Gregtech Appreciation Thread

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oatmonster first off I will not flame or bash you for yet another GT topic & the reason is this, you have not added a poll (god every gt topics seems to have one) secondly you listed you views in an informed & easy to understand fashion, I may not agree with all your views but commend you for being as balanced in you post as you could be, the main problem I have with most all GT topics is this & this alone: why oh why does GT get so much exposure, many many mods are just as worthy.

I can take or leave GT, I really just dont care if its on a server play fine, if not fine, I just happen to think the author has a god complex & will one day end up completely balancing vanilla as he sees fit, these are my views & mine alone, disagree or agree but remember this is only a game.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I really like Gregtech.
I used to hate it, hate it's nerfs and everything.
But I learned about the cool machines.
And I also learned that nerfs can be good.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am also grateful for the renewable Forestry fertilizer recipe added by Gregtech that lets run my multifarms off enderpearls and water.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Spoken like someone who has never tried to build a factory using it. I have no idea what Greg is doing supporting MJ directly, except perhaps trolling every Thermal Expansion user super-hard.
I don't get this comment... Do you like it or not? The first part sounds like you know it has a terrible conversion rate and it isn't viable to build a GT factory using MJ power. While the second part sounds like GT is doing something terribly OP it shouldn't be doing (and in doing so trying to copy/obsolete TE).

The conversion rate with the Pneumatic Generator is 1:1, so you need an insane amount of MJ compared to (pretty much) any other conversion method in existence. Personally I like it because I can now build everything using MJ power and just ignore the dread that's EU power. btw, GT also has a steam generator upgrade, which allows you to run his machines with steam. Again it's a feature I quite like.

This might just be me, but I like how GT is becoming less dependent on IC2. Then again, I'm not a huge fan of IC2. Not that it should be removed from the packs, but I personally won't use it, if stuff it does can be done with other mods (like grinding ores).

Henry Link

Popular Member
Dec 23, 2012
USA - East Coast
I've used GT on my sever for a while now. However, I've finally had enough and stopped using it. While I don't mind the hard mode or the tier progression there are just some things I don't care for. First, I don't care for him changing the recopies for other mods. He didn't write those mods so he should not mess with what the original mod author intended. Second, a GT machine should not blow up if you hit it with the wrong device. I can actually understand losing the machine (revert back to machine block or something). I can actually deal with loosing a machine if I hook it up incorrectly. But I can not agree with a machine blowing up and taking everything else around it out if it is hit with the wrong device.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Meh, It adds cool stuff, But the reason i dislike it is because it puts in a bunch of boring grind, (Extra credits did a whole thing on grinding i think)

And you just have to go tediously mining for an hour to get anything,

I mean i dont think it's valid to make it so hard to get windmills and watermills, They're really slow low voltage power and he STILL makes them need a bloddy assembler to get


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I like GT with the default configs, even though I wish machines went faster sometimes. But then again, I enjoy mining for the sake of mining. Resource costs don't scare me when I have more then enough resources to build my basic machines before I've even picked a spot for a house, usually. The speed (or rather lack thereof) can get on my nerves with some machines, as stated before, and sometimes I wish I had Iridium easier, but all in all, it's a good mod.

Also I find myself coming up with cool uses for the Machine Box. When I realized it could take upgrades, I was very happy.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Meh, It adds cool stuff, But the reason i dislike it is because it puts in a bunch of boring grind, (Extra credits did a whole thing on grinding i think)
Wasn't that on grinding in MMOs? And I remember the point in that was that you get random stuff and the randomness is what adds (perceived) value, while a smaller more consistent reward is perceived as having little/no value. I think they used a crafting system in an (in dev) MMO to discuss this or something.

The thing to keep in mind though is that modders aren't professional game designers (or at least not all of them are). Not that all mods have bad design, but if people that know nothing about game design are doing game design they're bound to make mistakes/bad decisions (IC2 has a lot of this as well imho). In the end though we can't stop people from liking "bad" or "good" designs/things. It's a matter of taste, at least to some degree.
Despite GTs design flaws I still like it though and I don't consider more expensive recipes to be a design flaw. I mean having to go caving more than 1 time to make something is something I don't mind and you can easily set up an auto mining solution before even starting with GT.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wasn't that on grinding in MMOs? And I remember the point in that was that you get random stuff and the randomness is what adds (perceived) value, while a smaller more consistent reward is perceived as having little/no value. I think they used a crafting system in an (in dev) MMO to discuss this or something.

The thing to keep in mind though is that modders aren't professional game designers (or at least not all of them are). Not that all mods have bad design, but if people that know nothing about game design are doing game design they're bound to make mistakes/bad decisions (IC2 has a lot of this as well imho). In the end though we can't stop people from liking "bad" or "good" designs/things. It's a matter of taste, at least to some degree.
Despite GTs design flaws I still like it though and I don't consider more expensive recipes to be a design flaw. I mean having to go caving more than 1 time to make something is something I don't mind and you can easily set up an auto mining solution before even starting with GT.

