gregtech industrial sawmill

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So, apparently this needs some configuration of machine casings to function(like the industrial blast furnace, which needs to be attached to a 3x3x4 of them identical to the railcraft blast furnace), but I have no clue what and it's page is just a note saying he needs to add information there.

Has anyone managed to get this thing working?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You place a reinforced machine block directly underneath it, then surround that with 8 standard blocks.

Also, if you look at the machine's GUI, the squares on the left represent where you're supposed to put what in multi-block machines.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You place a reinforced machine block directly underneath it, then surround that with 8 standard blocks.

Also, if you look at the machine's GUI, the squares on the left represent where you're supposed to put what in multi-block machines.
Ah, thanks.

Upon further investigation, I had noticed it had a solid black block in the center of 8 casings on the side picture, I just couldn't figure out what the black block was. Red was empty space, white was machine casing, green was the interface block, but no clue what black was until now. Thanks.

Edit: I have no idea what a reinforced machine block is, actually. Machine/advanced machine/highly advanced machine block are all not working. the reinforced casing specifically also doesn't work. Seems like NEI doesn't know what it is either :/

Darlock Ahe

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Basically same you've posted above, just replace "standard/reinforced machine block" with "standard/reinforced machine casing"
8 Standard Machine casings around 1 Reinforced machine casing, sawmill goes on top of the reinforced one.

General rule for UI:
UI shows multiblock layers from top to bottom
Grey block - standard casing
Dark-grey block - reinforced casing
Pink block - Advanced casing
Red block - lava
Blue block - water
Green block - machine itself
At the moment there is only one machine that can use advanced casings, blast furnace.