Gregtech Configs Guide

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Seems like a lot of people have trouble with this, so I figured I'd just write a shitty one up and see if it helps anyone.

Unlike most mods, Gregtech doesn't have a simple .ini file, it has it's own folder in the config folder housing several .ini files, most of which(all but BlockItemIDs.ini) will affect recipes or other features in the game.

Forestry Bronze: Gregtech.ini, Features, ForestryBronzeNerf=false fixes it.
EDIT: It appears that in 1.5.2 Forestry probably reduced it's bronze recipe to 2 bars for every 3 copper + 1 tin on it's own, and Gregtech has removed the config option as it is now irrelevant. Source: I opened Magic Farm modpack to check myself.

"My machines are randomly cutting off and destroying my items!": Gregtech.ini, Features, ConstantEnergyMachine=false fixes it.

"Where's the mass fabricator and how am I supposed to make this ridiculous matter fabricator that I hate/costs way too much EU to work/Costs iridium to make when you need it to make iridium": You can alter the EU cost of the Matter Fabricator in Gregtech.ini, features, MatterFabricationRate. If you just hate the entire concept, you can re-enable the Mass Fabricator in Recipes.ini, IC2recipes, change to MassFabricator=true to enable it. You can also opt to increase the Iridium spawn rate in gregtech.ini, worldgeneration, IridiumProbability. I personally play with mine set at 60, the "20" works out to one in 5 chunks somehow or another.

"wtf my quarry needs a drill which needs titanium which needs an industrial blast furnace? WTF?!?!": You can disable the quarry requiring a diamond drill in Recipes.ini, usefullrecipes, set ExpensiveBCQuarryRecipe=false to fix. If you're just here to get the drill, you can remove the titanium cost by going to Recipes.ini, usefullrecipes, set TitaniumDiamondDrill=false to fix.

"wtf why does the iron drill/chainsaw require steel all of the sudden?" You can go to Recipes.ini, usefullrecipes, set ElectricSteelTools=false to fix.

"Why can't I make mixed metal ingots?": They require a rolling machine to craft by default. You can change this back by going to Recipes.ini, usefullrecipes, set MMIngotOnlyRollingMachine=false to fix.

"WTF HAPPEN TO MY SOLAR PANEL/WATER MILL/WIND MILL RECIPES? WTF IS MAGNESIUM PLATE?!!?" Each has their own setting, head to Recipes.ini, usefullrecipes, set ExpensiveSolarRecipe=false to fix solar panels, ExpensiveWatermillRecipe=false to fix water mills, ExpensiveWindRecipe=false to fix wind mills.

"What is the deal with these refined iron plates?" That is Greg's new plate bending machine thing. Apparently he changed a bunch of IC2 recipes to require the plates for some reason without actually putting a config option in to disable it. If you want the old recipes back without having to ditch his entire mod, make sure to let him know here: that you want a config option for it


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
-addonrecipes {
--Everything in this section is a block or item added by Gregtech. Any which are turned to "false" will not be craftable in game.

-dungeon {
--This section affects dungeon loot. DungeonICredits determines whether or not you can find Industrial Credits(an IC2 coin) in dungeon loot or not.
--DungeonLoot is a bit of a mystery, knowing gregtech it may actually turn dungeon loot off, don't ever change this to false.
--DungeonMusicDiscFix probably does what it says, seems to be set to false by default though. Probably harmless either way.

-features {
--ConstantEnergyMachine is a big one. If this is set to true, any gregtech(not IC2 machines according to noskk) machine that doesn't get full power for the entire duration of an action will fail and destroy the item that was being processed. Honestly this seems really buggy and several of his machines won't be fully powered when they're connected to more power than they need for some bizarre reason(Electrolyzer), I would always set this to false.
--DisableStoneInRecycler does what it says. Fairly straightforward.
--ForestryBronzeNerf will change the forestry recipe to output two bronze ingots instead of four. Turning this to false sets it to four.
--MatterFabricationRate determines how much EU it will cost to manufacture one UU Matter in the Matter Fabricator. By default this is set to 100 times the cost of a full scrap run in a Mass Fabricator. Changing this number changes the cost. It does not affect the Mass Fabricator in any way.
--MinerListLavaAddition: No clue. Maybe it lets/forces a Miner to suck up lava? I think I would turn this to false if I ever used an IC2 miner just to be cautious.
--Reactorplanner and Seedscanner are features added to the gregtech Computercube. They do exactly what they say. Disabling either of these should remove them from the Gregtech Computercube.
--UpgradeStackSize: Upgrades like overclockers and whatnot are limited by this setting. Whatever you change it to is the max stack size.

-general {
--Some weird stuff. I'd leave it all alone. Debug modes and whatnot are only asking for trouble, and machine casings would be horribly ugly without connected textures.

