Whitelist Server HazeCraft |Unleashed V1.1.7 | Whitelist | No plugins/banned items | 24 slots | PvE | 18+

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Why join Hazecraft?
Well this will be my first go at administrating a server and up until this point I have always been among one of you searching for that mature, social, and fun environment without all those excessive extras; IE: plugins, banned items, immature personalities, etc... I'd like for this server to be as close to vanilla as an FTB server possibly can. If this sounds interesting to you, make sure to keep reading! :)
Server info:
  • This dedicated server is hosted by a friend at FragRadio, one of UK's largest gaming radio station.
  • As such the server is hosted in the UK.
  • The Unleashed pack has Biomes O' Plenty, Power Converters, and Vending enabled.
  • The server IP will be PM'ed to you upon acceptance of your application.
  • The server is running on hard mode and the map has been created the 18th of October. 28th of October *NEW*
  • The Teamspeak IP is, please join the FTB Unleashed sub-section. *NEW*
  • We have a forum where we can discuss in-game things and bring up important, server-only discussions and what not, the forum is located at http://hazeclan.net/ Feel free to post anything in the FTB Unleashed section :) *NEW*
Server rules:
I'll keep this short as they're all the same throughout the threads.
  1. No creating of mystcraft ages(Only linking books are allowed)
  2. Don't go crazy with chunk loading items.
  3. We have a mining age, let's keep quarries and mining turtles out of the overworld.
  4. Have fun. Yes, you have to.
Whitelist application:
  • Age:
  • IGN:
  • What is your experience with FTB/mods?
  • Where do you reside at (timezone will do)?
  • Why do you want to join?
  • What would you bring to the server?
Notice: I am quite picky with the applications as I do look for a chill and most importantly, mature group of players. Try to make your application informative enough.
Age: 23
IGN: Nobsocks
What is your experience with FTB/mods? I used to run a small Tekkit Lite server for me and my friends at the start of 2013. I've been playing FTB Unleashed for a few weeks now.
Residence? UK
Why do you want to join? The server I'm currently playing on is US based and it can be quite laggy and sometimes I can't even get on; so I'm looking for a UK based server.
What would you bring to the server? I'm quite knowledgeable when it comes to the tech mods (Buildcraft, IC2, Thermal Expansion, Applied Energistics, Modular Powersuits, MFR, etc) so I could help out new players with their machine setups. I usually live alone on servers but I also like being part of a community where players help each other with new ideas and builds.
  • Age: 19
  • IGN: killajoke
  • What is your experience with FTB/mods? I suppose I have a widespread semi knowledge of the mods. I try to sorta spread myself out and enjoy the mods. Using diffrent machines and constructs for diffrent purposes. I won't aim for the uber machine that is the most efficient, simply a set up that I can be happy with.
  • Where do you reside at (timezone will do)? US EST
  • Why do you want to join? I want to find friendship, community, people to talk to. Ftb is fun, but the charms lost when you have no one to talk to, and playing on a server it can still feel like that. But a brand new server with a new map, I feel like that's the prime time to join, you can set up where you like. Everyones scrambling for resources and maybe a bit more likely to pull together to make their tasks easier.
  • What would you bring to the server? Hm... Honestly, I haven't the faintest of clue. I can be respectful, and I enjoy helping people out when I feel like I can. If I have knowledge I'll try and share it. And supposedly from what I hear from folks who visit my homes, I can make an interesting base.
  • Age: 25
  • IGN: Excitar
  • What is your experience with FTB/mods? I have been playing mooded MC since before tekkit, switched to a variation of the DW20 mods towards the end of his second season. Been playing FTB since it launched including DW20, Mindcrack, Ultimate and Unleashed.
  • Where do you reside at (timezone will do)? Denmark, GMT +1.
  • Why do you want to join? I'm looking for a new-ish server to start on with a good mature and friendly community. I prefer EU based servers that are running hard mode and doesn't have every single item banned and your server seems to fit nicely.
  • What would you bring to the server? A friendly attitude and a helping hand is someone needs help with whatever. Also a lot of experience that I'm ready to share if needed.


What is your experience with FTB/Mods?
Well I've been playing with modded Minecraft since I discovered Tekkit when 1.2.5 was the latest version of Minecraft. I instantly fell in love with the buildcraft / industrial craft feel of Minecraft and have been playing consistently ever since. In playing with these mod packs I have explored almost all of the mod included. My favorite include Computercraft, and Industrialcraft.

Where do you reside?
Canada, EDT (-4)

Why do you want to join?
As you said in your original post, I am looking for a fun social and mature environment that I can get invested in for the long term. I have played on a lot of servers before and want to "settle down" with one server.

