Whitelist Server Fusion-Craft|Ultimate|White list|Grief Prev|1.1.2|TS3|Keep items on death|Essentials

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Forum Name: Newt144
In-Game Name: Newt144 (I don't remember if the N is capitalized)
Age: 13
Country: United States of America
Have you ever been banned? No, as far as I remember.
Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat? Yes, it makes sense.
What can you bring to the community? I have at least half-way decent aesthetic designing skills and knowledge of the mods, willing to help others and let them use things of mine.
What rule would you enforce in a public server and why? No griefing, trolling, verbal abuse, or any other form of ruining the experience of others. I have been across a few servers, and the one thing that I always see that makes me cringe is people bullying others players, whether its in chat, (virtually)physically, or the destruction or abuse of others builds.
Welcome you have been added to the server! Please visit our website http://fusion-craft.org/ !
1. Forum name: KAO99
2. In-Game Name: KAO99
3. Age: 17
4. Country: USA
5. Have you ever been banned? why?: No I have not
6. Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat?: sure do
7. What can you bring to the community?: books, plenty of nice literature either made by me, published through me, or copied from existing sources. Also nice architecture
8. What rule would you enforce in a public server and why?: do not in any way express racism towards an ethnicity, we're all people.
1. Forum name: KAO99
2. In-Game Name: KAO99
3. Age: 17
4. Country: USA
5. Have you ever been banned? why?: No I have not
6. Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat?: sure do
7. What can you bring to the community?: books, plenty of nice literature either made by me, published through me, or copied from existing sources. Also nice architecture
8. What rule would you enforce in a public server and why?: do not in any way express racism towards an ethnicity, we're all people.

You have been added! Please visit http://fusion-craft.org/ for more information! :D
1. Forum name: EnterableVirus
2. In-Game Name: EnterableVirus
3. Age: 21
4. Country: U.S.A
5. Have you ever been banned? why? No
6. Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat? Yep
7. What can you bring to the community? I can bring my knowledge and my humor lov to help ppl out with anything even the simple stuff
8. What rule would you enforce in a public server and why? No Griefing bc it takes too much time to make something epic just to have someone rain tnt on your work
1. Forum name: EnterableVirus
2. In-Game Name: EnterableVirus
3. Age: 21
4. Country: U.S.A
5. Have you ever been banned? why? No
6. Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat? Yep
7. What can you bring to the community? I can bring my knowledge and my humor lov to help ppl out with anything even the simple stuff
8. What rule would you enforce in a public server and why? No Griefing bc it takes too much time to make something epic just to have someone rain tnt on your work

You have been added, welcome! Be sure to visit our forum at www.fusion-craft.org for contest info etc.[DOUBLEPOST=1381212330][/DOUBLEPOST]>>> IP CAHNGE: servers.fusion-craft.org:25566 <<<
Formulate a plan. Acquire your materials. Create your SCARY Ride or Attraction.

  • All prizes will be based on your effort.

Depending on how many people we have participating we will between one and three winners. The winner(s) will receive in game prizes and (1) steam game. All other entries will be put into a group.

  1. Winner(s) (Stupendous)
  2. Group One (Extraordinary)
  3. Group Two (Exceptional)
  4. Group Three(Acceptable)

Please post here to enter this contest: http://fusion-craft.org/showthread.php?tid=769

What will be judged?
We are looking for creativity, originality, quality and functionality. Biggest might not always be the best.

When does it start?

When does it end?

When will it be judged?
1. Forum name:AGAM DHILLON
2. In-Game Name:Matt441143
3. Age:18
4. Country:Canada
5. Have you ever been banned? why?Yes by a admin because I would not give him my premium minecraft account other than that i guess no
6. Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat?yes
7. What can you bring to the community?I can bring my knowledge of ftb,my sense of humor and I am really good with redstone (I also make iron farms witch is use full in ftb )
8. What rule would you enforce in a public server and why?I would enforce no cussing or spamming the chat because it gets annoying when people do that.
1. Forum name:AGAM DHILLON
2. In-Game Name:Matt441143
3. Age:18
4. Country:Canada
5. Have you ever been banned? why?Yes by a admin because I would not give him my premium minecraft account other than that i guess no
6. Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat?yes
7. What can you bring to the community?I can bring my knowledge of ftb,my sense of humor and I am really good with redstone (I also make iron farms witch is use full in ftb )
8. What rule would you enforce in a public server and why?I would enforce no cussing or spamming the chat because it gets annoying when people do that.

