Whitelist Server Fusion-Craft|Ultimate|White list|Grief Prev|1.1.2|TS3|Keep items on death|Essentials

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
3 things,

One- Your friend must make his own app, this is a new rule.
Two- darkreapa I acctualy found a ban, please explain http://sheepserver.freeforums.org/darkreapa-s-unban-request-t80.html
Three- We do not tolerate greifers

My ban was over a year ago when I foolishly decided to use x-ray. It's not even possible to use x-ray mods with ftb modpacks as the modpacks use forge , and all x-rays these days are for modloader only. I also explained that my friend is not a griefer, it was just a case of misunderstandings that he couldn't be bothered to appeal for. If I am accepted I will get my friend to make an app since his internet is now working.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Forum name: Albethe
In-Game Name: Albethe
Age: 18
Country: italy
Have you ever been banned? why? yes because i have accidentally destroyed a gregtech machine
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? Prophet , because he can do a lot of interesting things with his nanosuit ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You have been added. Welcome, make sure you check out fusions-craft.org for contests and prizes. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My ban was over a year ago when I foolishly decided to use x-ray. It's not even possible to use x-ray mods with ftb modpacks as the modpacks use forge , and all x-rays these days are for modloader only. I also explained that my friend is not a griefer, it was just a case of misunderstandings that he couldn't be bothered to appeal for. If I am accepted I will get my friend to make an app since his internet is now working.
You will be added, your friend will have to make his own app or he will not be whitelisted[DOUBLEPOST=1368128871][/DOUBLEPOST]
I do not remember being on a server called c-wom, but I could have been playing on there with my neighbor. It was long ago, and I do not remember the IP we were playing on. I was banned along with my friend mistakenly because we were living in another players house, but the admins thought we did not have his permission to live there.
You are still Denied as you did grief, unless you have a friend to vouch for you, you will not be whitelisted.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just a fair warning to everyone who joins the server, the admins to this server are extremely rude, particularly Max. If there is any misunderstanding, they will not elaborate or try to be accommodating. They will just insult you and threaten to ban you if you argue back. They would rather escalate problems. They do not care about any issues and would rather lie back and insult you for 10 minutes straight. The other players on the server are nice, but these admins are infuriating. Even when if you say that you are angry and you are trying to calm down, the admins WILL provoke you continuously. They do not care about fostering a helpful community, and how one has appeared despite their best efforts is beyond me.

It is also advisable to keep this page bookmarked and monitor it constantly, for these are a set of rules that are not on the title post of this forum as of making this post (may 09, 2013)


And also beware there is an unwritten rule that you cannot explore "too fast" or whatever that means (at one point, someone I play with was accused of lagging out the server from exploration because they were hunting creepers for a shard), and you cannot spawn Withers and must beg an op every time you want nether stars from their skulls. Another thing to consider is that "crap" and "hell" are considered swear words on that server, and they'll let you know of this fact by kicking you off the server.

The problem being that the server has invited so many people that stay online at once that rudimentary activities such as quarries are not permitted unless you babysit them to remove running water from their insides should it ever appear, under threat of a ban if you don't. The server crashes frequently, items are lost in mass due to frequent updates and crashes, and unless you register on their forums and make detailed posts their response is "tough cookies". Frankly I'm starting to believe they want to ban players because the server is so overloaded that you'll get severe block lag at midnight even with 32 gigabytes of ram, since they make absolutely no effort to quell any escalation that occurs. They'll just threaten a ban while another one of them rambles off about how horrible a person you are. Also keep watch on this page, since it will be constantly updated with new restrictions that are *not* plainly stated on this forum.

So heed my warning: Only join this server if

#1: You will never have any misunderstandings over ambiguous terms, particularly with how max interprets them. Since this is impossible and max will find any excuse to hate you since he is a self-admitted jerk...

#2: You are willing to accept that the mods will consistently berate you, and you are not allowed to defend yourself.

#3: With any and all problems that do occur, you keep your mouth shut, never take initiative, and if you have a problem you must register with their forums and then make any posts there. Otherwise, the mods WILL ignore/deny any issues that you are having, even if you mentioned them in chat 5 minutes ago.

#4: You do not mind that the server will crash frequently from unknown causes and you will lose progress due to rollbacks.

