Greg Tech opinion discussions go here

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The love hate debated surrounding GT & its author has been going on for months it will not end with the closing of one topic, the fact that lots of ppl will be running the gamete of a ban for there futures views will help the issue tho, unless the person is even further rewarded with a dedicated GT sub forum.
Well this is all very...... overdone. I dont understand all the fuss at all if you dont like one pack play the other, its that simple.
P.S. *waves at Jade*o_O
Well this is all very...... overdone. I dont understand all the fuss at all if you dont like one pack play the other, its that simple.
P.S. *waves at Jade*o_O

The fuss isn't primarily about the packs. I don't even know how it got shifted to the packs. The main issue was with Greg's intentional game crash. That is all. Pretty much all the other drama stemmed from it.

As it stands, and as Jaded said, this discussion has basically been done to crap at this point. There's literally zero left to discuss- every point and idea has been prodded or mentioned.
This bit I don't get. Once you have a quarry and Matter Fab the grind vanishes, or it does for me. My AE system has 10k of Iridium and over 65k of UU matter stored in it, I've automated pretty much every process I could, so, so long as it doesn't need buildcraft gates (which I can't find anyway to automate) I've reached the point where I can stand at my ME crafting terminal and craft anything in the game thats craftable. I've stopped playing much FTB these days because the challenge is all gone.
You do know just how long it takes most people to get to that point.....right.
Unhinged pack, surprisingly, contains contradictory game play choices all the way down. Mystcraft? We're talking about the mod that literally has a feature that creates Lava Seas and Endless Deserts. Of course, it does require a horribly grind to get to enough symbols for it to really be useful, so I guess it fits Gregtech + AE 'grind for two fortnights, suddenly god' aspect that apparently exists. Not sure how crazy MFR's Gregtech mode is, but automated books forever and massively compact storage is still in there. And the laser I guess can cover blind spots that UU matter doesn't.

Game design!
Unhinged pack, surprisingly, contains contradictory game play choices all the way down. Mystcraft? We're talking about the mod that literally has a feature that creates Lava Seas and Endless Deserts. Of course, it does require a horribly grind to get to enough symbols for it to really be useful, so I guess it fits Gregtech + AE 'grind for two fortnights, suddenly god' aspect that apparently exists. Not sure how crazy MFR's Gregtech mode is, but automated books forever and massively compact storage is still in there. And the laser I guess can cover blind spots that UU matter doesn't.

Game design!

Mystcraft is honestly even more grindy than Gregtech at times. I get the villager trading aspect, but there's a point where it's literally just going through hundreds of villagers just to find a single page you want.

RichardG's Misc.Peripherals would help, but I doubt Greg would put a mod of someone who gladly pokes fun at him in, especially when all it does is add convenience items and assorted helpful tools (which he doesn't seem to care for anyways).
It's a common misconception. Whenever a mod adds Gregtech recipes, people often complain about Gregtech as if he were the one actually adding that recipe. This happens quite frequently with Advanced Solars and since that mod was mentioned by relight as a potential factor in a recipe Greg could possibly add, I thought it was worth reiterating.

Except in this case, Greg himself was the one to add the game-crashing exception code.
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Honestly, Greg's one of the reasons I'm leery of parts of the Minecraft modding community in general. From what I've gathered, he seems to have it in his head that he can do whatever he damn well pleases to any mod he wants. Though, I think Eloraam kicked his ass when he tried to screw around with RedPower, which does mean he can be beaten. Just to let it be known, when its done, he can add to my mod however he likes; he can add new machines, power generation, he can go fuckin hog-wild in that arena and I'd not give a single shit. However, I don't want him screwing with the internal workings of my mod, which includes recipes. If he, or anyone for that matter, thinks something could do with some balance shift either way, they can come to me and suggest it. That's perfectly cool and, honestly, I'd like it.
I have so much respect for modders and what you freely give to all of us, that it honestly pains me when I find myself in disagreement. (And, just to be clear, I am no fan of Greg.) I also apologize for the wall of text, but I really wanted to be thorough in laying out my case. I'll try to use eye-catching headlines ;)

Meta-Mods Like GregTech Are FTB's Essential "Two-State Solution" to "Builders" vs. "Gamers"
As I said in the post I just linked, I do think there's a critical place in this community for a mod like GregTech, because they resolve (nearly enough) otherwise irreconcilable differences between two very different groups of FTB players, which I've started calling "Builders" and "Gamers".