You have been added! Please visit http://fusion-craft.org/ for more information! :D
Forum name: Xris
In-Game Name: Xris
Country: US
Have you ever been banned? why? Sorry but not.
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? Oh man this is a hard one. I would have to say that I have an odd pick that you might not know off the top of your head. Rebel AKA Micah Sanders from the show Heros. Micah was a technopath that could mentally talk to electronic devices to control them. How cool would it to be to play Minecraft with only thinking about it?
Forum name: Xris
In-Game Name: Xris
Country: US
Have you ever been banned? why? Sorry but not.
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? Oh man this is a hard one. I would have to say that I have an odd pick that you might not know off the top of your head. Rebel AKA Micah Sanders from the show Heros. Micah was a technopath that could mentally talk to electronic devices to control them. How cool would it to be to play Minecraft with only thinking about it?

Very nice answer you have there! You have been added! Please check out http://fusion-craft.org/ for more information about the server, contest's, event's, etc! :D
1. Forum name: EST_Koenigsegg
2. In-Game Name: EST_Koenigsegg
3. Age: 20
4. Country: Estonia
5. Have you ever been banned? why? No
6. Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat? Yes
7. What can you bring to the community? I can bring my talent with building and i can bring my friends to this server.
8. What rule would you enforce in a public server and why? No spamming and advertising, because it is really annoying, and i am against griefing because people have made an effort to make a good base and then comes someone who destroys all
1. Forum name: EST_Koenigsegg
2. In-Game Name: EST_Koenigsegg
3. Age: 20
4. Country: Estonia
5. Have you ever been banned? why? No
6. Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat? Yes
7. What can you bring to the community? I can bring my talent with building and i can bring my friends to this server.
8. What rule would you enforce in a public server and why? No spamming and advertising, because it is really annoying, and i am against griefing because people have made an effort to make a good base and then comes someone who destroys all

You have been added. Welcome aboard! Be sure to check our forums at http://fusion-craft.org for more info!
1. Forum name: Lemons
2. In-Game Name: Precious_Lemons
3. Age: 17
4. Country: USA
5. Have you ever been banned? why? No
6. Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat? Yes
7. What can you bring to the community? I can bring companionship, aesthetic ability, and help to others who ask for it.
8. What rule would you enforce in a public server and why? No racism or other offensive remarks. I very much dislike people being "ugly" to others, I believe it serves no purpose and discredits everyone involved.
1. Forum name: Lemons
2. In-Game Name: Precious_Lemons
3. Age: 17
4. Country: USA
5. Have you ever been banned? why? No
6. Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat? Yes
7. What can you bring to the community? I can bring companionship, aesthetic ability, and help to others who ask for it.
8. What rule would you enforce in a public server and why? No racism or other offensive remarks. I very much dislike people being "ugly" to others, I believe it serves no purpose and discredits everyone involved.

You have been added, welcome back!

Found your old post (Professor Lemons, Jan 13, 2013) posted on Acaldra Tekkit :)
1. Forum name: Yuri
2. In-Game Name: Kidgamer100
3. Age: 17
4. Country: North America
5. Have you ever been banned?: N/A
6. Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat?: Yes
7. What can you bring to the community?: CCLua skills, conversation
8. What rule would you enforce in a public server and why?: Rule 3
1. Forum name: Yuri
2. In-Game Name: Kidgamer100
3. Age: 17
4. Country: North America
5. Have you ever been banned?: N/A
6. Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat?: Yes
7. What can you bring to the community?: CCLua skills, conversation
8. What rule would you enforce in a public server and why?: Rule 3

You have been added! Welcome to the server. Please check out http://fusion-craft.org/ for more information, other modpacks, and contest information.
Forum name: FinishIgor
In-Game Name: FinishIgor
Age: 25years old
Country: Sweden/Finland
Have you ever been banned? why? No, never
Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat? Yes
What can you bring to the community? I can bring socilaity in public chat and even in voice chat. I can share my storys since im a humouristic person. I can also share my ideas and help people irl and ingame.
What rule would you enforce in a public server and why? Respect the persons, everyone is equal.

Posted a apply for my friend also, his new to FTB and haven't made a account here yet. So i hope it doesnt matter if he makes one together with me. If so, i can tell him to make a account and post a new one.

Forum name: Dont have any
In-Game Name: Moneyfluff
Age: 24
Country: Sweden
Have you ever been banned? why? No
Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat? Yes
What can you bring to the community? can be a funny person when i learnd the people a bit more :)
What rule would you enforce in a public server and why? no spammers its annoying to read junk thats not belong on the server, no bitching that makes the community unstable, Respect others buildings and persons etc
Forum Name: EmoryPlaysFTB
In-Game Name: emoryss1
Country: USA
Have you ever been baned?: No
Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat?:Yes i understand
What can you bring to the community?:I will bring a young and creative mind to the community
What rule would you enforce in a public server and why?: I would enforce no griefing because it will ruin peoples creations that they spent alot of time on