one, as i said above, just put a 1k crafting storage block somwhere at the blue line
2. the more sophisticated solution, that wouldnt need another crafting cpu, would be to put the inscriber into a subnetwork

EDIT: the sophisticated solution btw is faster, but doesnt fit into ur above setup :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
well you can believe me or not, or try it out, or believe a youtube video where u never actually see him requesting stuff without knowing how many printed silicons h egot in the ME already ;) trust me his setup doesnt work, unless u got enough printed silicon already

Can confirm. I don't worry about it because I always keep a few thousand silicons already made in the system to avoid this issue. When it's idle, I have it make silicon so I'm prepared for when I need a batch of processors.

And yes, the video/inscriber automation exercise also taught me a lot about learning AE2 too, but it's like a baby step, I still have a long way to go before I am actually using AE2 auto-crafting and not just copying other people's solutions. LOL


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Interfaces with crafting cards set to keep 128 seeds, 128 pures, 128 dusts, 128 quartz glass and 128 of each of the processors. Unless you're expanding your system massively in one go you'll be sorted.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Interfaces with crafting cards set to keep 128 seeds, 128 pures, 128 dusts, 128 quartz glass and 128 of each of the processors. Unless you're expanding your system massively in one go you'll be sorted.
Pretty much along these same lines, I never bothered with autocrafting processors. Too slow. Better to just keep a number on hand.

IIRC what I did was very similar to Scottulus:

- An ME interface set to keep/craft a stack each of silicon, pure certus, gold, diamonds and redstone.
- Filtered, color-coded Ender IO conduits pull from that interface, feeding the different sides of the inscribers. (This could also be done with an AE subnetwork).
- The various chips are sent by conduit to the final set of inscribers to make the processors.
- AE storage buses sit on the output side of the inscribers, and you have at least 64 of each at all times once enough time has passed.

One thing I did notice from your screenshots: In the second one you mentioned inserting silicon from the top. I've always done it from the side. Are items jammed in the inscribers?

EDIT: Corrected a little bit ... this is from memory and may not be 100% right but should get you close enough.
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