Builders, of which Direwolf20 is a great example, want as many options as possible open to them, so they can realize their creative visions without having to sacrifice the goal-oriented gameplay of Survival mode (by contrast, Sjin of the Yogscast is an example of a more Creative Mode "Builder"). Gamers, on the other hand, desire a difficult, consistent, and balanced gameplay experience---one perhaps best characterized by a steady, tough, long-lasting climb through more and more difficult challenges. There are plenty of people in between, of course, but I still think this is a helpful distinction (and players do, in my experience, tend to lean more towards one side or the other: I'm pretty close to the middle, but I lean towards the Builder side of things).

If you ever see a Builder and a Gamer discussing the role of game balance in Minecraft, run. It's gonna get ugly. The Gamers will complain that the Builders want to turn Survival Mode into Creative Mode, which is true, from a Gamer perspective. The Builders will complain that the Gamers want to turn Minecraft into a boring grind, which is true, from a Builder perspective. Worse than a difference of opinion, theirs is an intractable difference of perspective---because each group is starting from an entirely different place.

The justification for meta-mods like GregTech is nothing less than this: They are the only way FTB can hope to satisfy both groups. As such, meta-mods are absolutely essential. They are FTB's "two-state solution" to what is otherwise an impossible conflict rooted in a fundamental difference of perspective between opposite ends of the Builder/Gamer spectrum.

To Accomplish Their Goals, Meta-Mods Require Nigh-Orwellian Control Over the Game, Including Other Mods
With their focus on consistency and balance, meta-mods are principally for the Gamers. To adequately fill the essential role they play in uniting so many different mods into a consistent, balanced, Gamer-friendly whole, countless tweaks must be made, and most of those tweaks will, by necessity, involve recipes and functionality added by other mods. It should be said that many of these tweaks are going to be in line with the mod author's intentions, which we can infer from how the mod would work as a stand-alone vanilla addon. Take EE3's "2x Blaze Dust --> 1x Blaze Rod" conversion. When combined with a Macerator, this fuels an infinite recursion that amounts to duping-with-EU. Did pahimar design it this way? Well, he didn't make it a 1-to-1 conversion for a reason: He meant for it to be the simple reversal of the vanilla Blaze Dust recipe. Should pahimar worry about another mod inadvertently mucking up his intent? No, he's busy making really sick awesome stuff that I have waited FAR TOO DAMN LONG TO SEE, PAHIMAR... but I digress. It's the meta-mod that steps in to fill this role: It says the modders, "you do what you do; leave any broken interactions with other mods to me."

Of course, this doesn't even describe the tip of Greg's ambitious iceberg---but even this close to the lip of the rabbit hole, we're already changing EE3's recipes (in, I submit, a fairly uncontroversial way). Going deeper, GregTech's clearly-stated aim is to take a very large collection of disparate mods, many of which were built with an eye only towards vanilla, and shape them into a cohesive gameplay experience that appeals to the Gamers. Absent some kind of modder United Nations, meta-mods are really the only way to pull this off, to bring consistency and holistic balance to a collection of stand-alone mods as numerous and varied as FTB.

Accomplishing such an ambitious goal would be virtually impossible without the freedom to exercise a nigh-Orwellian degree of control over just about everything. There's simply no other way to meet the monumental challenge of closing all the loopholes, addressing all the cross-mod interactions, balancing all the alternative paths to resources/energy, and maintaining a consistent, stable difficulty-ramp that a very large swath of the FTB community considers fundamental to their enjoyment of the game. And make no mistake: GregTech, for all its faults, has been reasonably good at making the Gamers happy (... I heard the plate-bending thing stung a bit, though ;) ).

