Whitelist Server HavenCraft 'Reborn' | CLOSED | Archive

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there is something wrong with the server, there are some "mods" missing it said to me... do I have to do something, or is it really the server? can anyone explain this to me?
We don't know what is going on, but none of us can log in. So it is the server, I assume.
Jenial! The server has crashed, the error occurs while joining the server, it says:
Forge Mod Loader has found world ID mismatches
ID4093 (ModID: factorization, type FZ resource) is missing
ID4094 (ModID: factorization, type FZ Lightair) is missing
ID4095 (ModID: factorization, type FZ factory) is missing

You cannot connect to this server
I've fixed it.
I know FTB is buggy, but this is a new low.

The config of Factorization rewrote itself, but instead of writing a server side config, it was suddenly a client config.
It took me some time to figure out how to fix it, but it's back up.
A lot of barrels have disappeared, not all. So some of you might have lost all of their resources.. Talking about possible solutions now.
a new map? What? Why?
Edit: It's also down again

1) Factorization blocks have been removed and cant be restored with a backup
2) The world was corrupted due issues with the server host we had
3) The world was lagging out as items generated by quarries and such had nowhere to go and just spit it out
4) It's always fun to start over tbh.

1) Factorization blocks have been removed and cant be restored with a backup
2) The world was corrupted due issues with the server host we had
3) The world was lagging out as items generated by quarries and such had nowhere to go and just spit it out
4) It's always fun to start over tbh.