-quantumsuit {
--All of these edit what the quantumsuit can do. They're fairly obvious just by reading them.

-unificatortargets {
--I'm not entirely sure how this works. Maybe someone else is and they'll post to correct me and I'll edit it in. Perhaps it has something to do with the industrial compressor making RP2 gems instead of Gregtech gems?

-unificatortargets: IIRC this works like the lexicon but only for ingots/dusts, you can convert ingots using his electric crafting table, and the configs tells which mod to target.. (he said about re-coding so you could use other ingots for the compressor, so this config might be part of it later..)

--Just what ores are enabled in world gen. Be aware that Gregtech silver is disabled by default in the Mindcrack pack. If you feel silver is too rare you can enable this to add more, however it will not spawn lead like the silver we have now does. Also, "iridium probability" seems to be some sort of a % chance to have iridium per chunk, however everyone I've talked to swears that it limits it to a hard 1 in 5 chunks rather than being an actual 20% chance per chunk. 100 seems to have a 64x64 quarry pull 4-6 in per full run top to bottom.


-centrifugeelectrolyze {
--Just enables/disables the centrifuge and electrolyzer recipes. Some may take interest in the "Lava" one, as this one allows you to pump in a bit of lava for free metals(as I understood it, I've never done it myself).

-cheaperrecipes {
--They're just that, cheaper recipes, or more expensive recipes with much higher material outputs. Some people may feel that with rubies and sapphires being extremely common in RP2 that the recipes to turn those into energy/lapotron crystals are a bit too easy, this is where you turn those off.

-circuitry {
--This section allows you to substitute various other mods' circuits and machine blocks for the IC2 circuits and machineblocks when making Gregtech(and only Gregtech) machines. If you hate the annoying ass flashing and cycling around that NEI does on all the gregtech recipes, disable all these.

-ic2recipes {
--Mass Fabricator determines whether youare allowed to craft a Mass Fabricator or not. Set to true if you hate the matter fabricator completely.
--The other options allow you to disable the Quantum Suit recipes if you just want to remove the damn thing completely.

--These allow you to take these ores that would normally break down into something else and macerate/pulverize/industrial grinder them for additional yield.

-storageblockcompression {
--Anything set to true in here will allow you to make a block of whatever material in the compressor. NEVER ENABLE COPPER, it has it's own compressor recipe that uses 8 to make the thick copper plates used constantly in nuclear power.

-storageblockcrafting {
--Anything set to false here will delete the crafting table recipe to make storage blocks. NEVER DISABLE COPPER, you cannot use the compressor to make copper blocks because it needs to make thick copper plates.

-storageblockmaceration {
--Anything set to true here will allow you to macerate a block to return the material it was made with. Works just like crafting them.

-storageblockreversecrafting {
--Anything disabled here will no longer be able to be reverse crafted back into dusts/gems/ingots/etc in a crafting table. I would recommend that you always leave diamonds, rubies, emeralds, and sapphires set to true, as each of those can be macerated into dust and cannot be converted back without significant loss.

-storageblocksmelting {
--This will let you smelt a storage block into it's original ingot form(limited to metals) if set to true. No gain/loss from doing this, however it will give you free exp if you use a furnace that gives exp. It's not enough to warrant sitting there and compressing them and then smelting them again, even with an induction furnace.

-usefullrecipes {
--BeryliumReflector: just some reflector for nuclear power.

--BeryliumReflector: this config also alter whether you need to make endermen farm for fusion coils or not.. because to make 1 fusion coil you need 1 iridium reflector/8 Be-cells/128 ender pearls.

--Compress2StorageBlock: I guess this enables that entire section above or something?
--DifficultIridiumPlate: does what it says if set to true.
--ElectricSteelTools: Makes your electric tools require steel instead of refined iron if set to true.
--ExpensiveBCQuarryRecipe: Makes the BC quarry require a diamond drill instead of a diamond pick if set to true.
--ExpensiveLaser: I believe this makes it require diamonds and steel and a ruby instead of the normal recipe, not 100% positive on the exact recipe though.
--ExpensiveMaceratorRecipe: Makes the macerator require diamonds instead of flint.\
--ExpensiveNukeRecipe: Appears to affect the actual Nuke, not nuclear power or anything like that. Not sure what it costs though.
--ExpensiveSolar/Watermill/WindRecipe: Solar panels/watermills/windmills have materials only created by the industrial centrifuge and/or blast furnace added to their recipes if these are set to true.
--MMIngotOnlyRollingMachine: If set to true, this makes mixed metal ingots only craftable in Railcraft's Rolling Machine.
--Storageblock2Macerator: Apparently controls one of the previous sections.
--TitaniumDiamondDrill: Makes the diamond drill recipe cost two titanium in addition to the three diamonds.
--ToolAndArmorMaceration: This will allow you to macerate undamaged armor and tools into the exact amount of ingots it took to craft them. This appears to only work on bronze armor/tools at the moment(which is rare dungeon loot). Unless I'm crazy and missed something, anyway.
--WatermillReverseCrafting: Allows you to craft two watermills side by side to make a plain generator, destroying any of the other materials you used to make the water mills in the process.

