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Forum name: TechStoneGaming
In-Game Name: TechStoneGaming​
Age: 16​
Country: U.S.A
Have you ever been banned? why? I will be completely honest, I have been banned from a server, only once though. It was because I told the owner I didn't want to record on the server anymore, because I lost interest. I got banned a short period afterwards
Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat? Yes I do understand, and its completely acceptable. I can handle cursing like in your own private Skype chat, but not in game for the entire server to see.
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? I think I would be Batman, I want to be an ordinary guy, with the ability to do good for the community.
Extra Information: If I am excepted, I would like to do a Server Let's Play on the Server, on my youtube channel. Its the same as my In game name. Thank for reading this.​

Forum name: TheSquiggolo
In-Game Name: thesquiggolo
Age: 16
Country: US of A
Have you ever been banned? why? No
Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat? Yes
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? Iron Man. I'm smart. I want to be rich. I love the suit. I want the suit. I want to build the suit. I want to be the suit. I am the suit. I am Iron Man.

Forum name: CrazyFreakHi
In-Game Name: CrazyFreakHi_786
Age: 12
Country: Canada
Have you ever been banned? why? I have been banned once because I was to you young to play on the server at the time
Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat? Yes
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? There are so many to choose from but I would love to be Green Arrow because he's learned so much with his time on the island like how to survive, how to hunt, and how to fight, those traits would be very handy!

All three of you have been added. Welcome :) Make sure you check out fusion-craft.org for more information.
Forum name:KillerRamer
In-Game Name:killajoke
Have you ever been banned? why? Nope! Never have, never will, hopefully.
Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat?Yes. My tong will stay squeaky clean!
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? I don't think I'd really want to be either. I'd rather be my own superhero/super villain. Then I'd have my own quirky traits! liiiiiiike I could be a villain who had a superiority complex. And so he always planned big but it never went as expected but sometimes, things also go better than originally planned. A semi incompetent, yet grumpy go lucky villain.
Forum Name: BlackHole11
In-Game Name: BlackHole11​
Age: 13 (Judge Carefully, I act older. I have been denied so many times because I was honest.)
Country: Amurika!
Have you ever been banned? Why?:Once that I remember. The guy was trying to ban a hacker and thought it was me. The mistake was never corrected, I don't believe. Didn't care enough to look.
Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat?: Of course.
If you could be any super hero or villain, who would you be and why?: The Hulk. He is indestructible, and it would give me an oppurtunity to find out what would happen were the Hulk launched into space.
Forum name:KillerRamer
In-Game Name:killajoke
Have you ever been banned? why? Nope! Never have, never will, hopefully.
Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat?Yes. My tong will stay squeaky clean!
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? I don't think I'd really want to be either. I'd rather be my own superhero/super villain. Then I'd have my own quirky traits! liiiiiiike I could be a villain who had a superiority complex. And so he always planned big but it never went as expected but sometimes, things also go better than originally planned. A semi incompetent, yet grumpy go lucky villain.

You have been added. Welcome to the server! Please visit www.fusion-craft.org for contest information and daily server updates.[DOUBLEPOST=1375202991][/DOUBLEPOST]
Forum Name: BlackHole11
In-Game Name: BlackHole11​
Age: 13 (Judge Carefully, I act older. I have been denied so many times because I was honest.)
Country: Amurika!
Have you ever been banned? Why?:Once. The guy was trying to ban a hacker and thought it was me. The mistake was never corrected, I don't believe. Didn't care enough to look.
Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat?: Of course.
If you could be any super hero or villain, who would you be and why?: The Hulk. He is indestructible, and it would give me an oppurtunity to find out what would happen were the Hulk launched into space.

I am showing several ban appeals from multiple servers for you. Due to the fact that you were not honest about your past gaming history your application has been denied.
Forum name: Don't got one.
In-Game Name: Dezinated
Age: Rather not Say, but im older than 16.
Country: Currently in the US for a while
Have you ever been banned? why? Not that i can remember,
Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat? Yes i do
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? Probably ironman, i can fly around and do stuff.
Forum name: Don't got one.
In-Game Name: Dezinated
Age: Rather not Say, but im older than 16.
Country: Currently in the US for a while
Have you ever been banned? why? Not that i can remember,
Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat? Yes i do
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? Probably ironman, i can fly around and do stuff.

Unfortunately your application is not populated correctly. Due to this reason you application has been denied. Should you wish to try again you can do so in this thread or at http://fusion-craft.org/viewforum.php?f=5 .
Forum name:frostblooded
In-Game Name:frostblooded
Have you ever been banned? why?Nope
Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat?Yes I do
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why?Hero, To have awesome powers used for doing good.
Also I was whitelisted on the FTB Ultimate server just so you know
Forum name:frostblooded
In-Game Name:frostblooded
Have you ever been banned? why?Nope
Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat?Yes I do
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why?Hero, To have awesome powers used for doing good.
Also I was whitelisted on the FTB Ultimate server just so you know

No need to reapply then, the whitelist was carried over. :)
Unfortunately your application is not populated correctly. Due to this reason you application has been denied. Should you wish to try again you can do so in this thread or at http://fusion-craft.org/viewforum.php?f=5 .

Forum name: Don't got one.
In-Game Name: Dezinated
Age: im 16
Country: Currently in the US for a while
Have you ever been banned? why? Not that i can remember,
Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat? Yes i do
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? Probably ironman, i can fly around and do stuff.
There, i would of not wanted to post my age but if you require it...
Forum name: Don't got one.
In-Game Name: Dezinated
Age: im 16
Country: Currently in the US for a while
Have you ever been banned? why? Not that i can remember,
Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat? Yes i do
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? Probably ironman, i can fly around and do stuff.
There, i would of not wanted to post my age but if you require it...
In-Game Name: Dezinated
Age: Rather not Say, but im older than 16.
In-Game Name: Dezinated
Age: im 16

You have now lied about your age. You application has been denied.
You have been added. Welcome to the server! Please visit www.fusion-craft.org for contest information and daily server updates.[DOUBLEPOST=1375202991][/DOUBLEPOST]

I am showing several ban appeals from multiple servers for you. Due to the fact that you were not honest about your past gaming history your application has been denied.

The last server I remember playing on was 9 months ago. Maybe more. Apologies if my memory is sketchy.
Your server was my first option, because you guys seem fair. I'd rather play with you guys, but if not, its fine too. My memory is not very good.
In-Game Name: Dezinated
Age: Rather not Say, but im older than 16.
In-Game Name: Dezinated
Age: im 16

You have now lied about your age. You application has been denied.


That isn't lieing. I am older than 16, i'm like 16.57. That is how i understand it. Sorry if i confused you.
Forum name: bpbaseball12
In-Game Name: bpbaseball12
Age: 16
Country: United States
Have you ever been banned? why? Yes But not sure why
Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat? Yes i understand that cursing in public chat is against the rules
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? i would be the hulk cause i could destroy anyone lol
I'm not sure if this is the place to ask or not, but I added the server's IP in my minecraft game and it told me I'm not able to connect to it. I had Biomes o' Plenty enabled before I was even whitelisted so is this on my side or is it server side?
Humble apologies, me enabling Biomes O' Plenty didn't save in the launcher so I had to redo it. Sorry about that.
Any reason why the server is down? It said "Server shutting down" So does that mean its gone forever?
We updated to version 1.1.0, all mods but enchanting plus, vending, and death timer are enabled.