I'd like to state that I was not banned from this server. Indeed, I did not break any of the rules posted in the topic of this title nor in that other post on their forum. I left the server of my own volition after breaking the unwritten rule that Max is free to verbally abuse its inhabitants. I will defend this assertion should any debate come my way. Now, if you want to know the particular incidents that lead up to me leaving:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Earlier today (2:00 AM early), the pure node I had built up had been wiped due to a new tickthreading update bug that also caused ME systems to bug out. I asked the ops online about this, got no response. Someone else's node was also wiped, and they never received responses either. So I spent my morning wandering around slowly trying to find silverwood trees for saplings and slowly breeding bees. I built up this new node by going through several silverwood saplings. So I log off and come back several hours later to find that this new node, again, has been wiped. This is pretty annoying, since Thaumcraft is the main mod I used and the lack of a pure node had rendered my activities highly hazardous to me and the server. I mentioned it while 3 owners were online and got no response. I checked the forum thread listed above to see if there was any updates, and the new quarry update was in place. This made me a bit angry again since using flowing water in a quarry is the best way to mine past lava, and without it you have to constantly monitor quarries to block out all of the lava and remove any water that can flow in because apparently the lag caused by flowing water updating into blocks was too much for this poor server to handle. This didn't make sense to me, and while contemplating whether or not I should stay on this server I mentioned my uncertainty in the chat and I was finally met with a response by Max saying "Fine. Let me know when and I"ll remove you from the whitelist".

Having run a personal server before, I found this to be extremely odd, since I had never had a problem with flowing water being an issue, even in 64 x 64 quarries running with 3 industrial steam engines. But regardless of how strange a server's rules seems to be, I follow them. This was a big problem, though, since I had made the quarry in a lake bed. I use every single bit of dirt and cobblestone I had to fill it, and it wasn't nearly enough. Being that the lake bed was anywhere from 2-5 deep, the whole thing would've needed anywhere from 2k to 5k blocks to fill. So one of the ops is going to leave (Marissa I believe it was) and asked if anyone needed anything, and I said I needed around a bunch of cobblestone to fill the quarry. And that is when max chimes in, saying something about "Oh what are you having an attitude about now?". Which is weird, since it means he heard the complaint about my pure node vanishing twice and that I might not stay on that server and decided "forget that guy" while making a mental note in his head that he doesn't like me. So they port over to the quarry area, and then proceeded to adamantly deny it was a quarry, say I didn't know what a quarry (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/quarry?s=t definition #1) was then outright call me a stupid moron. Of course, I had picked up the quarry block because I wasn't sure if I was going to continue the quarrying in that exact same spot after I had filled in all of the water blocks, and I had the power + item transfer system still set up in the same place. I was mistaken in one thing, though: apparently the problem was the block updates from flowing water, and not the flowing water itself. This isn't mentioned or elaborated on, and this new ruling didn't make sense to me in the first place, so I was mistaken here. I would've never learned this from Max, though, who would rather call me an idiot than explain what the real problem was like other people on the server did. Now, of course I admit in chat that I am angry and am trying to calm down and that Max isn't helping, and Max takes this opportunity to continue insulting me. So the argument unfolds because apparently I use the accepted dictionary definition for the term "quarry" along with the frequent colloquial use that a quarry is made up of the sight where they have/are/will take place (and Max will argue that this is wrong to the death), and I am an idiot because I don't like all of the new rules. The whole time I an spending this on defense, trying to justify that I am not an idiot and that Max is wrong to act in such a way, and the whole time Max keeps going on about how horrible he thinks I am.

And this is the part that really irritates me: the other owners of this server are accepting of this behavior. There was none of this "Max, try to be nicer", or "Max, try to be understanding" or "Max, you shouldn't abuse other players" or "Max, stop talking so we can resolve this peacefully" or "Max, he isn't completely wrong. Stop being so pigheaded". None of it! They didn't even bother to give me cobblestone or pump out the water in that quarry. I had to find out from other players that they might do this. All the other owners of the server did was threaten to ban me for talking back to Max (which again, isn't a rule). This reminds me of a certain quote which I'll paraphrase: "To see an injustice and do nothing is to make yourself a silent accomplice". In another vein, said by Edmund Burke: "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." To be simple about it: They accept and approve of his behavior. They think it is acceptable to unjustifiably verbally assault players, but don't have the gall to do it themselves. They don't bother to ask what the issue is when I am uncertain, and from the way they act it is plainly obvious that they do not care about others or maintaining a peaceful community. They do not care about problem resolution. All they will do is sit there while angsty little Max gets his jollies off of hating other people as quickly as possible. Sure, I don't like how my nodes are constantly wiped, rendering my favorite mod a hassle to the entire server. Sure, I don't like that you have to babysit quarries now, defeating their entire purpose of automated mining in the first place. Sure, I don't like how I have to wake up every day in paranoia that my sister will be banned because she's playing in an area where something I made last night became a bannable offense. Sure, I don't like how more and more unwritten rules are being made and enforced, limiting gameplay further and further. Sure, I don't like how mods are inattentive to anyone who doesn't register to their forums.