What would you bring to the server?
I would bring a nice attitude and would be able to help anybody who is either confused or just in general need of help. I would also be able to collaborate with people or the whole server on group projects / builds.
  • Age:
  • IGN:
  • What is your experience with FTB/mods?
    I used to run a ftb DW_20 pack that had a constant 10 people online, but then i had to take a break from games. i know many of the old mods released with the initial release of FTB
  • Where do you reside at (timezone will do)?
    USA EST -4
  • Why do you want to join?
    i want to join this server as im looking to 1) get back into the modded minecraft world and 2) im looking to get back into it on a more mature level then many public servers are at
  • What would you bring to the server?
    i would bring the knowledge of many important core mods such as (IC2,BC, logistics pipes( i think they added it back in), TE,) and also my ability to help on many previous servers i invited a player or two that didnt know much about the game to live with me and share resources while teaching them things they might not have known mods could do.
What is your experience with FTB/mods?
I've played Minecrak,Ultimate,Direwolf20. I started playing FTB when minecrackcame out. I have played FTB on a few servers with my friends and reached "end game" level.
Where do you reside at (timezone will do)?
Canada, EDT (-4)
Why do you want to join?
im loooking for a small FTb server with no kids. that i can invest time in and enjoy playing.
What would you bring to the server?
I am a friendly person who doesn't mind helping people out. I enjoy teaming up with people for large build projects like towns and build projects that will affect the whole server community.
  • Age: 20 years old
  • IGN: frommyeyez
  • What is your experience with FTB/mods? : i have quite an extensive experience with those mods since I've been playing with most of them since tekkit 2 , otherwise I've been playing FTB since it's release so i am quite confident in my knowledge of how the mods work .Other than that, i have myself administrated a dedicated ftb server that was pretty popular (http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/thr...full-survival-english-and-french-mature.8590/) but i had all sorts of personal trouble (money , time etc.) and i had to end the project so right now i'm looking for a nice simple server to start playing again with my friend (gr0mii13) , if you want i can even offer you my help for some things about the server , like setting up an auto saving of the map if it's not already done and that sort of things (i'm not asking for an admin status right now , don't worry , i think it's a status that you have to earn)
  • Where do you reside at (timezone will do)? EDT (-5)
  • Why do you want to join? I'm looking for a simple server that is offering as much as possible the vanilla experience of unleashed and the server just started which is a plus in my opinion ^^.
  • What would you bring to the server? I would bring my helpful and cheerful personality :D , other than that i can help people with their builds and i could help the administration of the server if you want me to since I've been pretty much administrating servers since the launch of minecraft (vanilla/tekkit/ftb etc.) but if you don't want my help it's fine too i'll be as happy as a simple player , i just think some help doesn't hurt.
Welcome to the server Excitar, frommyeyez, Valdevon96, and chowe010! :)

Nadox97 - You've recently applied to another server stating you were 16. Denied.
Age: 17
IGN: mdutcher
What is your experience with FTB/mods? I played a lot of mindcrack, direwolf20 and ultimate. I know almost all of the mods and like to play with them, in the past I even made my own modpacks. I played on small servers with a small group of people and had a lot of fun, untill they shut down or became too crowded.
Where do you reside at (timezone will do)? I reside in the Netherlands, which is GMT +1
Why do you want to join? I like these kind of servers and since the one I played on became to crowded, that lead to griefing and it just wasn't fun anymore, that's why I'm looking for a new one. this one seems to be perfect for me and I hope I get accepted.
What would you bring to the server? A large sum of knowledge of all kinds of mods. I'm kind of a cheerful person and also quite helpful, my builds might not always look great, but they work. That's pretty much it, hope to get accepted.
  • Age:32
  • IGN Pjim
  • What is your experience with FTB/mods?: I've played off and on since FTB was released and modded mc before that
  • Where do you reside at (timezone will do)? UK
  • Why do you want to join? I'm looking to play a bit of MC again and I don't like SSP. I like looking at the things others build, chatting and enjoying server play
  • What would you bring to the server? I'm pretty friendly and like to chat when I've settled in. I've got a bit of knowledge of some mods, though I'm no expert at all. I like helping others when I can.
  • Age: 17 ( 18 in november ) years old.
  • IGN: Gr0mii13
  • What is your experience with FTB/mods? :I play FTB modpack's since a long time. In solo and multi. I've played Mindcrack, direwolf20 modpack ultimate and Unleashed in multiplayers with Frommyeyez, also a lot of "New World mod pack" in solo. I've played a lot of tekkit and voltz too :). So i'm familiar with the mods ;)
  • Where do you reside at (timezone will do)? France (GMT +1)
  • Why do you want to join? My friend frommyeyez and I search for a cool server where we can start something from the start of a server and make new friends :).
  • What would you bring to the server? I can help people, make fair trades, make new friends and make nice buildings where i apply myself and make details buildings.

    Hope join this community, playwith my friend and make new ones. Have a good day :)
Welcome to the server Pjim!

Gr0mii - You will have to get frommyeyez to vouch for you on this thread before I whitelist you. He will be partly responsible for your actions seeing as you don't meet the required age of right now.

Welcome Gr0mii, frommyeyez has vouched for you.
Age: 18
IGN: juiceball
What is your experience with FTB/mods? I have been following FTB since it's creation and before then i used technic so i now most mods like the back of my hand.
Where do you reside at (timezone will do)? Live in Australia, UTC/GMT +10 hours is the official timezone
Why do you want to join? The server i have been playing on (and an admin on) has shut down and i am looking for a new server.
What would you bring to the server? Interesting designs, Help on various mods. Apart from all that i am a decent human being and all (i hope) and want to just bring a bit of fun to the server.
Whitelist application:
  • Age: 18
  • IGN: PlazmaXD
  • What is your experience with FTB/mods? Quite a bit, I have played a lot of ultimate and mindcrack in the last 5-6 months.
  • Where do you reside at (timezone will do)? GMT/UK
  • Why do you want to join? Looking to get in to unleashed and thought what better than to share the experience with others and also we can help each other out different mods that were not familiar with.
  • What would you bring to the server? Like I have said previously I have a lot of experience in FTB and I'm a nice guy that's willing to help others