GDD|Craft [Direwolf] [Whitelist] [No Lag] [24/7] [12+]

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Welcome to GDD|Craft!
A Great FTB Experience! BETA*- 50 Slots - 24/7 - Server Address:
TeamSpeak3 is at

We are now running FTB Direwolf20!

Server Info We run the server on dedicated and powerful hardware located in a private datacenter in Chicago. Interested in the exact server specifications? We run two Intel Xeon E5620 @ 2.4Ghz Quad Core CPU's, 48 GB of DDR3 RAM, 1 SSD's for integrity and speed and all of this is running on Debian machine. Yeah, it's ridiculously fast.

Although GDD|craft is nearly brand new and in beta we only have a few dedicated players and are looking to expand. We pride ourselves on our friendly and helpful community. We do require approval to become a citizen for build rights, but this is part of what keeps the community so great! No one likes a griefer ruining everyone's fun. No worries though! Our applications is simple and we getting approved usually happens within 30 minutes of posting your application.

GDD|CRAFT runs a variety of plugins to enhance each players experience on the server. The plugins we currently run are listed below:

  • Simple Plugins-
  • BeastBan- original server!
Disabled Mods/Items:None so far

Joining us is very easy. Either post on our forums,
or join us in game. Any registered member can promote a guest to citizenship every week so no waiting for staff.

While awaiting citizenship you can still log in to the server and explore as a visitor!
developing this for forge

Server Address: *** The port is just needed untill our old server is shut down then it will go to the default port

To register sign up for a account at the top of this page, once you have registered in the server type /sync username password. if you have any problems post on the forums

Note that we are transferring from tekkit server, at this point we are in closed beta, working on spawn and what not, for previous users the tekkit server will stay up for at lease a week so check the spawn for instructions on how to move. feel free to register to help build the new server.
Our Current Spawn ( offering a bank, public machines and a soon to be admin shop)

Our Power station- every citizen has access to one of the three city power grids, not enough to run a massfab, but enough to run simple machines


questions and concerns can be posted in the forums or directly emailed to the server owner at[email protected]
new pictures
IP :


Don't Grief.

Dont Steal.

Dont be an asshat.

Whitelist Application:

Years playing Minecraft?
Have you been banned?
Will you like to grief?(And therefore make it on our global banlist)
Other information:

Policy Change- again this is a beta server until i take my old server down, in about a week, from this point on I do not want to take applications on here becasue it is hard to keep track of who is on the whitelist or not and I keep forgetting people, so from this point forward please go to our forums and apply by posting in the whitelist board up near the top, Sorry for the extra step but I hope this will make it easier for everyone, also at some point I hope to have the forums linked to our server but for the moment please do that and let me know if you have any problems
Please take your time to join our forums, after you start playing. We keep everyone up to date and have mod addition polls, and server info all in one handy place!
Also to download any of the links above, you will have to register on the
Screen Shots:
To come after we rebuild spawn. Wanna help, apply for whitelist.
Years playing Minecraft? since 2009 I thinkl I've played since alpha
Have you been banned? Yep, nothing that was my fault though. I have never greifed or stolen its just usually false accusations or I was near an incident at the time.
Will you like to grief?(And therefore make it on our global banlist) Nope
Other information:I've played the mods for quite some time and consider myself an expert on some of the older mods.
Username: ManuCow
Age: 17
Years playing Minecraft?: 1,5 years
Have you been banned?: nope
Will you like to grief?(And therefore make it on our global banlist): nope...
Other information: I love to make big structures :P
Years playing Minecraft?2
Have you been banned?In a FTB server no.
Will you like to grief?(And therefore make it on our global banlist)Nope
Other information:Im new to lots of mods
Username: Gallanoth
Age: 20
Years playing: 2.5
Been Banned? Nope
Will you like to grief? What a silly question, absolutely not.
Other info: Been waiting for RP2 to find a server that I can play on with my brother, a few of the other ones haven't worked out due to age restrictions on his part. We're both fairly new to most of the mods and have been playing with FTB for the past few weeks, I've messed around a little bit with the mods before, original IC and Buildcraft as much as 2 years ago. I've been a mod on several other servers with smaller communities that have since mostly folded.
Years playing Minecraft? 2 years
Have you been banned? never
Will you like to grief?(And therefore make it on our global banlist) i never grief and if they grief me i just get pissed of badly
Other information:i'm not to bad with the mods i'm pretty good with ic2 and buildcraft but the new mods not to well but acceptable
hope to play on this 48 GB damn bro thats alot and ssd dear god
Username: Shablo5
Years playing Minecraft? 1.5
Have you been banned? no
Will you like to grief?(And therefore make it on our global banlist) no
Other information: Nothing really.
Username: Mr_ExCiTe
Age: 16
Years playing Minecraft? 2 years
Have you been banned? Not at all.
Will you like to grief? No.
Other information: I'm learning the basics of ThaumCraft. So far I have learned a lot through my buddy Latsi.

