Heating stone with fire

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Say you wanted to implement the ancient "shock treatment" mining technique into Minecraft. How would you make stone heat up when there's a fire lit on top of it, and then, once the stone blocks turn to "heated" stone blocks, pouring water on them would turn those blocks into cracked stone.

Can it be done and how would you go about adding this?



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not a modder but I'd change the behavior of fire to check for stone blocks touching it (which might make fire more laggy) when it detects the stone it could just convert it in to another block "heated stone" that will check for water blocks and if it finds it convert again in to cracked stone.

There could even be some sort of NBT wizardry you could perform but I don't know a thing about how that works. All I know is that it lets you add extra data to existing blocks potentially changing their behavior.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you're interested in having your mod interact reliably with heat sources, you may want to browse @Reika s code. Rotarycraft and Reactorcraft have a number of blocks that introduce and/or react to heat to accomplish goals. Even time of day (direct sunlight) can affect a reactor build, and Biome choice becomes very important for a number of machines and processes.

Similar to your example, Rotarycraft uses fire to heat Steam Engines (to which you supply water) to achieve rotational force. Also, a Friction Heater can be used to add heat to a Vanilla Furnace, replacing the need to stock it with fuel. If these principles exist, I'm sure you could have your mod do a block update of some kind to change itself to another block (similar to Botania's Livingrock/Livingwood).

Hope this points you in the right direction. I like to see new ways to approach old tricks.