okay. Could you upload the (corrupted) old map?
Also, why is it down now?
Age: Twenty Two. I was born in the year of our lord one thousand nine hundred and ninety.
In-game Name: My name, as registered through Mojang, AB is as follows: Ginger_Bread
Have you fully read and understood the rules?: Not only have I read over the rules, listed in the original post of this thread, but I have understood them and fully agree with the terms and conditions that have been written as a set of laws to be followed by all members of this minecraft server.
Motivate us why we should whitelist you: I should be whitelisted, in my humble opinion, for countless reasons, much too many to be listed in this application, but I shall try my hardest to make a reasonable application and one that is reasonable in the staff eyes that overlook this server. I am an educated individual. I have a degree from Northwestern University in Electrical Engineering. This degree has assisted me in life in accruing plentiful wealth and numerous opportunities have revealed themselves to me. I do not regret this decision at all, as I have met my fiance through college and I have a stable job through pursuing a career in the field of Electrical Engineering. My boss is actually a very nice man, even though he can be irritable from time to time. These irritability sessions however, are few and far between, so it is generally bearable. My experience with minecraft dates back to late alpha. I have played on and off since this date, jumping from numerous servers as the owners move on to bigger and better things. I played vanilla minecraft up until the official version, which was released on November 18, 2011. This date marked a decrease in activity and interest on my part, which was primarily occupied with real life activities and League of Legends. With the publicity Tekkit provided, my interest was piqued yet again. For approximately two months I thoroughly enjoyed the experiences granted by the Tekkit modpack, and it was as a whole, extremely fun and eyeopening. I was a member of a particular server for the majority of my time, I estimate 80% of my time, which eventually came to a grinding halt as the owner decided to move on to more fulfilling tasks. I don't blame him at all. Again, my will to play minecraft faded. I was introduced to the Feed The Beast modpack by a friend of mine: Anthony. Anthony and I attended the same high school and played on our school's football team. We still keep in touch. After some research on the topic, Feed The Beast seemed like my sort of modpack. It had all the fun aspects of Tekkit but without the cheaty feeling of Equivilent Exchange. Naturally, I melded quite well with the FTB (Feed The Beast) modpack since it is in essence a spiritual successor to Tekkit. I played the Direwolf pack on single player for a short while before moving onto Mindcrack's more difficult experience. I applied to The Construct with the intent of being a part of a friendly server with a reasonably large population to grow, learn, and experiment with others. The Construct, however, has fallen into a series of depressing events which I am sure will end up with it eventually closing the doors to the server. With this situation now obviously in full effect, I turn my eyes to the forums of FTB. Havencraft sticks out as a potential "haven" from the regular map restarts and contingency lapses that existed with The Construct. Hopefully this proves to be correct.
Why do you want to join us?: I would like to join your humble server, Havencraft, simply because you are a new experience, and one that seems to be well moderated. While it could have literally been any other server, Havencraft was the topmost server on the Whitelist Servers section of the Mindcrack Servers subforum. As such, I believe it was perhaps destined to be. There is a large following, and a reasonably active community associated with this server, and there do not appear to be any disabled mods which is extremely appealing, considering many other servers disable a minority of the mods simply because of the potential of griefing. While I don't completely disagree with this mindset, it seems as if punishing the masses for the actions of the few is not the correct way forward, and may actually depreciate an otherwise spotless community.
Do you have any previous bans?: I have one ban, as listed through the McBans Apache Banlist. I am not aware of any other bans, as I do not frequently end up in a situation where a ban would be the logical course of action towards any event I have put into effect.
If answered yes, how come?: I was banned for chatting on an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) server upon which a group of notable griefers used for communicating on. This IRC server was previously used by the minecraft community on the Something Awful forums. A server was annihilated by this group of disgruntled players, and as an act of retribution, the owners systematically banned all the usernames of every user of the IRC chat. As far as I am aware, I have not, nor has my account ever been used for, griefing of any sort. I have no desire to grief or otherwise destroy the integrity of another player's work on any server whatsoever.
Do you have any experience with the mods?: As was previously stated in the subject "Motivate us why we should whitelist you," yes, I am very proficient with the mods present in the FTB modpack, including those listed in the Mindcrack pack on the official FTB modpack directory.
P.S Why would you get kicked every 2hrs?: As is stated in the original post by forum member Jenial, "The server restarts every 2 hours, no announcement!"
What is your secret code?: The explanation of the 'secret code' is as follows: "Your personal codeword are the first two letters of your ingame name, written as a number in order of the alphabet." This explanation is extremely vague, and could be interpreted in countless ways. The assumption may either be that the sum of the first two letters is the codeword, or perhaps that the numbers corresponding to the letters in sequence are equal to the numeric value of the codeword. This vagueness can only be attributed to disregard for contingency in response, so I have devised two reasonable solutions via the use of deductive reasoning. These two solutions are the following: 79, or 16 (7+9)
Age: Twenty Two. I was born in the year of our lord one thousand nine hundred and ninety.
In-game Name: My name, as registered through Mojang, AB is as follows: Ginger_Bread
Have you fully read and understood the rules?: Not only have I read over the rules, listed in the original post of this thread, but I have understood them and fully agree with the terms and conditions that have been written as a set of laws to be followed by all members of this minecraft server.
