GDD|Craft [Direwolf] [Whitelist] [No Lag] [24/7] [12+]

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
Years playing Minecraft?: Roughly 1
Have you been banned?: Yes, but that was a while ago
Will you like to grief?: No, I've been looking for days to find a good FTB server to play on with no griefing
Other information: I'm a straight A student in school and I love building fancy machinery with mods (learned all I know from Direwolf20 :))
Username: beli0708
Age: 12
Years playing Minecraft: about one year now
Have you been banned: no but i have been promoted to mod on a tekkit server
Will you like to grief: like a lot of ppl i hate greifers
Other information: i live in Norway
Username: kingston2131
Age: 19
Years playing Minecraft? since the beta
Have you been banned? never
Will you like to grief? never rather play with people then with out
Other information: love FTB
Username: SlickSplit
Age: 39
Years playing Minecraft? 1
Have you been banned? never
Will you like to grief?(And therefore make it on our global banlist) never
Other information: Enjoy learning about the different mods and their utility. Also curious how others solve design problems both in building and teching.

Thank you.
UserName: zombiewarrior13
Years playing Minecraft? 1 year
Have you been banned? Nope
Will you like to grief?(And therefore make it on our global banlist) No Way!
Other information: I will love to be able to play with other people this is why i wanna join
Username: Frizfox
Age: 20
Years playing Minecraft? 2
Have you been banned? No
Will you like to grief?(And therefore make it on our global banlist) Nope
Other information: Just looking for a decent server to start learning the mods, also have a few ideas for builds.
Username: sw1mm3rfr34k
Age: 17
Years playing Minecraft? since alpha, so about 2
Have you been banned? No
Will you like to grief?(And therefore make it on our global banlist) No. Never.
Other information: I played a bit on the voxel box server so I can make some nice looking buildings!
Years playing Minecraft? 2
Have you been banned? i think i have on a server because i pvped the owner and i won he was mad bro
Will you like to grief?(And therefore make it on our global banlist) noo no no no no no
Other information:i am glad ou have mad a server which is friendly,fun,and trustworthy
Years playing Minecraft? Been playing since the Beta.​
Have you been banned? No, I have not.​
Will you like to grief? Never have before, don't see a reason to start now.​
Other information: I know most of the mods rather well.​
EDIT: Application for a good friend as well...​
Years playing Minecraft? He's only been playing for half a year, but he loves the mods.​
Have you been banned? Only MineCraft server he's played on is mine... Don't think I've ever banned him, heh heh.​
Will you like to grief? I know he hates griefing with a passion.​
Other information: He's pretty cool.
Username: coljac
Age: 15
Years playing Minecraft: Ive played since Beta
Have you ever been banned: Nope :)
Will you like to grief: Of course not!
Other info: I would consider myself to be an intermediate FTB player... I like the squirrels in Twilight Forest! So cute! :)
Age:13 (14 in a month)
Years playing Minecraft? since Beta 1.3 so 1-2 years
Have you been banned? No, I haven't been banned from a minecraft server.
Will you like to grief?(And therefore make it on our global banlist) Why would I do that?
Other information: I am fairly new to the mods but am picking them up quite fast.
Username: Regus_Thorn
Age: 14
Years playing Minecraft? 2
Have you been banned? no :)
Will you like to grief?(And therefore make it on our global banlist) no
Other information: I am 14 I love playing minecraft and Feed the beast but I have found them both boring playing by myself so I hope to join this server :D
Years playing Minecraft? He's only been playing for half a year, but he loves the mods.​
Have you been banned? Only MineCraft server he's played on is mine... Don't think I've ever banned him, heh heh.​
Will you like to grief? I know he hates griefing with a passion.​
Other information: He's pretty cool.
This is about me, I was playing risk with my family, its chirstmas :p, and we know how fast these can fill up so he tried to get a slot for me. My name is Amuffinattack but it was taken on minecraft (crazy right?) so its toiletmnstr. He got all the answers right, I have not played long but I do not grief, I've played many types of games where greifing can ruin it and that's not fun at all, why ruin someone else's time?
Username: The_33rd
Age: 17
Years playing Minecraft: about one
Have you been banned: No
Will you like to grief?(And therefore make it on our global banlist): No
Other information: I have played technic extensively, so I have experience with the core mods, but I have never played them in a server environment. I enjoy co-operative builds.
Username: Eliwood75
Age: 17
Years playing Minecraft? Ever since the very beginning, so I believe around 3 years now.
Have you been banned? Yes, once, but it was a misconception because there was a "backside" to the rules list that I didn't read, because it was blocked by bedrock. So... yeah, make of that what you will.
Will you like to grief?(And therefore make it on our global banlist): Not on my life. I ask before I borrow / use things, and never steal, nor blow up stuff on purpose.
Other information: Just a guy trying to find a good server. I've been supporting Minecraft for years now, love the game.
Years playing Minecraft? since the start or beta
Have you been banned? not for doing anything wrong
Will you like to grief?(And therefore make it on our global banlist) no
Other information: quite expereinced with the mods especially with the older ones
Username: DarkHairedIrish
Age: 15
Years playing Minecraft? Since mid-alpha
Have you been banned? Nope
Will you like to grief?(And therefore make it on our global banlist) Still nope
Other information: Have hosted servers before and know how they work. Also am a fair admin.