Good vs. Evil

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Jul 31, 2013
12 Why was being able to write down the abilities in the thing I am making such a pain?
Like, it was a giant pain in the @#*$@ despite being nothing normal. Though then again, the input fields had to be created by jquery/js they needed to post an array and the text area's for said abilities had to be turned into tinymce stuff.

Now, I just need to do a check if you actually filled in the abilities. HOORAY........
I also need to check out the new layout with an image for appearance on the character viewing page, probably one day make it so it doesn't waste space when there wasn't an image uploaded. Make it so the page can be used to also update characters and I shouldn't forget, also make sure pretty much all the things aren't checked when you pressed the "Minion" checkbox. Also, I need to be able to flag abilities as passives, actives, a combination of the two and whatever else people can come up with.

And, after all this is done change it so that there are multiple variants of char sheets that can be used as not all rp's will use stuff like "magic skill" *cough* BTNS *cough*

Then to think that it started as a simple web page to easily do the combat using the systems that are used by BTNS/all becomes grey. but me decided to be me and slap a database on it, and then some more stuff. Currently it can't even be used to do the combat >_<


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
18 my plan is to reach 0, but Erin and lens decided to keep me around 5 so I do bot quit again until 5 is reached again. But I quit now, and I won't come back.
13 me too

Sent from an iPod 65, illegally talked about because of partnership. iPod 65 teleports through years like Back to the Past (Sequel to Back to the Future except in 2096).


Jul 31, 2013
11 The current page
RP tracker - Mozilla Firefox_013.png

I think I am going to put the appearance text on the place where the image is now if there is no image. Not sure what to do when both are present though. But now I am going to make an overview of all the characters using a nice datatables thingy and after that a way for the GM to group characters together into a fight and after that I can finally implement the dice rolling.....


Jul 31, 2013
9 yes, if I can find a nice editor for that. Currently it uses tinyMCE but as that uses html.......

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
9 Yeah, I like how the image is on the side like that. It looks good.

Where are the Equipment and Personality listed?


Jul 31, 2013
10 Equipment is currently not yet implemented however when creating a character you have an area you can use to write extra stuff about your character. For example to explain things better, when you/a gm can edit characters you can use it as a changelog or ask for advice.
This for the time being can also be used for equipment.

Personality is currently underneath the backstory, still need to change that.

Also, if no picture is found it places the text version of the appearance there instead. Still need to find a spot for the appearance when a picture is found though. There is also a good bit of wasted space in certain circumstances but I have no idea how to solve that. This happens when the picture/description is smaller then the abilities/table as they don't automatically make use of the available space to the right.


Jul 31, 2013
5 the new editor works. Now I just need to plug the holes I had because the previous editor I used was using html instead of BBCode and convert the BBCode to html