Whitelist Server Gunnar's Server [24/7] Upgraded 8.0.1v [Whitelisted]

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Come Join the Server Just Comment with your:

Why You want to join:
Skype: [Optional]

Standard server rules:
  • No Griefing
  • No Stealing
  • No Cheating/hacking
  • No PvP, pre-arranged is allowed
  • Be respectful & Mature
  • Be Active
  • No abuse of Caps Lock
  • Help others if you can
  • Try to build a little away from spawn
  • Have Fun!
  • Server Ip: mc14.serverminer.com:25581
Do not for get the port.

I also have a twitter that gives you info on the Live streams on twitch and Lets play series on YouTube. So come join and be seen on YouTube and twitch.
Twitter Url: https://twitter.com/gunnar19991

Thank You,
Username: xxhg
Age: 15
Why You want to join: I have played FTB when it first came out and I always wanted to play with people
Skype: [Optional] juliovaldesjr
Age: 15
Why You want to join: im looking for a small FTB server that i can play on because i often find my self cheating in singleplayer
Skype: nadoxar97
AGE: 15
WHY: I want a small, private server that has a friendly community, people that are friends on Skype, and share jokes/pranks.
SKYPE: sl8rsc
Username: nathie1000
Age: 19
Why You want to join: Looking for a place to play online.
Skype: [Optional] Nathie1000
Q: Are the cheat-items disabled or is it player trusted?
Why You want to join: Im searching for small private community server
Skype: [Optional] tautvilis1
Username: marineblakester
Age: 14
Why You want to join: because i like smalll servers and that are whitelisted and hang out :)
Skype: blakehayes17
Username: jkkid
Age: 16
Why You want to join: i used to host a server but the lag was unbearable for others so they all left me
Skype: [Optional]
Username: suketchi
Age: 18
Why You want to join: to much lag on old server sorry jkkid lol ^^^^
Skype: [Optional]
Username: DrCAH
Why You want to join:I have never played FTB before but I have watched Etho play alot. I think it would great for me to learn on a no griefing server. I also think it would be great for me to play on a server mature people.
Skype: [Optional]DrCAH
Since this is the mindcrack section, and he didnt mention any changes in his post, would assume mindcrack?
Username: Tombenpotter
Age: 16
Why You want to join: I just want to join a nice server with some people to have fun with
Skype: [Optional] tombenpotter.minecraft
Username: jfarmer_kk
Age: 16
Why You want to join: Have been looking for a small server to settle down in, been in multpy servers before wich all have shut down within a few months, so hoping for the same not to happen here.
Skype: MeatEatingPiper
Username: 5732Bobster5732
Age: 14
Why You want to join: Ive been looking for a whitelisted FTB server because on public ones you always get griefed and you have to have your base hidden, i want to sharre my things with others though :D
Skype: [Optional Bobster5732
Username: BetaBug
Age: 17
Why You want to join: I am looking for a server that doesn't have abusive admins and griefers, and I don't have the space/money to host one my self. Also lazyness plays a keyfactor in this.
Skype: [Optional] bananabug2812
Username: Fair
Age: 19
Why You want to join: I'm looking for a server to play with my friends with a nice community and insirational players. I have a vast knowledge of all the mods in FTB and will assist in any problems that may come up.
Skype: UltraFair
Username: Killerelf1008
Age: 14
Why You want to join: Me and Da_3p1c_0n3 were on a whitelisted mindcrack server together which unfortunately got shut-down we are now in the process of looking for a new one
Skype: [Optional] killerelf1008
Username: Da_3p1c_0n3
Age: 15
Why You want to join: I have been playing on multiple mindcrack-like servers, but unfortunately they got shut down. I have experierence with thaumcraft and my friend killerelf1008 will also apply to this server. I really hope this server will stay alive unlike the others i have played on.
Skype: [Optional] marinus_windhorst
Username: Ashen92
Age: 20
Why You want to join: I'm looking for a small, friendly, and fun server to play on.
Skype: Will message privately if accepted.