But all that only made me uncertain. It is the actions of these owners that pushed me over the edge and made me leave. Maybe they don't like that I'll just give people items and let them use my wither skeleton spawner. Maybe they don't like that I answer questions in chat whenever they appear. Maybe they don't like the fact that someone can, as inconceivable as it is, interpret ambiguous and strange rules different from them or do something in a manner that is different form theirs. But regardless, their behavior is unacceptable on so many levels. It is unacceptable from a position of authority, it is unacceptable as a matter of courtesy, and it is unacceptable as basic human interaction as understood by nearly everyone on the planet who is competent.

I will walk away. I will do it, if I receive an apology from the staff that their behavior was inexcusable. Otherwise, I await the hilarious attempt in which they try to defend themselves. Either apologize, shriek away in shame, or bring up the server and chat logs so I can make a definite and irrefutable example of your wrongdoings. About how the whole thing could've been avoided if that statement about need cobble to fill the quarry was considered either sincere, or as a joke said to fight off misery, or if Max behaved in a way that isn't considered criminal if done in person.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is my favorite server I have ever played on. The staff is very nice and helpful. This is one of the best servers you can find on the fourms In my opinion. Love playing on it everyday. Tons of fun and nice people to play with.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
TBH, Proto you do make some valid points. I was present online when you were talking about your Thaumcraft nodes and was not helped. I do think the server has alot of awesome and knowledgeable people. I do like being on the server, however, the constant server crashing does annoy myself and my friend enough where sometimes we dont log on for days.. we are still in basic machinery because whenever we would start building the server would crash.
As for all these unwritten rules, I have no idea. lol. I personally have never been threatened or told i would be banned and believe me... I ask alot of annoying questions.
As for the quarry statement, im awaiting to get 5 quarries... i seriously have to watch all of them now? I dont pay attention to the official server forum, i dont believe most players do.

This is a great server if you want to start off fresh, plenty of resources still to mine. The End, Nether, and Twilight reset weekly so theres still plenty of mining and adventure to do! I am setting up a castle for new players to move into, attachments and all. Besides server crashes on bad days (it happens on ALL servers) it just takes a minute or two to boot up.... the actual RUNNING time of the server, its online more than other servers. Also with this server, UNLIKE OTHER SERVERS, im not worried it disappearing after a month like 90% of the other servers.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am going to make this short and sweet. This is largely false. I will comment on a few points but you are not worth the time to respond to it all.

1) The ambiguous term is Quarry. You could not understand the difference between a Quarry with water in and a hole with water in it. You were raging because you said you needed 10 stacks to fill the hole. After I tried explaining and other members you still couldn't comprehend the simplicity. You linked to the definition

1 [kwawr-ee, kwor-ee] Show IPA noun, plural quar·ries, verb, quar·ried, quar·ry·ing.
an excavation or pit, usually open to the air, from which building stone, slate, or the like, is obtained bycutting, blasting, etc.
an abundant source or supply.
A quarry is a pit that is used to obtain stone, etc by cutting/blasting. What you had were holes full of water. There was no quarry. You still at this point do not understand the difference. If you did you would have never linked to this definition.

2) I allowed you to defend your rambling for 10 minutes. I felt that was more than fair. You were not banned till after you rage quit.

3) We encourage people to post any and all issues. Before Marisa leaves she asks repeatedly if there is any questions, concern, problems. You admittedly said that you made assumptions about the nodes instead of making a post on our support forums. If you want support from us when staff aren't available then you need to make a post on our forums. Posting it in chat in game is not going to be read when there is 30-40 people online all posting/talking.

