Gregtech Quarry

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is not a gregtech flame war please :)

I am wanting to try the challenge that gregtech has thrown at me in ultimate but can someone let me know if I can smelt titanium dust in a normal blast furnace. How do I upgrade my diamond drill? I eventually want a quarry but it says I need a industrial blast furnace, that looks a little out of my range at the moment. I am going to have to wait till I try for a quarry?
Now Guswut, he said he was in it for the challenge. Turtles are probably the single most non-challenging thing in FTB, aside from punching wood... well technically, they can also punch wood for you.
Now Guswut, he said he was in it for the challenge. Turtles are probably the single most non-challenging thing in FTB, aside from punching wood... well technically, they can also punch wood for you.

Turtles, the single most non-challenging thing in FTB?

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An industrial blast furnace is probably your first big hurdle in GregTech, but it isn't terribly expenisve, compared to something like a high-pressure boiler. I recommend going straight for 34 advanced casings, rather than starting with the basic casings. You can use a railcraft blast furnace to make the 54 steel you'll need, and the rest of it is pretty straightforward - you just need a compressor to make the carbon plates and a rolling machine for the mixed metal ingots and heating elements. After that, hook it up to an MFE supplied by your generator of choice, and you're set. Just don't throw too much titanium in at once, unless you have more than 128 EU/t of power generation available. Otherwise, you run the risk of running out of EU in the middle of the process and wasting a bunch of energy.
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As above posters have said, the first step in GT is the industrial blast furnace. As CodaPDX pointed out, the challenge is really not in building the machine - it takes less resources than you think, considering that each casing recipe yields 4. All you need is a good foundation in basic machines to build it. The challenge of the blast furnace is the EU cost.

Gregtech machines are tricky (and realistic) in that when they run out of energy, the process doesn't pause - it starts over. So the little arrow going towards the output slot resets. It then continues to chew up energy without accomplishing anything because it runs out. So definitely don't put too much in a blast furnace at once unless you've got a nice full MFSU (one dedicated MFE will work fine for a few processes).
It's worth noting that you will also need an industrial electrolyzer for getting the titanium dust, which works similarly (and sometimes is even more of an energy hog). If this is scary, I would argue that this is the biggest hump to get over in Gregtech, so don't worry!
Thanks for the advice, game on then. I will not use turtles, I agree with Mr Lemming in that CC is easily the most OP mod in the game atm.
Thanks for the advice, game on then. I will not use turtles, I agree with Mr Lemming in that CC is easily the most OP mod in the game atm.

Well, it's not if you write the code yourself. But if you just grab an existing quarry program they're way too functional for just a few diamonds.
take a closer look at the ic2-miner with the proper upgrades. it's more or less the 9x9 quarry, but it does not give you these ridiculous amounts of cobblestone. in my first game I powered such a miner with a thorium based nuclear reactor. just the reactor without additional chambers, 2 thorium-cells, and a little vent. and tin cables, since the reactor produces just 4 EU/t

and with that setup, you easily mine a nice amount of resources.
Thanks for the advice, game on then. I will not use turtles, I agree with Mr Lemming in that CC is easily the most OP mod in the game atm.

Turtles are a skill based (either programming skill, or researching skill to find the program you want) mod, and as such they're going to be unbalanced when you compare them to other mods that cannot help but not be skill based.

There is no logical way to balance something as awesome as ComputerCraft beyond understanding that it is already balanced in the best possible way. The vast majority of people hide from ComputerCraft because of ignorance and fear, which is perfectly fine to keep it a mod for people that are willing to do the work involved.

But yeah, feel free to not use turtles. It won't hurt my feelings, nor the turtle's feelings. Good luck with that diamond drill!
How much research does typing in "turtle quarry" into google? Heck, even the default excavate program works very well as a quarry now that it can drop stuff in a chest.

I stopped developing my lumberjack program when i found out how overpowered it was when used together with redwoods.

I mean, I'm not saying CC should be removed (I like my touchscreen that lets you order Mead too much) at all but unfortunately most people just use it as a cheap quarry.
How much research does typing in "turtle quarry" into google? Heck, even the default excavate program works very well as a quarry now that it can drop stuff in a chest.

Yes, it does. And the moment you set up a turtle to do that, and walk off without having it chunkloaded, well, there you go. Or you set it up incorrectly, and get hosed by it.

That aside, even with the most user-friendly design, you're going to run into issues. Thankfully, ComputerCraft isn't a horrible mod that has to code in fake issues for you to run into.

I stopped developing my lumberjack program when i found out how overpowered it was when used together with redwoods.

Sounds about as overpowered as pretty much any of the standard tree farms, except that this one you can get slightly earlier (maybe ten to thirty minutes, at the most).

I'm not really sure what the issue is, but at least you are adult enough to decide to not use it if you don't like it (similar to me and ind. centrifuging lava). Too often, people that don't like something decide to go on a holy war against that, and often need to be taken out back.

I mean, I'm not saying CC should be removed (I like my touchscreen that lets you order Mead too much) at all but unfortunately most people just use it as a cheap quarry.

It's going to be a good deal slower than a quarry (unless properly coded, and even then it'll only be just-about as fast as a quarry), use more power than a quarry, and be less easy to move compared to a quarry (item tesseract, energy tesseract, quarry; chest for items, output into item tesseract, item tesseract, chest for fuel, turtle).

And, of course, if you want a cheap quarry, the IC2 miner is the way to go. It's actually a great deal better than the quarry, especially if you run a few together, as it skips the vast majority of extra blocks and only brings up the stuff that matters.

I assume people don't like/use the IC2 miner because it's harder to power (no energy tesseract), but a battery moving turtle solution (oh no, more turtles, run!) will easily solve that.

Shh, skynet will hear you!

TurtleNet can read your thoughts, so no about of shushing will save you now. Hehehhe.
Sounds about as overpowered as pretty much any of the standard tree farms, except that this one you can get slightly earlier (maybe ten to thirty minutes, at the most).

Heh, you should have seen it. THe amount of wood and saplings (can now be fermented I think) it produced was completely rediculous. For some reason those redwoods take about as long to grow as a normal tree.
Heh, you should have seen it. THe amount of wood and saplings (can now be fermented I think) it produced was completely rediculous. For some reason those redwoods take about as long to grow as a normal tree.

Wait, you weren't using bonemeal? Oh man... I'd say go back to it JUST to use bonemeal. I set up a small array of turtles that cut down redwoods, plant new ones, bonemeal them, and repeat.

Yes, it produced a LOT of wood. And when programmed properly, there is no upkeep involved (unless you somehow get an extremely unlikely roll with no saplings at all spawning for your obsidian pipes to suck up). The real problem, though, is then setting up a system to deal with all of that wood.
Incidentally, making a diamond drill in the GT standard configuration also requires titanium - look for brownish ore under forests and plains to get bauxite.

Once you get access to titanium, if you haven't already got a silk touch tool, you might also look into the electric rock cutter - a rechargeable silk touch tool. Using this with the Industrial Grinder will multiply your ore output, not to mention giving you an easy supply of diamond dust from nikolite.
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Wait, you weren't using bonemeal? Oh man... I'd say go back to it JUST to use bonemeal. I set up a small array of turtles that cut down redwoods, plant new ones, bonemeal them, and repeat.

Didn't have access to unlimited amounts of bonemeal. It was intended as a starter setup. I abandoned it because it was too easy to get vast quantities of wood. I just used part of the program to chop down the big trees that were in my way.