Whitelist Server HazeCraft |Unleashed V1.1.7 | Whitelist | No plugins/banned items | 24 slots | PvE | 18+

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  • Age: 20
  • IGN: Autista_SvK
  • What is your experience with FTB/mods? I have played FTB for the past 6 months, mainly on Ultimate and I've been testing out Unleashed since it was 1.5.2ngt beta.
  • Where do you reside at (timezone will do)? I'm from Central Europe, Czech Republic to be precise, timezone GMT+1 (CEST)
  • Why do you want to join? I am currently looking for a new and friendly Unleashed server, since my old one kinda "died". We used to be a fun community but ppl stopped playing for the most part and playing all by myself is kinda boring.
  • What would you bring to the server? I like to think I'm quite fun to be around, so I guess I would bring a good atmosphere and a laugh or two. Also I have some experience from the past 6 months so I can and am willing to be helpful to anyone who ask for it :)
Edit 17:38: Fixed spelling of IGN(stupid uppercase letters :D)
  • Age: 34
  • IGN: Steven_McWayne
  • What is your experience with FTB/mods? Played Ultimate for some months. Also programmed my first programs, yay.
  • Where do you reside at (timezone will do)? Germany, GMT+1
  • Why do you want to join? I'm looking for a new friendly server, our old one is gone :/
  • What would you bring to the server? A Player where his energy wiring always explode in the first days :P
  • Age: 22
  • IGN: mrpancakes905
  • What is your experience with FTB/mods? Well for mods in particular, I've been messin' with mods since 1.2.5 of minecraft and I think I've been playin' around with FTB since 1.4.7 of minecraft so I've got plenty of experience with most mods.
  • Where do you reside at (timezone will do)? Eastern Standard Time GMT -4
  • Why do you want to join? I've been lookin' for a good Unleashed server for a good while now and rather curious to see what all is in store for this place.
  • What would you bring to the server? Perhaps a few public farms n' all that and perhaps even build a few useful structures to anyone that needs 'em.
  • Age: 18
  • IGN: Alixstan
  • What is your experience with FTB/mods? I have a average/advance knowledge of the mods
  • Where do you reside at (timezone will do)? GMT+1 (belgium)
  • Why do you want to join? I love the FTb Unleashed Modpack and i would like to share that experience with others, i do like to make contact with new people because i'm social like that
  • What would you bring to the server? A Good laugh and a fun person to the community
  • Contact information: Skype: Alixstan
Age: 19
IGN: Spider1357
What is your experience with FTB/mods? Played on a few servers for both unleashed and ultimate, fair understanting of almost all mods contained.
Where do you reside at (timezone will do)? AEST, +10:00 GMT
Why do you want to join? Really looking to find a server that allows everything single player does, while offering a community to work with.
What would you bring to the server? I have a great understanding of the major mods, and I know enough about programming to assist in that area too.
Welcome to the server MrPancakes, Alixstan, and Spider1357! :)

Bear with me as I am currently travelling back to my home country(Belgium), I will have all three of you whitelisted and provide the IP within about an hour.

Edit - Whitelisted and PM'ed :)
  • Age: 18
  • IGN: ZeroZ30o
  • What is your experience with FTB/mods? Around 9+ servers with mindcrack, ultimate or direwolf20. All the mod inside those I know about, at least a little.
  • Where do you reside at (timezone will do)? Spain, GMT+1
  • Why do you want to join? Because I am looking for a server. If yours is good, which I hope it is, especially with only 18+ players, I'll stay. Not that I want to give a "blazed" first impression, but that's how all server go, sadly. I've been to alot of bad servers. EDIT: I forgot to add, because I'm looking for a small community :D!
  • What would you bring to the server? Big bases inside mountains. Recently I've done "meh" bases inside mountains, and this time I wanna go big but efficient (it's always a pain to have to move around alot when crafting something Gregtech-related. Aside from that, I love doing community projects, I once did a dual tier-5 blaze spawner xp farm. It gave more xp than you could take. It was fun. Hoping I can do something similar here :p. Oh, and community projects are that: COMMUNITY projects. If I do something, I'm expecting people to help. It's not supposed to be only FOR the community, but BY the community, too.
  • Age:23
  • IGN: Beerbellydude
  • What is your experience with FTB/mods? :I have played with tekkit and also with FTB mod packs on servers.
  • Where do you reside at (timezone will do)? Belgium, UTC +1 hour
  • Why do you want to join? : I want to join this server because it's seems like a fun server where you are not restricted by banned items. Also the age restriction is a plus.
  • What would you bring to the server? : I can make some fun automated machines with intricate piping systems, for example a steam boiler room that makes energy from bio fuel just by using oak trees and nothing else. I also have experience in some other mods.
  • Age:
  • IGN:
  • What is your experience with FTB/mods?
    Played on 2 mindcrack servers so far. Main focus is on ComputerCraft, building farms, ...
  • Where do you reside at (timezone will do)?
    Brussels, GMT+2
  • Why do you want to join?
    Looking for a mature server and want to see some nice creations by others and have fun :-)
  • What would you bring to the server?
    Appreciation, ComputerCraft knowledge, some unique machine setups,...
  • Age: 18
  • IGN: UnIdEnTiFiEd_Fox
  • What is your experience with FTB/mods?: I have been playing since the FTB packs/launcher came out, and I have learned the majority of mods in each of the modpacks.
  • Where do you reside at (timezone will do)? Pacific Time (Canada/US)
  • Why do you want to join? I would like to join a new server, and this seems like a GREAT choice
  • What would you bring to the server? Creativity and Posivtivity
After a little bit of trouble, I managed to join in.
I don't think I'll be able to get on this week, but do know that I did start my base a little.
Xian - Just 2 months ago you were only 16..? Denied.

Zero - haha you call what you described to me a little trouble? Sounded like a whole ordeal! :P See you in-game when you get back :)
  • Like
Reactions: ZeroZ30o
  • Age: 22
  • IGN: honnen11
  • What is your experience with FTB/mods?: I've played since FTB was in beta, was on an ultimate server for quite a while as well, so I would say I'm fairly experienced with the mods.
  • Where do you reside at (timezone will do)?: US, CDT
  • Why do you want to join?: The biggest reason would be because the server isn't loaded down with plugins that, at least to me, are a bit annoying. My previous server was the same way, and I loved it. Community on there is full of awesome people, and any trolls that slipped through were swiftly dealt with, and any damage reverted.
  • What would you bring to the server?: Another helpful, kind player. I will admit though, I don't always build the nicest looking buildings lol, but I am improving :)
  • Also on a side note if your curious, I'm looking for a new server because my previous one is staying on Ultimate, and 1.4.7 has always caused me issues with performance, where as 1.5.2 runs smooth.
  • Age: 18
  • IGN: MARKCayenne
  • What is your experience with FTB/mods? PLayed for a couple of years now.
  • Where do you reside at (timezone will do)? +01:00 UTC
  • Why do you want to join? looking for a good unleashed server
  • What would you bring to the server? My knowledge.
Xian - Just 2 months ago you were only 16..? Denied.

Zero - haha you call what you described to me a little trouble? Sounded like a whole ordeal! :p See you in-game when you get back :)

Yeah it was pretty darn painful. Darn it, MC servers!
Welcome to the server honnen11! :)

Mark - You've recently applied to another server with the age of 25. Something doesn't add up. Denied.