I know, I searched
only "fixes" are
->compatibility mode (almost never works)
->run as admin (also doesn't seem to work often)
->kill explorer.exe (this helps a lot, however without explorer.exe running a lot of things won't work anymore)
->have the monitor configuration screen open(only a few people reported this to work, theory as to why this at least sometimes works is because derpy windows code (like expected))
-> all of the above combined
@erindalc I also manged to get it working on another windows 7 machine (a laptop which right now has a broken screen). It is more about the hardware then the software. On some machines it works flawlessly out side the box, on others one of the above ways to get it to work can help on others you will only manage to make it worse if you get something to change at all.
I also don't really want to buy the HD version as its windows only (unless I am derping a lot and missing something) and my main computer doesn't like wine. The reason why I care about that is because I really prefer Linux over WIndows and even have a laptop which I use pretty much all day where running the windows that came on it is pretty much a no go (windows 8.1, very slow boot time, slower then the Linux install in general, just a mess to say the least.)