Considering the popularity meta-mods have for such a big fraction of the FTB community, coupled with the optional (and, it should be said, highly configurable) nature of the only(?) meta-mod presently available, I think it benefits all of us if we leave this door wide open so GregTech (or, karma willing, another meta-mod ascendant) isn't hamstrung in its ability to cater to the Gamers among us.
As a clarification. The Unhinged pack has mods chosen by Gregorious. He picked the mods. I repeat Greg picked the mods. Don't like the mods picked take it up with him. Leave the mod pack team alone they just put the mods he picked together.

Furthermore I am seeing no new discussions on this topic. Y'all have until midnight CST tonight then this thread will be locked and unstickied.

So wait, this is the thread for people to post to talk about this mods, but this is not the place to talk about the mods?

As for the discussion, I do want to add something. The sentiment has been felt before but I'd like to think I can deliver it in a unique way. These are my opinions, I'm not telling anyone to do anything, just my views and experiences.

I really do like playing with GregTech installed.

I find in regular technical packs like most any in tekkit or FTB, you can harvest by hand or build a modest sized automated system and get a modest amount of materials. If you use the technical mods to their capabilities to make crazy machines (as we all love to do), you get such a crazy amount of materials that you quickly have no use for them anymore.

With GregTech, if you harvest by hand or build a modest sized automated system, you're left begging on the corner for scraps to keep the lights on at home. You have to struggle to supply enough power to your machines, you struggle to get those machines going fast enough to process the crazy amount of raw materials you have coming in, and you still struggle to get the raw materials flowing in even faster - all just to get a modest amount of material to build even your first Big Toy (tm)

I think sometimes Greg himself loses sight of that - I certainly lost most all interest in the GregTech pack when i saw the huge number of other mods that would be excluded. The whole point is to play with these new and exciting toys, but not have them handed to me on a silver platter.

If you're a mod author and don't like what another mod author is doing, I would consider taking a step back and wonder if it's really my place to say what someone else can and can't do. People can choose to play your mod, people can choose to play another mod that makes your mod harder. They don't have to. Nobody is claiming it was you that made the changes. How is this an issue?

I see absolutely no problem with GregTech patching other mods to make them more difficult, that's why I chose the pack with GregTech in the first place. I have a huge problem with the author of those mods, and Greg himself, trying then to override those overrides, or to block each others changes, or to flame/slander/whatever else to each other, etc.

Greg isn't innocent here, he's provoked and flamed and trolled and brought the whole community into the issue pushing breaking changes. He's acting like a child and a spoiled brat, turning what should be a simple matter into a huge issue.

But that doesn't mean he's not in the right.

Really guys.. (and gals!) we're all here to have fun! We already can have our cake and eat it too here. If you don't like GregTech and the way he makes things hard, then you don't get to play with his fun toys. Sure that kinda sucks, but there's plenty of other mods out there that'll keep you plenty busy! One day if you get through with them, maybe your tastes will have changed and you'll be keen for something more of a challenge :D

If you like GregTech (like me), there's no good reason other than people's egos as to why we can't have a pack with everything, every crazy block out there, all of them working together in a long chain of carefully designed yet oh so ugly contraptions, after hours of "Now with the multi-block crafted and built, the machine placed, upgraded and overclocked, the regulators programmed, the monitoring devices and control levers in reach, the export and import buses in place and set... Now.. how in God's name am I going to get power to this thing?!?" And all of it working around the clock for days to produce 3 of the 84 quantum nano-lattice capacitors you need for that shiny new gravity suit that charges itself straight from your IDSU.

