91 So that explains the blue guy. Vedalken, probably Azorius. I didn't know the Azorius had any vedalken, although come to think of it, they'd be darned good at recordkeeping...
(Context: Vedalken are a race of blue-skinned humanoids unique to Magic that are much more logical and rational than humans, kinda like Spock. Humans, vedalken, and quite a few other species populate the city-world of Ravnica, whose government consists of ten guilds that don't really get along very well. Each guild is assigned two colors and performs a different function within the city. The red-blue Izzet League do all the science and engineering and is overseen by a dragon older than the guilds themselves. The white-blue Azorius Senate are the closest thing to a central government like you'd find in many countries on Earth, are a big bureaucracy, and also handle some police work. The red-white Boros Legion are basically the city's army, air force, and the rest of the police. Yes, there's two police departments; it doesn't always work well. Also, check the colors the people in Lens's comic are wearing. It all checks out.)