-uumrecipes {
--These control various UUM recipes, fairly obvious when you read them. Any set to false will be disabled in game.


There's really not much reason to be messing with this if you've needed to read this far down. Most of it isn't even marked properly, and most of the things could/will cause some items to be unattainable if they are set to false.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
--ConstantEnergyMachine: this is only for GregTech machines (IC2 machines are not affected)

-unificatortargets: IIRC this works like the lexicon but only for ingots/dusts, you can convert ingots using his electric crafting table, and the configs tells which mod to target.. (he said about re-coding so you could use other ingots for the compressor, so this config might be part of it later..)

--BeryliumReflector: this config also alter whether you need to make endermen farm for fusion coils or not.. because to make 1 fusion coil you need 1 iridium reflector/8 Be-cells/128 ender pearls.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Btw, the ConstantEnergyMachine bug is fixed in the latest version, here's the changelog..

Fixed your "Energy-Issue", by setting the Machine to negative Progress Time (-10 Ticks) if the Progress Time is negative, then it doesnt cost Energy to get back to 0, but after the 0, it will again start to produce.
Generalized Storage Block Crafting. The old Configs for Storage Blocks are now all Ineffective, please use the advanced Config to restrict some of the Blocks. The Default didnt change so dont worry if you did nothing to that Config.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
On my mindcrack server i disabled the forestry bronze nerf but it does not seem to take any effect, any idea?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
On my mindcrack server i disabled the forestry bronze nerf but it does not seem to take any effect, any idea?
Not sure.

I just tried it on an un-altered mindcrack install and it worked fine. I guess just check for typos, re-save, restart server, etc.

Also, there's going to be issues if players have different config options from the server that are bizarre and don't make a lot of sense, may want to look into that as well.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
All I know is in my single player world where I've been playing Ultimate, I got a sign from a scrapbox I made. Looked at it and decided to put it over my door to my house with these words, "Gregtech" "Sucks my" "!!#$%!" ... makes me happy every time I go into my house. I really should put my game on easy mode, but I keep struggling. Oh, can't wait for my next sign from a scrap box ... I got some plans for that sign all right. And I don't thing Greg's gunna like what it says either. :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Compress2StorageBlock: If set to true, you can't make storage blocks (gold, diamond, iron, etc.) in a crafting table by putting 9 of the material in it. You MUST make them in a compressor. (Excludes Xychorium right now, but Greg might change that.)

So basically, it does what you said. You just need to say it so people can understand if they skipped to that section.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Compress2StorageBlock: If set to true, you can't make storage blocks (gold, diamond, iron, etc.) in a crafting table by putting 9 of the material in it. You MUST make them in a compressor. (Excludes Xychorium right now, but Greg might change that.)

So basically, it does what you said. You just need to say it so people can understand if they skipped to that section.

I actually have been searching for half an hour, and i still can't find the stupid option!!! in which file, en under wich section can it be found?

EDIT: And yes, right as i typed this, i found it. Anyway, thanks pokefan :)

EDIT2: Another question: I still can't craft my storageblocks? compressing didn't work either


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I actually have been searching for half an hour, and i still can't find the stupid option!!! in which file, en under wich section can it be found?

EDIT: And yes, right as i typed this, i found it. Anyway, thanks pokefan :)

EDIT2: Another question: I still can't craft my storageblocks? compressing didn't work either

This will ensure that you can craft storage block in a crafting table: go to RecipesAdvancedConfig.cfg, change everything under storageblockcrafting and storageblockdecrafting to true.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I set ElectricSteelTools=false, but now the electric wrench has no recipe whatsoever.

Checked the GregTech and IC2 configs. Is something else disabling it?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I set ElectricSteelTools=false, but now the electric wrench has no recipe whatsoever.

Checked the GregTech and IC2 configs. Is something else disabling it?
using 1.0.2 ultimate?

the uu2bauxite config there is broken as well as a few other things.

it's true by default but cannot be turned on.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What about the fact that all the recipes now require metal plates which require a rolling machine which requires metal plates the new version of gregtech in FTB basically breaks the entire IC2 Tech line


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm having a problem where i pulverize my copper/tin ore into the pulverized copper/tin dusts, but when I smelt them the result is the RP2 copper/tin, is there a config file I can change to fix that because I like the texture for the TE copper and tin WAY better.