And you're loving every minute of it.
To be honest, with a few exceptions, this has been a shockingly well-behaved thread given the topic. In fact, the worst of the off-topic/badly-behaved posts have come from the "stop arguing about this" crowd :P
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My position on saying what others can and can't do with my code is thus: I made it. I put the time, effort, sweat, blood, and tears of both rage and frustration into making it a working collection of code. Programming is not easy. I won't be the only one working on my mod, either; I've got two others, one to help with code and another for textures and/or models, once they're in a position to join in. The three of us will have put a lot of labour into it, and it is our place to say what can and can't be done with our mod and our code. Gregorious will not have had a single hand in my mod's creation, except perhaps as inspiration in certain areas. Folks like Sengir, Soaryn, RichardG, and Pahimar? I'll be working with their code, as well, so I can interface with their mods. If they don't like something I'm doing, we can discuss it like rational human beings, and I'll have as little an impact on their mods as I can get away with from the get-go.

Again, I'm open to discussing balance and such with the community, Greg included. But, at the end of the day, its my team's mod, and we should have every right to say what can and can't be done with it.
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My position on saying what others can and can't do with my code is thus: I made it. I put the time, effort, sweat, blood, and tears of both rage and frustration into making it a working collection of code. Programming is not easy. I won't be the only one working on my mod, either; I've got two others, one to help with code and another for textures and/or models, once they're in a position to join in. The three of us will have put a lot of labour into it, and it is our place to say what can and can't be done with our mod and our code. Gregorious will not have had a single hand in my mod's creation, except perhaps as inspiration in certain areas. Folks like Sengir, Soaryn, RichardG, and Pahimar? I'll be working with their code, as well, so I can interface with their mods. If they don't like something I'm doing, we can discuss it like rational human beings, and I'll have as little an impact on their mods as I can get away with from the get-go.

Again, I'm open to discussing balance and such with the community, Greg included. But, at the end of the day, its my team's mod, and we should have every right to say what can and can't be done with it.

If you feel that strongly about your code, don't release it. Its an unlicensed modification to a game, not a stand-alone product. If you put it on the internet, you have given it away whether you believe this or not. If you feel that strongly about YOUR precious, keep in secret, keep it safe. :P
My position on saying what others can and can't do with my code is thus: I made it. I put the time, effort, sweat, blood, and tears of both rage and frustration into making it a working collection of code. Programming is not easy. I won't be the only one working on my mod, either; I've got two others, one to help with code and another for textures and/or models, once they're in a position to join in. The three of us will have put a lot of labour into it, and it is our place to say what can and can't be done with our mod and our code. Gregorious will not have had a single hand in my mod's creation, except perhaps as inspiration in certain areas. Folks like Sengir, Soaryn, RichardG, and Pahimar? I'll be working with their code, as well, so I can interface with their mods. If they don't like something I'm doing, we can discuss it like rational human beings, and I'll have as little an impact on their mods as I can get away with from the get-go.

Again, I'm open to discussing balance and such with the community, Greg included. But, at the end of the day, its my team's mod, and we should have every right to say what can and can't be done with it.

It's not like this is commercial code. You've spent huge amounts of time writing code to extend something someone else wrote, to improve the game you love, and released it to the community. Mojang didn't intend their code to be overriden and extended in the ways Minecraft mods have in the ages since it's release, the community has taken their original product and altered it into something greater. You've made changes to the core of the game that could've made other developers scream in rage, but this is how the world works. The best he could do is get out word to people about how broken the change is, and convince people not to use the modification. Of course people are free to follow him, or not.

Minecraft itself was built on a myriad of existing technologies, and sure, even some of those would have been monkey patched and hacked around to provide the functionality you're used to. This is how modern development works. It's basically why the object oriented paradigm exists, and since having being extended to add dynamic features to allow even richer overriding of other people's code, has truly flourished. Now Greg has done that one more time, done the exact same thing you/forge/mcp/the rest of the modding community did to Mojang, or that any modder has done to any game, mod, total conversion, etc in history, but you've decided nope, only YOU own this code, only YOU have the right to say who can extend it to improve the game further and how that is to be allowed, the line stops with YOU.