Greg refuses to listen to the people who call him out on issues/Widely wanted suggestsion, His mod could be a lot more balanced, Fun, ETC if he wasn't so bloody dense
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Greg refuses to listen to the people who call him out on issues/Widely wanted suggestsion, His mod could be a lot more balanced, Fun, ETC if he wasn't so bloody dense

That's true, but doesn't that fit with the whole "they're not professional game designers" deal I talked about? :p And tbh there are more modders that don't take much/any design advice from the community (I'm not going to call any names). Quite a few do modding for themselves and only share their mod with the community as a favor under the policy of "I'm not forcing you to use this, so if you don't like it you can get lost", which is a perfectly valid way to make a mod (I don't like it either, but that's not the point here).
I agree GT could be a lot better though, but almost every mod for MC has things in it I personally would design differently. It's just a matter of "can I live with these issues and enjoy the rest of the mod or not?".


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That's true, but doesn't that fit with the whole "they're not professional game designers" deal I talked about? :p And tbh there are more modders that don't take much/any design advice from the community (I'm not going to call any names). Quite a few do modding for themselves and only share their mod with the community as a favor under the policy of "I'm not forcing you to use this, so if you don't like it you can get lost", which is a perfectly valid way to make a mod (I don't like it either, but that's not the point here).
I agree GT could be a lot better though, but almost every mod for MC has things in it I personally would design differently. It's just a matter of "can I live with these issues and enjoy the rest of the mod or not?".

The issues are ones that make me go "fucking greg >_>" every five minutes, What it adds is great, But it comes close to 60:40 on annoyance/addition with me almost,

One thing i want is for the mass fabricator to be enabled, I dont care what the recipe is, i want it back >_>


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Spoken like someone who has never tried to build a factory using it. I have no idea what Greg is doing supporting MJ directly, except perhaps trolling every Thermal Expansion user super-hard.
So long as you don't accidentally overclock an industrial blast furnace that's trying to run on MJ, it seems pretty good. (And by 'you' I mean Liara.)

And and the little issue of when a REC is set to only output 50 MJ/t and a GT machine needs more than that, it'll just keep draining the 50 MJ/t while achieving nothing. That's pretty annoying. But our 3 overlocked centrifuges, plate bender, wiremill, industrial electrolyser, and (new) industrial blast furnace all work pretty well on MJ now.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Gregtech is fun, but i think greg needs to re-evaluate his definition of balance. it is a vastly expandable mod, i absolutely love the whole concept of having to put your stuff through extra machines before you get what you want. for example, the plate bending machine. its a bit expensive, and impossible to make when it came out (it required aluminum plates and you make aluminum plates with a plate bending machine) and i initially hated greg because i was making my gravisuit when i updated the mod and i was like OH GAWD DAMNIT GREG NOT ANOTHER OVERCOMPLICATED MACHINE THAT REQUIRES HOURS OF EFFORT TO MAKE but then i realised it was actually just a delay of like 3-4 seconds and was actually a DECENT machine. same with my reaction to the assembling machine, it was fun. GJ greg, GJ.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ben.W said:
its a bit expensive, and impossible to make when it came out (it required aluminum plates and you make aluminum plates with a plate bending machine)

I don't think the plate bending machine requires aluminum plates.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Without gregtech there would be no fusion reactors, so how can anyone who does science hate on it?
Sure he makes most recipes harder, but don't forget the Gravisuite's superconductor. He did lower the recipe on one thing he felt was too expensive.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't think the plate bending machine requires aluminum plates.
It requires at the moment, refined iron or aluminium ingots, and refined iron or aluminium plates.

not really sure why the plate recipes are in there.. considering the machine itself makes plates, but anywho.

I like that it actually costs so much. Delays the whole, I've got a giant pile of stuff and nothing to do with it feeling.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is the plate bending machine recipe not just four pistons, two compressors, two circuits, and a conveyor module? Was it recently changed?

I don't think even Greg would make an item that is literally impossible to craft.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I kinda wish Greg would rename one of the sorts of Iridium plates, to avoid confusion.

Also I discovered to my abject horror that to make the 'proper' iridium plates I need industrial diamonds, not real diamonds. Well played, Greg :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I kinda wish Greg would rename one of the sorts of Iridium plates, to avoid confusion.

Also I discovered to my abject horror that to make the 'proper' iridium plates I need industrial diamonds, not real diamonds. Well played, Greg :p

Well we already have ground-up diamonds... easily done to implosion compress a few of them.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well we already have ground-up diamonds... easily done to implosion compress a few of them.
Good point actually. OTOH I have a ton of coal dust and coal blocks (which can't be turned into coal, just dust). But yeah, diamond dust makes it easier. Thanks for remembering. And for putting all that stuff in your shiny new AE system :D

This is a nice example of Greg giving multiple ways of achieving things. And it means our 25k diamonds aren't as useless as feared.