[GAME THREAD] TarkirWolf

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The Final Recap has come...

This afternoon, the_J hatched a plan to throw his nemesis Nicol Bolas off his tracks altogether. He got everyone to vote to lynch him, but at the last second, just before Atarka opened her maw to roast him, he spread his translucent, feathered wings and launched into the air. This threw everyone off-guard, but it didn't take long for all the Dragons in and around the camp to take off after him. The_J didn't seem to defend himself at all after that- he practically let the other Dragons rip him out of the sky. As he fell back to earth and crashed into the ground, leaving a rather large chasm where he fell, one of the onlooking Dragons nodded in satisfaction before vanishing from the plane of Tarkir.

This was not, however, the end of the Spirit Dragon. One of the humans walked- no, ran- to the place where Ugin had fallen. He untied the shard of stone from the end of his staff and held it out to the dying Dragon. The shard rose into the air and, with a faint glow of blue light, multiplied itself over and over. The shards assembled themselves into huge solid stone hedrons covered in draconic runes, which in turn positioned them all around Ugin, encasing him completely. The hedrons formed a sort of protective cocoon encasing the Spirit Dragon, where he would rest and recuperate for the next thousand years or so.

Then the human- RJS, in fact, poofed out of existence. He wasn't really supposed to be here- after all, by reviving Ugin, he managed to prevent the chain of events that led to his own birth. Oops.



Declassified GM sheet

I have my thoughts on this game, which I'll post here in a bit. I'd like to see what some of you all thought first, though.
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Well so37,

Like you may know i had no clue what to do this game. It went by so fast and i had no idea what happened.
This was probbably my own fault tho..
So lets wait and see what the others say.

Also I'll start my signup asap :)
Various facts:
There were three duplicate roles in this game. Pizzawolf and Dylan were both Savage Ventmaws (because chaos- yes, that was my actual reasoning; I thought at least one of them would actually use their ability successfully); Cheese and lenscas were both Asharin Clerics (because I figured the other duplicate role should be a humanoid, to balance things out), and trajing and Striking were both Flamerush Riders (because Striking joined late, so I asked RNG for advice).

Both of the initial wolves (Lethosos and sgbros, but mostly Lethosos) seemed to think that Shazam was in the game and a priority target for conversion; I didn't point this out to them until day 2 because I had no idea what they were doing. That didn't help them win- in fact, they didn't manage to convert anyone at all.

Ugin (the_J) also managed to snipe Sarkhan (RJS) on N1. That didn't help the wolves, either.

Also, there was a bug in my spreadsheet that caused Striking's votes to not be counted for the first couple of days. That was a derp on my part; but it didn't really end up impacting the game.

In addition, here's a reflective wall o' text that I threw on the dead convo:
I'm not really against that weirdo technique of the villagers to win, but is that even fair?
I don't know... the way this part of the actual story ended was with Bolas using an army of mind-controlled dragons (with Yasova's help) to strike Ugin out of the sky. Bolas then figured that Ugin was dead (or close enough that he had no way to recover) and left Tarkir thinking he had done what he set out to do; but then Sarkhan happened to be in the right place at the right time with the right tool to create a protective cocoon around Ugin, keeping the Spirit Dragon from bleeding to death (or whatever) and allowing him to recuperate until awoken a thousand years later.

Sarkhan's win-condition ability was designed to replicate this; the idea being that if Bolas thinks Ugin is dead and leaves the plane, but Ugin isn't really dead, that's a win for Ugin. I guess for it to really work, though, Bolas would have to actually believe that Ugin is dead, and after hearing the discussion on the thread here today, that would certainly not be the case. Nicol Bolas is a smart guy (that's an understatement; he's been around for at least 23000 years and is ridiculously intelligent). If he caught wind of Sarkhan's shenanigans in the actual story, he would've done everything in his power to either kill Sarkhan before the cocoon could be completed or destroy the cocoon after the fact.

I guess to capture this more accurately in a game of Werewolf, Sarkhan's ability would only trigger if Bolas somehow orchestrated Ugin's death... I guess, by wolfkilling him, having a converted Acid-Spewer or Lightning Shrieker target him, or by having a majority of the converted lynch votes be on Ugin.

I have been considering running this game again sometime with only a few changes. I'm writing them down at the bottom of the rolesheet as I write this.
The current changes noted are as follows:
  • Add Sarkhan to the order of powers. As it was, when his ability triggered, and thus when he would demanifest, was really weird, as it depended on who he was targeting.
  • Change Sarkhan's win condition ability to only trigger if Bolas orchestrates Ugin's death. This would prevent the "Hey, I'm Ugin, Sarkhan's watching me, lynch me so the town wins" thing that happened this game.
  • Make it clear that manifestations stick around and the number of them is supposed to increase over time. There was some confusion about this.
  • Remove Ugin's automanifestation. This would allow Bolas and co. to kill him without converting everyone and controlling the lynch, which goes along with item 2.
  • Go back to the original random-targeting thing with manifestation. It just overcomplicated things, and with Ugin's passive ability removed, is no longer necessary.
All in all, though, I think this game went fairly well. Much better than my last game, at least... getting to see all those convos whizzing around on D2 was really neat, although the resulting email spam wasn't.
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I hope Pyure learnt a valuable lesson from this game. :) don't mess with my flow.
Messing with your flow was both amusing and productive, particularly since it helped solidify my roleclaim.

I learned no lessons, only taught them: people shouldn't lynch me for a poor-ass reason. I think everyone did a great job of learning this.
Partially my fault; I tried to get Spwnx to kill you, thinking he was Bolas. He ended up protecting you instead :p

Next time listen to my recommendations, I told you to publically claim cleric or bodyguard or something. It was a good idea, and since you're a relatively new player, wolves might take the bait at face value. (yay, mixed metaphors)
I'm just salty because GM didn't send me something saying my power failed.

@Someone Else 37 take notes
I didn't explicitly tell most of the people whose powers failed why they failed because they could deduce that from info they already had. For instance, I didn't tell you and Sora why your powers didn't do anything on N1 because you both targeted VikeStep, and by then he was already dead, as noted in the recap. Had you targeted a human on N2, I would've added them to the wolf convo; since I didn't, you could've deduced that you'd hit either Sarkhan or some Dragon. Either that or that I just forgot, which I suppose is possible.