Username: KaptainKake9
Age: 15
Years playing Minecraft? 3 years
Have you been banned? No he has not
Will you like to grief?(And therefore make it on our global banlist) No
Other information: He is a buddy of mine. We fight Crime together. Sadly he had to go, so I told him I would apply for him!
Years playing Minecraft?3
Have you been banned?no
Will you like to grief?(And therefore make it on our global banlist)no i wouldnt
Other information: I am very experinced in most of the mods
Username: Dyckannu
Age: 17
Years playing Minecraft? Since it first came out, so... About three and a half years.
Have you been banned? Nope. I've never been in a server.
Will you like to grief? No, it's disrespectful, and just plain stupid.
Other information: I've learned all that I know through Coestar and Avidya. Which, although that doesn't say much, is a start.
Username: Ultriix
Age: 31
Years playing Minecraft? 3
Have you been banned? Not at all.
Will you like to grief?(And therefore make it on our global banlist) No way!
Other information: I'm well excited to start using the updated ftb mods, been playing modded minecraft from the start and came from tekkit to the more awesome ftb. Love to help others when I can, totally against griefing and begging :)
OP updated
please note that in the beta period the server address will be but after out old server gets shutdown it will become just
Ultriix,Dyckannu,chilledchaos924,Mr_ExCiTe,Shablo5,tyNiee,Gallanoth,Manuel033 and ManuCow are in the process of being added to the whitelist.
Age: 15
Years playing Minecraft? 2 years
Have you been banned? Never
Will you like to grief?(And therefore make it on our global banlist) Nope that would be a bit stupid
Other information: I like cheese
Username: zeo1996
Age: 16~ :)
Years playing Minecraft? almost two years by now.
Have you been banned?No I have not :).
Will you like to grief? Nope, i just want to build my plot of land :P
Other information:I like to build...well w/e i feel like the day i'm on so my plot of land will look so... random.
Username: DeamonHal
Age: 20
Years playing Minecraft? Three years
Have you been banned? I have never been banned
Will you like to grief?(And therefore make it on our global banlist) I would never grief anyone
Other information: Like helping others, willing to share any spare resources I have.
Username: GewoonBijAH
Years playing Minecraft? 1
Have you been banned? No
Will you like to grief?(And therefore make it on our global banlist) Of course not.
Other information: I have played tekkit for a very long time, so I am willing to help with the mods, and maybe help to build the server!
Years playing Minecraft? 2
Have you been banned?Nope
Will you like to grief?(And therefore make it on our global banlist)Nope
Other information:I like to build and mining
izmurphziV2,zeo1996,DeamonHal have been added, I will try and keep up with adding people to the whitelist, but I have had a bit more eggnog then what is acceptable
Username: tuwee
Age: 20
Years playing Minecraft? Since beginning of beta(lost track of when that was)
Have you been banned? Nope
Will you like to grief?(and therefore make it on our global banlist) Never
Other information: love building sorting systems and testing out all the mods.
Username: DeathHaze
Years playing Minecraft? 2
Have you been banned? Never
Will you like to grief?(And therefore make it on our global banlist) Never
Other information: Hmm... I don't build pretty things, but they function the way they're supposed to :D