Gregtech IC² Power

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello everyone , i just wanted to know what IC² power i should use as I have GregTech installed ?
What is the cheapest/most efficient way ?

As far as i am , solar panels are way to expensive and looking at the water mill recipe , i need aluminium , but only getting the dust from bauxite dust , is there any other easier way ? :)
Geothermal Generators. Either find an underground lava lake close by, an RP volcano if you happen to have one near, or the nether and pump the lava.
Windmills can be made with Carbon Plates. The trickiest aspect of them is placing them where they'll be effective but not risk breaking. You can look through the IC2 forums for wind towers to learn to do that. It takes 24 Coal each Windmill, but gathering up Coal Dust gets easier as you get access to Silk Touch or Fortune III. Centrifuging 16 Netherrack will get you 1 Redstone Dust, 1 Coal Dust, and 1 Gold Nugget, so that's an option. The Sulfur Dust byproduct can be used to make 8 Xycraft Sulfur Torches, so it's not useless either.

Geothermals are pretty effective, specially if you either set up a pump station in the Nether, start melting down Netherrack in a Magma Crucible (requires BC power), or don a full hazmat suit to gain immunity to lava and gather up a bunch of lava manually. You can later upgrade the Geothermal Generators once you start building up some Aluminium or Nickel. (Ferrous Ore from Thermal Expansion appears to be Nickel.)

Tree and/or Peat farms can fuel normal generators with Peat or Charcoal. There are a number of ways to make a tree farm, and both of them can be done manually until you build up more resources.
You have a small chance of aluminum using the TE pulverizing machine on bauxite.

Aluminum can be smelted in the regular railcraft blast furnace, which is a lot easier to use than the industrial blast furnace. Also a lot cheaper to build. You want to wait to build the industrial blast furnace until you have some titanium dust and can make all advanced? (middle one) casings. I think building all the middle tier casing is the best first industrial blast furnace.

I am really liking the new gregtech generators though. Specifically the gas turbine.

Your first priority in greg tech should be the industrial elextrolyzer. It is relatively cheap, but you need an MFE to power it and to have enough storage to actually complete work.

I was using a tree farm -> charcoal in regular generators to get by, but then you start to need tons of rubber for IC2/gregtech machines. So i switched my tree farm, which is just a forestry logger to rubber trees and experimented with using the rubber wood as fuel. The rubberwood works really well with an industrial centrifuge -> gas turbine.

Send some rubber wood + 12 cells to an industrial centrifuge and you get 4 methane cells that burn for 45k EU each in the turbine at 16 EU/t and return the cell. I don't know what to do with the carbon cells, so I just send it to the extractor and get the cells back. So you get all your cells back and just need to supply wood. I can't find the centrifuge time, but you can keep at least 3 turbines going with one centrifuge (that is what i have built so far). I would not be surprised if the burn time of the methane cell and the centrifuge time are equal, so you could keep ~4 gas turbines going per centrifuge.

That is 64 EU/t and the gas turbines store 1m EU, which is great for the annoying industrial centrifuges that only need 5 EU/t, but may need it consistently for 40 minutes. Rubber wood also gives 8 resin, which you should know what to do with. I haven't looked at RP2 pipes yet, but you can automate with buildcraft pipes using basically every side of the centrifuge (top center/wood input, bottom empty cell input, 1 side all 4 outputs).

To get gas turbines or aluminum on the cheap. Build an MFE and use whatever basic generators you have/like to store up 256k EU. Build the industrial electrolizer and process your bauxite dust (12 dust + 8 cans). From the output I convert the air cans back to empty cells and centrifuge every 4 water cells to get 3 empty back and some fancy fusion fuel i may want way down the road.

On the logger, it is a very good use of diamonds even without the arboretum yet. You can spam saplings in a 10x10 area around a forestry logger. A hobbyist steam engine will run for hours on one stack of charcoal and is plenty to power the logger. Loggers automatically output to pipes (top sapling, side wood), so it is super easy to sort. Every hour or two i'll grab some saplings and spam them around the logger.

Forgot to mention make your MFE's out of rubbies -- they should be more common than diamonds... i know i have about a 3 rubbies for each diamond in my storage.
For the Carbon Cells, you can combine it with 4 Hydrogen Cells to make 4 Methane Cells... though at the loss of 1 cell.
I don't know what to do with the carbon cells, so I just send it to the extractor and get the cells back.
You can put 9 of them into an Electric Autocrafting table to get 9 cells and a Raw Carbon Fibre out of them, so you can make Carbon Plates as a bi-product of your farm as well.
Thanks for all of your support , i think I'll try use Peppe's way when i'm able to understand half of it :D, but don't worry , i'm gonna stick to it and try my best, i'm really good with all the other mods but i'm new to GregTech and i liked the whole endgame feeling of it so i added it in my DW20 pack.

So first steps :

1. Industrial Electrolyzer
2. and then ? what should i work to ?

Industrial Electrolyzer + MFE to process bauxite dust and rail craft blast furnace to get aluminum ingots for the aluminum dust. A stack of charcoal in a regular generator will get you to the 256k EU you need to process one round of bauxite.

