Gregtech and Advanced Solar Panels

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Brian Cherrick

Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2013
Not sure what, if anything between these two is conflicting.

I am trying to create a molecular transformer, but one item, the MT Working Core can't be created because one of the sub-combines, the neutron reflector has no recipe for some reason. Since these are both IC2 related addons, I am assuming there is a conflict there.

Anyone have a clue as to what it could be ?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Pack I'm playing has both those mods and everything shows correct in NEI, did you check your logs for ID Conflicts? Also what versions of ic2/GT/Adv SP?


Jul 28, 2013
Some the IC2 stuff is messy in NEI. Which pack/version are you using?

Last I checked stuff like the MV-transformer has a bollocks recipe in NEI (Monster 1.1.0, it shows you just need a single insulated copper cable to make it lol), I needed to look up the old one in a wiki and try that instead.

Brian Cherrick

Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2013
Pack I'm playing has both those mods and everything shows correct in NEI, did you check your logs for ID Conflicts? Also what versions of ic2/GT/Adv SP?

No conflicts that I could see. But the versions I have are

IC2 -
Gtech - 4.08s
ASP - 3.4.6

I stuff has been acting a bit wonky lately, and it has worked in the past, so not sure what is the issue is. I suppose I could cheat in the reflectors, but I'd like to try and find the cause of it if at all possible.

The machine itself is a tad on the OP side I think, so could be possible its disabled somehow by Gregtech maybe ?

Brian Cherrick

Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2013
Neutron reflector is vanilla IC2.
Gtech has a config option for a hardmode recipe.
(double check the IC2 wikis, and use ctrl-f to find 'reflector' or 'neutron' in Gregs config file.)

The IC2 wiki shops a recipe, that isn't showing in game. When I click on the neutron reflector in game, nothing happens, doesn't bring up a recipe, or anything. I've even tried reinstalling it all, and still isn't showing.

As for gregs config, only thing that is coming up for reflector is the iridium plate, and for neutron, is neutronium bars and stuff like that, but nothing recipe wise :(

Brian Cherrick

Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2013
#harderrecipes -> Beryllium Reflector

Now I see that. But here is one thing I don't see, and that is Beryllium reflectors in game. When I type Beryllium into NEI, I get ingots/plates, and the typical stuff, but no reflector. Even when I click on the MT Working core (which requires the neutron reflectors), it's showing the old recipe, but when ya click on the normal reflectors no recipe for it. Not even an alternative combine for the reflectors.

Truly am lost here.

Brian Cherrick

Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2013
I can remember using beryllium cells to make reflectors.

To be honest- you could just use minetweaker to re-add the reflector recipe. (or a suitable alternate for the Core)
I personally wouldn't call that cheating given your game was broken already.​

Just how I feel in a sense, but when I add something in like the sense I am talking, I typically deduct the materials, and only take what is needed.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Now I see that. But here is one thing I don't see, and that is Beryllium reflectors in game. When I type Beryllium into NEI, I get ingots/plates, and the typical stuff, but no reflector. Even when I click on the MT Working core (which requires the neutron reflectors), it's showing the old recipe, but when ya click on the normal reflectors no recipe for it. Not even an alternative combine for the reflectors.

Truly am lost here.
Beryllium reflectors mean that the neutron reflectors use Beryllium, not that it adds another item. Disable it and you should have the recipe back.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
To get around the reflector recipe I added a small bit to the scripts, allowing me to exchange a newly made reflector with the one needed in crafting:
var normalReflector = <IC2:reactorReflector:1>;
var oddReflector = <IC2:reactorReflector>;
recipes.addShapeless(oddReflector, [normalReflector]);