Motivate us why we should whitelist you: I should be whitelisted, in my humble opinion, for countless reasons, much too many to be listed in this application, but I shall try my hardest to make a reasonable application and one that is reasonable in the staff eyes that overlook this server. I am an educated individual. I have a degree from Northwestern University in Electrical Engineering. This degree has assisted me in life in accruing plentiful wealth and numerous opportunities have revealed themselves to me. I do not regret this decision at all, as I have met my fiance through college and I have a stable job through pursuing a career in the field of Electrical Engineering. My boss is actually a very nice man, even though he can be irritable from time to time. These irritability sessions however, are few and far between, so it is generally bearable. My experience with minecraft dates back to late alpha. I have played on and off since this date, jumping from numerous servers as the owners move on to bigger and better things. I played vanilla minecraft up until the official version, which was released on November 18, 2011. This date marked a decrease in activity and interest on my part, which was primarily occupied with real life activities and League of Legends. With the publicity Tekkit provided, my interest was piqued yet again. For approximately two months I thoroughly enjoyed the experiences granted by the Tekkit modpack, and it was as a whole, extremely fun and eyeopening. I was a member of a particular server for the majority of my time, I estimate 80% of my time, which eventually came to a grinding halt as the owner decided to move on to more fulfilling tasks. I don't blame him at all. Again, my will to play minecraft faded. I was introduced to the Feed The Beast modpack by a friend of mine: Anthony. Anthony and I attended the same high school and played on our school's football team. We still keep in touch. After some research on the topic, Feed The Beast seemed like my sort of modpack. It had all the fun aspects of Tekkit but without the cheaty feeling of Equivilent Exchange. Naturally, I melded quite well with the FTB (Feed The Beast) modpack since it is in essence a spiritual successor to Tekkit. I played the Direwolf pack on single player for a short while before moving onto Mindcrack's more difficult experience. I applied to The Construct with the intent of being a part of a friendly server with a reasonably large population to grow, learn, and experiment with others. The Construct, however, has fallen into a series of depressing events which I am sure will end up with it eventually closing the doors to the server. With this situation now obviously in full effect, I turn my eyes to the forums of FTB. Havencraft sticks out as a potential "haven" from the regular map restarts and contingency lapses that existed with The Construct. Hopefully this proves to be correct.
Why do you want to join us?: I would like to join your humble server, Havencraft, simply because you are a new experience, and one that seems to be well moderated. While it could have literally been any other server, Havencraft was the topmost server on the Whitelist Servers section of the Mindcrack Servers subforum. As such, I believe it was perhaps destined to be. There is a large following, and a reasonably active community associated with this server, and there do not appear to be any disabled mods which is extremely appealing, considering many other servers disable a minority of the mods simply because of the potential of griefing. While I don't completely disagree with this mindset, it seems as if punishing the masses for the actions of the few is not the correct way forward, and may actually depreciate an otherwise spotless community.
Do you have any previous bans?: I have one ban, as listed through the McBans Apache Banlist. I am not aware of any other bans, as I do not frequently end up in a situation where a ban would be the logical course of action towards any event I have put into effect.
If answered yes, how come?: I was banned for chatting on an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) server upon which a group of notable griefers used for communicating on. This IRC server was previously used by the minecraft community on the Something Awful forums. A server was annihilated by this group of disgruntled players, and as an act of retribution, the owners systematically banned all the usernames of every user of the IRC chat. As far as I am aware, I have not, nor has my account ever been used for, griefing of any sort. I have no desire to grief or otherwise destroy the integrity of another player's work on any server whatsoever.
Do you have any experience with the mods?: As was previously stated in the subject "Motivate us why we should whitelist you," yes, I am very proficient with the mods present in the FTB modpack, including those listed in the Mindcrack pack on the official FTB modpack directory.
P.S Why would you get kicked every 2hrs?: As is stated in the original post by forum member Jenial, "The server restarts every 2 hours, no announcement!"
What is your secret code?: The explanation of the 'secret code' is as follows: "Your personal codeword are the first two letters of your ingame name, written as a number in order of the alphabet." This explanation is extremely vague, and could be interpreted in countless ways. The assumption may either be that the sum of the first two letters is the codeword, or perhaps that the numbers corresponding to the letters in sequence are equal to the numeric value of the codeword. This vagueness can only be attributed to disregard for contingency in response, so I have devised two reasonable solutions via the use of deductive reasoning. These two solutions are the following: 79, or 16 (7+9)

Haha, I can't deny this is better then your previous post.
Welcome Ginger_Bread!
Due the fact we started a new world, you'll notice the server is running on a brick stone. As soon as a player generated new land, you'll be unable to do anything but chatting. Please be patient for a day or so until most of the land has been generated.
I actually like that we got a new map. I suggest we try to make a shared twilight forest portal because apparently that made a ton of stupid random portals everywhere.

Thanks for the hard work Jenial!
I actually like that we got a new map. I suggest we try to make a shared twilight forest portal because apparently that made a ton of stupid random portals everywhere.

Thanks for the hard work Jenial!

Thats a pretty good idea.