Yogscast mainly.
Also its a "new" thing as there's no healer(support)/dps/tank.
every class can fulfill the role of their choice.[/quote]
the yogscast part is total utter BS, its called guild wars 1 which was big anyways and not thanks to yogscast, they wish they had that fanbase.[/quote]
The Yogscast did create some of the hype around the game because thats what they do.
But yes GW1 was a success and most people are going to transfer.
TotalBiscuit did also help with the hype. Along with a buck load of other Youtubers.
And does it even matter where the hype came from?
As long as GW2 is a success too then we should all be happy.
Also I don't think Yogscast want anymore angry "subs" yelling "MORE HERPKIT!!! WHERE'S SHADOW OF DERPSHRAFEL?!? UNSUBSCRIBE!"
Btw don't feel offended by this answer
I'm not trying to attack you in any way what so ever.[/quote]
every youtuber or anyone who advertised it by anyway created sine hype