Whitelist Server Fusion-Craft|Ultimate|White list|Grief Prev|1.1.2|TS3|Keep items on death|Essentials

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The reason that you were kicked is because of failure to follow the rules posted in the opening post. I have copied the rule for you just to make sure that you can see it clearly.
  • This is mature server so please keep the chat box free of cursing and foul language.If Mr. Rogers or Sesame Street don't use it then you shouldn't say it publicly in our chat.
Now if you can show me where either one of those children's shows says that word. Then I will personally apologize. Also do remember that the ruling is explained in more detail on our forums as follows:
3. No offensive remarks in chat or offensive structures built:
3. No offensive remarks in chat or offensive structures built:
Chat is moderated on a regular basis. Offensive words will lead to a warning (kick) or a temp ban if it persists. This includes offensive language used in the attached text file or anything else that comes to mind that if you use common sense, others might find disrespectful. It's called respect towards others. This is a sensitive case as we will take action on this. This also includes substitutions for the words as well. It does not matter how minor you think it is.

Structures built that have an offense to politics / religion / anything else will cause you to get banned.

If you had any further questions about our rules you should have directed them in pm to the online mods/admins not done it in general chat.
Forum name: reece320
In-Game Name: Reece_Winning
Age: 18
Country: Australia
Have you ever been banned? why? No i haven't
Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat? Yes i do
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? Probably Iron Man, the ability of being a genius, being incredibly rich and the use of insane technology, i would want to be him.
Forum name:MC_Essery
In-Game Name:MC_Essery
Have you ever been banned? why?never
Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat?yes
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why?superman because flying would be amazing!
forum name:bemo
in-game name:Burn508
have you ever been banned? why? no cause i get along
if you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? wolverine whats wrong with huge metal claws coming out of your hand :)
Forum name: Bleuman
In-Game Name: bleuman
Country: French
Have you ever been banned? why? Nop
Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat? Normalous
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? Batman because it's just a men with technology..

Thank you :)
Forum name: Footman
In-Game Name: Footman
Age: 21
Country: USA
Have you ever been banned? why? No.
Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat? Yes.
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? The Flash.
Forum name: Shenjo
In-Game Name: 83sparky83
Country: US
Have you ever been banned? why? No
Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat? Yes
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? Green latern
Forum name:Rebo
In-Game Name:carz98
Have you ever been banned? why?vanilla from joining public server's
Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat?yes i do
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why?ross ellitot
Forum name:rossyboi09
In-Game Name:rossyboi09
Have you ever been banned? why?nope
Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat?yes i do
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why?superwomen
P.S- im posting for me and my friend who will be playing together
Forum Name: momkat
In-Game Name: momkat6808
Age: 48
Country: USA
Have you ever been banned? why? No
D you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in chat? absolutely, it's one of my pet peeves
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? I would be the invisible woman in order to protect those important to me with my invisible force fields. =)
Forum name: SGpuddin
In-Game Name: SGpuddin
Age: 15
Country: England
Have you ever been banned? Why? I have been banned on a few servers due to lack of communication and errors i have made including helping my friend build his house and being banned for griefing. I have also been banned upon a sethbling server for flying when i used a class which granted me the ability of a "magic broom" which enabled flight to a certain degree. I was also banned upon a server after requesting to be banned as i was becoming to addicted to it and needed to spend more time with my studies.
Do you understand that we don't tolerate cursing in chat? Absolutely Its a firm belief of mine which i have fought to preserve. (Used to be a server network moderator for lockedcraft)
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? I would choose to be spider man because i would like to look that good in skin tight clothing....[DOUBLEPOST=1377867056][/DOUBLEPOST]
Forum Name: momkat
In-Game Name: momkat6808
Age: 48
Country: USA
Have you ever been banned? why? No
D you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in chat? absolutely, it's one of my pet peeves
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? I would be the invisible woman in order to protect those important to me with my invisible force fields. =)

Momkat =D
Forum name: william mcnabb
In-Game Name:usafmcnabb19
Have you ever been banned? why? never
Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat? I understand and thank u for making that rule
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? BATMAN because its one thing to have superpowers its another to make them.