Wow what a strange, warped world your mind must live in.
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I find in regular technical packs like most any in tekkit or FTB, you can harvest by hand or build a modest sized automated system and get a modest amount of materials. If you use the technical mods to their capabilities to make crazy machines (as we all love to do), you get such a crazy amount of materials you quickly have no use for them any more.

Your gameplay style is just a minority, you can not dictate others how they can play games with an add-on that changes even vanilla mechanics. You have your right to play Minecraft the way you want, this doesn't mean that you have the right to dictate others how they should play their game.

I think sometimes Greg himself loses sight of that - I certainly lost most all interest in the GregTech pack when i saw the huge number of other mods that would be excluded. The whole point is to play with these new and exciting toys, but not have them handed to me on a silver platter.
I won't comment on his pack and still nobody is forcing you not to add Grape Tech or even better not to build quarry at first day. I'll share my own experience with you and please do take note that I am not dictating you anything, I'm just sharing my own experience. I used to play in a very refined and single minded way, every move I made was calculated and was focused on building the best thing game can offer me. I've found out that even though I could climb the tech ladder and get best toys in a record time, I was having less fun and game was ending for me, just like it does for you. I've taken a different approach, I'm taking things slow, no need to strip mine for hours and count irons to make first automation tools, I do take it slow, build things, experiment with them focus on making good looking bases as well and I am no longer strict about resource management. My average gameplay time has quadrupled and my enjoyment from time has doubled if not tripled.

If you're a mod author and don't like what another mod author is doing, either do something better yourself and encourage people to use it (while allowing the alternative), or take a step back and wonder if it's really your place to say what someone else can and can't do.

I'll be frank with you, Gregory is saying other modders what they can and can not do with their mods. I'll talk about vanilla modification but before that lets talk about what he does with other mods, for instance changing bronze recipe of forestry, it is a bronze centered mod that uses bronze mainly if said player decides to use forestry and not Grape Tech he is forced to mine even more and grind. Grinding is no fun unless you are fan of Free to Play Koren MMORPGs. He is also changing recipe interaction of many other mods injecting circuits and plates, giving alternative recipes; this is not only changing other mods but also making NEI impossible to read.

Secondly, Grape Tech is a poorly written, performance eating and incomplete add-on. As a coder I can safely suggest any aspiring coder should spend more time refining their code than writing it. In this regard, I find Thermal Expansion highly successful, perfectly written and performance wise superbly working. A mod should include creative tools, welcoming player to different challenges like Tinker's Construct, any aspiring modder should get creative lessons from mDiyo and while at it, he is also a gentleman with right dosage of lightness. Although not necessarily, a modder should be open to critique and suggestions, I liked how Ars Magica and Tinker's Construct handle suggestion treads and open to ciritque as well, any aspiring modder should be open to constructive criticism and suggestions.

Lets see about this vanilla stuff; there are certain mods that change vanilla recipes those being Grape Tech (IC2 add-on NOT a mod), Minefactory Reloaded, Thermal Expansion core CoFH, Biomes of Plently, Extrabiomes XL, Project Zulu, Flat Bedrock, Railcraft, infinite bows. Lets exclude the mods with sole purpose of changing vanilla aspects and we are left with Grape Tech (IC2 add-on NOT a mod), MFR, TE core CoFH and Railcraft. MFR changes the bucket of milk recipe although I am highly against vanilla recipe modification I find little harm in it since usage of drinking milk from bucket is so narrow that many players have only drank it once or twice through their entire Minecraft playtime. I think, CovertJaguar should've left vanilla way of creating rails there is no excuse in it yet I do also take note that machine required to make rails is both dirty cheap and works with all kinds of power sources. CoFH Core, changes worldgen drastically, vanilla worldgen too yet it is DISABLED by DEFAULT and I offer my thanks for author for putting oregen config, thanks to him and Forge we can disable most of the oregen and just use CoFH Core ores and do not get bugged with 80 different coppers. Now, it is time for the add-on; Grape Tech; it is changing how iron pickaxe is made, how flint & steel is made, how many planks I get out of my friggin wood! These are the tools almost all non-Grape Tech users use at least once in their gameplay also Grape Tech reduces the durability of stone and wood tools. How about a mod in lets say Unleashed with Grape Tech (An imaginary pack) that changes vanilla mechanics and you can now have 10x denser ores and it is on by default and changes recipes of Grape Tech so you can just use sticks for making it's tools? If that doesn't sound good then what Grape Tech deoes, doesn't sound to me.