I think it was 12 aluminum ingots for the Gas turbine and with it make an Industrial Centrifuge (produces the fuel to burn in turbine). You might need other tier 1 machines to make alloys/carbon plates etc, but should be pretty clear what you need.

Centrifuge rubber wood for methane cells. Might be other good sources of methane cells, but rubber wood also gives resin for rubber.

Make a second centrifuge to process the resin or just manually stop your methane production to process rubber when you need it.

I need to move my factory around or I would give you some screenshots to help. But you can manually move these things around as the methane cells burn for a long time and the centrifuge is slow as well.
2. and then ? what should i work to ?
Probably the Industrial Centrifuge next, then the Blast Furnace (RailCraft or GregTech, you need steel), then the Industrial Grinder, much later, for Iridium Plates, you need the Implosion Compressor next, and finally way way way later, you should make a Matter Fabricator and a Fusion Reactor
Another question, I don't feel that this deserves a standalone topic: I finally created an industrial blast furnace, reinforced casing (1800k heat, I think) and I'm trying to transform my silicon cells into silicon plates for some solar power (128.000 EU required at 128 EU/t for 50 seconds). I linked the furnace to a 90% full MFE and let it run with 16 silicon cells; it took the first two, reached about 75% of progress and then stopped and said insufficient energy line. The progress arrow got back to its minimum, the furnace is still draining 128 EU/t from my MFE but no silicon plates for me. I'm using 2x insulated gold cable and the furnace is 12 blocks away from the MFE. So...
What in hell is going on?
I think building all the middle tier casing is the best first industrial blast furnace.

This is true, but note that you will need 18 standard casings for an industrial grinder so if its easier to start a blast furnace with 18 standard/16 Reinforced then there is no loss.

(The industrial sawmill, if you're so inclined, uses another 8 standard - so you could get away with 26 standard/8 reinforced to start with no permanent lossage of materials)

It should be noted though that you need all 34 reinforced casings to smelt chrome. You can't get away with a single standard one and make the temperature requirement.

Send some rubber wood + 12 cells to an industrial centrifuge and you get 4 methane cells that burn for 45k EU each in the turbine at 16 EU/t and return the cell. I don't know what to do with the carbon cells

9 of them for raw carbon fibre which is part of carbon plates which is used in lots of things

Or mix 1 carbon and 4 hydrogen (easily from water in the electrolyzer) for 4 more methane (Which costs: 93,000 EU to create the hydrogen and creates 180k EU worth of methane)
I'm using 2x insulated gold cable and the furnace is 12 blocks away from the MFE. So...
What in hell is going on?
Your power line is not good, that's what is going on, if you are using 2x insulated gold cable, you are losing about 4 eu for every packet that goes through that line, all GregTech multi-block machines require a constant 128 EU/T, and it is receiving a constant 124 EU/T instead, so it resets. In order to fix it, you need to use LV Transformers to convert the power down into 32 EU/P, then you can use copper cables and 2 LV Transformers next to each other with one uptransforming the power, and the other down transforming the power (I don't know if I'm explaining this well enough) once every about 4 blocks in order to have absolutely no loss in the power line. Alternatively, you can alter "B:ConstantEnergyMachine=true" in the config to "false" to make it so the machines do not need constant power.
This is true, but note that you will need 18 standard casings for an industrial grinder so if its easier to start a blast furnace with 18 standard/16 Reinforced then there is no loss.

(The industrial sawmill, if you're so inclined, uses another 8 standard - so you could get away with 26 standard/8 reinforced to start with no permanent lossage of materials)

It should be noted though that you need all 34 reinforced casings to smelt chrome. You can't get away with a single standard one and make the temperature requirement.

9 of them for raw carbon fibre which is part of carbon plates which is used in lots of things

Or mix 1 carbon and 4 hydrogen (easily from water in the electrolyzer) for 4 more methane (Which costs: 93,000 EU to create the hydrogen and creates 180k EU worth of methane)

As posted above the carbon cells should go to an electric crafting table to get the carbon fiber and keep the cells for only 5k EU. That is a steal.

You will need to redo your math for the blast furnace as the is an unlisted feature that each lava source block in the core adds 250k, for a max of 500k. Should make it cheaper to reach the 1700 in your first industrial blast furnace build.
Or maybe move the machine closer to the MFE. Barring that, make another MFE that the first one feeds into that then feeds into the blast furnace.
Everyone seems to love to make these Rube Goldberg devices for EU (and yes, I get that's kind of the point for a lot of people). Using Thermal Expansion' Magma Crucible to turn netherrack to lava will create more than enough energy to power both your IC2 and Buildcraft needs without making a pump or much of anything else.
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I'm amazed no one has suggested charcoal to methane...
It's ridiculously easy to set up a self-sustained logger/arboretum set-up, and even easier if you know how to program turtles.
And the yield on methane is ridiculous, especially if you send it through steam boilers first, and use the MJ to produce lava from cobble.