Honestly, Greg's one of the reasons I'm leery of parts of the Minecraft modding community in general. From what I've gathered, he seems to have it in his head that he can do whatever he damn well pleases to any mod he wants. Though, I think Eloraam kicked his ass when he tried to screw around with RedPower, which does mean he can be beaten. Just to let it be known, when its done, he can add to my mod however he likes; he can add new machines, power generation, he can go fuckin hog-wild in that arena and I'd not give a single shit. However, I don't want him screwing with the internal workings of my mod, which includes recipes. If he, or anyone for that matter, thinks something could do with some balance shift either way, they can come to me and suggest it. That's perfectly cool and, honestly, I'd like it.
I have so much respect for modders and what you freely give to all of us, that it honestly pains me when I find myself in disagreement. (And,
just to be clear, I am no fan of Greg.) I also apologize for the wall of text, but I really wanted to be thorough in laying out my case. I'll try to use eye-catching headlines
Meta-Mods Like GregTech Are FTB's Essential "Two-State Solution" to "Builders" vs. "Gamers"
As I said in the post I just linked, I do think there's a critical place in this community for a mod like GregTech, because they resolve (nearly enough) otherwise irreconcilable differences between two very different groups of FTB players, which I've started calling "Builders" and "Gamers".
Builders, of which Direwolf20 is a great example, want as many options as possible open to them, so they can realize their creative visions
without having to sacrifice the goal-oriented gameplay of Survival mode (by contrast, Sjin of the Yogscast is an example of a more Creative Mode "Builder"). Gamers, on the other hand, desire a difficult, consistent, and balanced gameplay experience---one perhaps best characterized by a steady, tough, long-lasting climb through more and more difficult challenges. There are plenty of people in between, of course, but I still think this is a helpful distinction (and players do, in my experience, tend to lean more towards one side or the other: I'm pretty close to the middle, but I lean towards the Builder side of things).
If you ever see a Builder and a Gamer discussing the role of game balance in Minecraft,
run. It's gonna get ugly. The Gamers will complain that the Builders want to turn Survival Mode into Creative Mode, which is true, from a Gamer perspective. The Builders will complain that the Gamers want to turn Minecraft into a boring grind, which is true, from a Builder perspective. Worse than a difference of opinion, theirs is an intractable difference of
perspective---because each group is starting from an entirely different place.
The justification for meta-mods like GregTech is nothing less than this: They are the
only way FTB can hope to satisfy both groups. As such, meta-mods are absolutely essential. They are FTB's "two-state solution" to what is otherwise an impossible conflict rooted in a fundamental difference of perspective between opposite ends of the Builder/Gamer spectrum.
To Accomplish Their Goals, Meta-Mods Require Nigh-Orwellian Control Over the Game, Including Other Mods
With their focus on consistency and balance, meta-mods are principally for the Gamers. To adequately fill the essential role they play in uniting so many different mods into a consistent, balanced, Gamer-friendly whole,
countless tweaks must be made, and most of those tweaks will, by necessity, involve recipes and functionality added by other mods. It should be said that many of these tweaks are going to be in line with the mod author's intentions, which we can infer from how the mod would work as a stand-alone vanilla addon. Take EE3's "2x Blaze Dust --> 1x Blaze Rod" conversion. When combined with a Macerator, this fuels an infinite recursion that amounts to duping-with-EU. Did pahimar design it this way? Well, he didn't make it a 1-to-1 conversion for a reason: He meant for it to be the simple reversal of the vanilla Blaze Dust recipe. Should pahimar worry about another mod inadvertently mucking up his intent? No, he's busy making really sick awesome stuff that I have waited FAR TOO DAMN LONG TO SEE, PAHIMAR... but I digress. It's the meta-mod that steps in to fill this role: It says the modders, "you do what you do; leave any broken interactions with other mods to me."
Of course, this doesn't even describe the
tip of Greg's ambitious iceberg---but even this close to the lip of the rabbit hole, we're already changing EE3's recipes (in, I submit, a fairly uncontroversial way). Going deeper, GregTech's clearly-stated aim is to take a very large collection of disparate mods, many of which were built with an eye only towards vanilla, and shape them into a cohesive gameplay experience that appeals to the Gamers. Absent some kind of modder United Nations, meta-mods are really the
only way to pull this off, to bring consistency and holistic balance to a collection of stand-alone mods as numerous and varied as FTB.
Accomplishing such an ambitious goal would be virtually impossible without the freedom to exercise a nigh-Orwellian degree of control over just about everything. There's simply
no other way to meet the monumental challenge of closing all the loopholes, addressing all the cross-mod interactions, balancing all the alternative paths to resources/energy, and maintaining a consistent, stable difficulty-ramp that a very large swath of the FTB community considers fundamental to their enjoyment of the game. And make no mistake: GregTech, for all its faults, has been reasonably good at making the Gamers happy (... I heard the plate-bending thing stung a bit, though

Considering the popularity meta-mods have for such a big fraction of the FTB community, coupled with the optional (and, it should be said, highly configurable) nature of the only(?) meta-mod presently available, I think it benefits all of us if we leave this door wide open so GregTech (or, karma willing, another meta-mod ascendant) isn't hamstrung in its ability to cater to the Gamers among us.