I see absolutely no problem with GregTech patching other mods to make them more difficult, that's why I chose the pack with GregTech in the first place. I have a huge problem with the author of those mods, and Greg himself, trying then override those overrides, or to block each others changes, or to flame/slander/whatever else to each other, etc.

You have no problem with Grape Tech overwriting other mods, lets see then you have no problem with other mods overwriting Grape Tech as well. Think about modding community as a neighbour, everybody cooks their own meal but there is a Gregor and he is a Muslim, he bashes into your house and burns your pork and says "You can't eat it.". I do not care whomever eats whatever in their house, nobody can take away my pork! I'll follow this example and same Muslim Gregor forces your girlfriend to wear veil because it banned in his religion for women to walk without veils. If a Muslim forcing your family to wear veil on the streets is not sounding good to you then modifying a vanilla recipe should not sound good, vanilla recipes are the streets of minecraft and mods are houses, add-ons are treehouses of children. I find it quite disturbing that Muslim Gregor, son of Christian IC2, living in a tree house in his front yard is forcing my Minecraft to wear a veil!

PS: All people in this scenario is imaginary.

Really guys.. (and gals!) we're all here to have fun! We already can have our cake and eat it too here. If you don't like GregTech and the way he makes things hard, then you don't get to play with his fun toys. Sure that kinda sucks, but there's plenty of other mods out there that'll keep you plenty busy! One day if you get through with them, maybe your tastes will have changed and you'll be keen for something more of a challenge.
Before his malware attack, I would not mind his add-on NOT interacting with anything else and being in a mod pack, right now, no thanks I am fine without any malicious software.

If you like GregTech (like me), there's no good reason other than people's egos as to why we can't have a pack with everything, every crazy block out there, all of them working together in a long chain of carefully designed yet oh so ugly contraptions, after hours of "now with the multi-block crafted and built, the regulators programmed, the monitoring devices and control levers in reach, the export and import buses in place and set.. Now how the heck am I going to get power to this thing?!?" And all of it working around the clock for days to produce 3 of the 84 quantum nano-lattice capacitors you need for that shiny new gravity suit that charges itself straight from your IDSU.

Why you can't have this fun is because of the author of Grape Tech. If he had decided to work with other modders and community in general, he would have made conjoined changes that would span lots of other mods and all these changes could be flipped on and off with one config option. There wouldn't be pumpkins of shame and there wouldn't be malwares. Grape Tech would really be a superb mod with lots of polish and FTB would make a Tech Pack for it containing all other mods, all working in harmony but Gregory couldn't stop himself, like a child he wanted everything, he wanted it now and he didn't care neither for fellow modders nor community in general. That is what he gets, a self contradicting mod pack made by himself. Soon, a new meta mod will come out, it will be made with community and others in mind and Grape Tech would be a history by then and I guess my time out will be lifted by then as well.

I hope it will be my last message about Grape Tech. I just want to play in my sandbox right now.

{edited font size for readability, changed nothing ~JC}
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Sorry, Viper, I couldn't quite hear your parting words from way down at the bottom of the the pyramid. Mature discussion taking place here with a modder worthy of a little respect, I should think, even in disagreement. But I'm pretty sure you already regret that, so I forgive you.

Back on point: I'm inclined to agree with Viper. Not because you're incorrect about the rights you have to your code, but more as a matter of ... well, community courtesy. Viper missed an important distinction, namely that Mojang has consented to modification of Minecraft code (implicitly, at least), while RavynousHunter clearly has not. That's neither contradictory nor hypocritical. But, with respect, I do think it's somewhat uncharitable to be miserly with your consent, when so much of what you have done wouldn't have been possible if not for the consent of others---not to mention the fact that meta-mods don't hurt anyone when they make changes to other mods (because the people who install a meta-mod want those changes), whereas, by preventing meta-mods from making those changes, you're stopping people from enjoying them.

I realize I've put you on the defensive, and I'm happy to 'agree to disagree' if you are.
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Sorry, Viper, I couldn't quite hear your parting words from way down at the bottom of the the pyramid. Mature discussion taking place here with a modder worthy of a little respect, I should think, even in disagreement. But I'm pretty sure you already regret that, so I forgive you.

Back on point: I'm inclined to agree with Viper. Not because you're incorrect about the rights you have to your code, but more as a matter of ... well, community courtesy. Viper missed an important distinction, namely that Mojang has consented to modification of Minecraft code (implicitly, at least), while RavynousHunter clearly has not. That's neither contradictory nor hypocritical. But, with respect, I do think it's somewhat uncharitable to be miserly with your consent, when so much of what you have done wouldn't have been possible if not for the consent of others---not to mention the fact that meta-mods don't hurt anyone when they make changes to other mods (because the people who install a meta-mod want those changes), whereas, by preventing meta-mods from making those changes, you're stopping people from enjoying them.

I realize I've put you on the defensive, and I'm happy to 'agree to disagree' if you are.

I am stealing that image for the rule example list ty.
I won't argue most of your post, both our sides have been expressed, opinions are bound to differ in this world ;) But i'll take the outtro

Why you can't have this fun is because of the author of Grape Tech. If he had decided to work with other modders and community in general, he would have made conjoined changes that would span lots of other mods and all these changes could be flipped on and off with one config option. There wouldn't be pumpkins of shame and there wouldn't be malwares. Grape Tech would really be a superb mod with lots of polish and FTB would make a Tech Pack for it containing all other mods, all working in harmony but Gregory couldn't stop himself, like a child he wanted everything, he wanted it now and he didn't care neither for fellow modders nor community in general. That is what he gets, a self contradicting mod pack made by himself. Soon, a new meta mod will come out, it will be made with community and others in mind and Grape Tech would be a history by then and I guess my time out will be lifted by then as well.

Why should he provide a config option? the blocks he provides truly are *his*, it's one of the only areas where ownership actually matters in this case. If he wants to say you can't play with my toys without jumping through hoops, then you either jump through hoops or you do without. As for him making other mods harder, he's left that choice up to you! He won't nerf a thing, wont mess with your bronze, wont touch your planks, and wont even think about making it hard for you to get rubber - just dont install his mod!

Greg has been stupid and childish, but I still feel he's totally in the right here.

For the modders:

Think for a moment of FTB as a complete package, without Gregtech. Complete, unified, finished, bug free, released as a single entity. Are you saying people are then free to take that game and mod it, add more content, change existing content to fit new schemes, etc, just as you have done to Minecraft itself - EXCEPT for the few parts that come from your mod? Those are totally off limits, unchangeable, without your express permission?

If you want a more concrete precedent, we have a very clear one from software licencing. A package inherits the licence conditions of it's components. If you build a system using open source components, some of which say in their licence they are only to be used in open source software - you have to release the source of your software in the same way. If the licence said you were allowed to make modifications to those libraries under certain conditions, you have to allow those same modifications to *your* libraries as long as those conditions are still met. Restricting the licence requires permission of the owner of the original work, in this case Mojang. So basically, if you want to be able to mod the game, and even mod other mods, but then have the right to say when and how other people can mod your mod, you need to ask Mojang and get their public approval.

Not only are you being selfish by trying to block or revert changes from other modders, not only are you showing everyone how huge your ego really is thinking you can narrow the generous terms Mojang have allowed, to protect your "precious" work, you're even totally in the wrong in a legal sense.
My position on saying what others can and can't do with my code is thus: I made it. I put the time, effort, sweat, blood, and tears of both rage and frustration into making it a working collection of code. Programming is not easy. I won't be the only one working on my mod, either; I've got two others, one to help with code and another for textures and/or models, once they're in a position to join in. The three of us will have put a lot of labour into it, and it is our place to say what can and can't be done with our mod and our code. Gregorious will not have had a single hand in my mod's creation, except perhaps as inspiration in certain areas. Folks like Sengir, Soaryn, RichardG, and Pahimar? I'll be working with their code, as well, so I can interface with their mods. If they don't like something I'm doing, we can discuss it like rational human beings, and I'll have as little an impact on their mods as I can get away with from the get-go.

Again, I'm open to discussing balance and such with the community, Greg included. But, at the end of the day, its my team's mod, and we should have every right to say what can and can't be done with it.

The point is not so much about balance, but about alternative playstiles. Actually greg didnt change most recipies. He did change a few, because they ultimately break the gameplay (most notably the forestry-recipe for bronze, which did in fact change a IC2-Recipe in the first place, he just changed it back). All other recipies are added not changed. You can as a player decide which recipies you want by changing the configs. On the other hand escaping his grasp is rather easy by providing alternative play-style recipies yourself. Like TE, MFR or MPS did. But if you want a server that centers more on community play and working together GregTech is a blessing. Because yes it might be grindy for a single person, but it is rather fun to build towards your blastfurnace etc. with a couple of friends. And you see it in a lot of SMP-Plays exspecially Forgecraft that everyone basically does his own thing, because there is no real reason to stick together.

From a SSP-Point of View I agree. Hardmode GT is insane, but then again there are obviously people enjoying to work for over a month on a single world without having everything done.

On the Crashcode... it isnt the first time someone did this and it is mainly done to create a lot of attention for a certain problem and then there was the plank-change (a topic I didnt even understood all the drama... since it was a config-setting like always). Mdiyos Autosmelt-Fortune combination is really awful, because it doesnt care about the blocktype. And other mods do include reverse-smelting recipies, although GT is the most obvious one. It isnt so much the Storage-Blocks, it also applies to not so obvious items like Iron Doors. I'm not sure if there are other mods in Packs that use reverse-smelting via normal Furnaces (Railcraft uses the Blastfurnace, RP the Alloy-Furnace) and it doesnt really make sense that you get like 10 baked potatoes with fortune-autosmelting. So it would be an easy thing to apply it to ores only, which would actually make sense. Since otherwise his picks now require every modder to think about what an item smelts into. Also his Fortune-Autosmelting works on stuff, were normal Fortune doesnt work.
Modded Minecraft certainly provides a unique flavor of batshit insane. FlowerChild and Better Than Dances With Wolves, Sengir and the Tekkit bomb, Where On Earth Is Eloraam Sandiego? and now GregoriousT and mDiyo in an epic battle to decide the fate of all tree punchers in the Holy Nerf War of 2013. Modded Minecraft is Serious Business, kids.

My position on the matter is fairly simple, though. I've booted GregTech out of every modpack I've ever played for one simple reason: Minecraft is not an MMO. Swamping the game in a metric ton of pointless grinding does not a good mod make. Dicking around with other people's work - with or without their consent, it's a moot point - and calling it "balance nerfs" sealed the deal for me a long time ago; this Tinker nuke is just the latest entry on a long list of events that should cue anyone with half a brain in on the fact that Greg does not give a shit about anyone but himself. Fair enough; I can do without his petulant behavior and erratic designs, and rumor has it I'm not the only one.

I'm sure there's much more foaming at the mouth to be had in response to this blurb; if you feel like taking a potshot or two at yours truly, take a step back first and ask yourself: "Who died and made Greg God?"
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