4) We have been running the server for tekkit/ftb beta/mindcrack/ultimate. Ultimate has had 1 rollback. That rollback was due to the 1.0.2 update crashing the server constantly due to ender tanks and pipe connection issues. So in turn I asked everyone to remove the blocks they had crafted in 1.0.2 (1hour) and gave a list, verified all the people on and one person did not. So in turn the world got corrupted. So I went to a backup that was 36hours before. There had not been much lost because I had the server down for 10 hours before that because I was implementing new plugins/files/etc.

The rule with quarries and water has nothing to do with RAM. It has to do with the SSD, log size, and utilizing cpu/ssd to log water blocks with coreprotect. When coreprotect logs it logs the block being broke, the water moving into the broken block, then the source block that is formed. We ask you to remove any water in it. If you can't check your quarry every few minutes then you don't meet the cut for what we require in the competence and self reliance category.

As far as not caring if you leave this is my stance on it. This is a mature server with rules, caring staff, and people who put in more hours a week than most full time jobs. If you can't take the time to register an account on fusion-craft.org, which verifies as little info as possible, and make a thread. Then I am not going to take the time to care why your leaving. We put rules in place to keep the server running well. I don't accept a laggy server. We don't have banned items except the EE3 mod. We have daily contests, weekly contests, and monthly contests. I don't accept a server with immature, lazy, whiney, needy people. We maybe considered rough around the edges and strict. I accept that but I don't accept your portrayal that we don't care.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i was sad to see mindcrack go away until i found out i could stay with the same people on ultimate. i dont know a ton about ftb, but everyone i've met has been helpful. the only person i've ever seen banned was right after he said something like i love it when i can cheat the system or some such; everyone else has been asked (nicely) to change what ever was causing problems. no, i dont play the same way that i do on single player. i dont expect to be able to, sometimes you arent going to get your way because of the needs of the server and players. i have seen no evils or injustices committed by the staff of this server, it isnt as if they say you cant have/do this because it causes the server to lag, but he can bacause i like him better. imho, proto, you should just leave this server and find one more accommidating to yor needs- feel free to walk away.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wow, that's a huge wall of text for someone that doesn't like a server. Really, the post seems to boil down to:

1) You wish you could do anything you wanted and use as much of the server resources as you want. Which is not just selfish, it is deeply immature.

2) You don't like that the server has rules that you don't agree with. Do you really need to swear?

3) You clearly never tried to run a server for more than 4-5 people, because if you had, you'd understand why the lag rules are in place. That or maybe you just need to find a smaller server. Again, the limited resources Minecraft makes available to everyone is shared. Multithreading is being attempted but it is very buggy with all the mods in FTB. I wish it were not so. I truly do. I had to scrap a ton of stuff in my base because of it. But once it was explained that it was causing lag, I understood it as a sacrifice in order to keep the server happy. Not everything that works in SSP or a 4-5 person server will work on a 45 person server.

4) You got angry but instead of walking away from the computer to calm down, you kept fighting with staff. The staff which volunteer their time and money to keep a server running for their own pleasure, not yours. I'm deeply sorry that you felt you were spoken to rudely, but you need to understand this is a game for staff as well. This is not a job. You do not pay them or even pay for the server. You are there at their leisure and their whim. You have the right to be angry, but so do they. They're still people. They're just people that help keep the place running and shoo away the hackers and griefers. They aren't your teacher, your priest or your parent. My experience is that staffers often start nice, but straight-forward. It is only when people complain about things that they get upset. Especially when the complaints are players demanding that staff do things for them. If you've ever volunteered for anything in your life, you'd know that feels pretty cruddy.

5) No one gets banned without repeatedly breaking rules or doing something egregious like griefing, stealing, or verbally abusing other players/staff. No one. We even post every ban on our forums with screenshots and explanations. It is completely transparent. Go look and tell me how many were due to the reasons you stated above?

6) Asking for an apology to come back after you posted a wall of insults and misinformation is not likely to happen. Plus why would we want someone who posted this? If it wereme, I would have just walked away. Personally I love this community. I feel like I found a home for the first time in a while. But not all communities are for everyone.

Now, all of that said, I will agree that some of the communication between staff and players, when it comes to explaining the "whys" of things hasn't been as good as it can be. But c'mon, we're gamer nerds here, communication is always going to be a problem. You just need to accept that and try to be understanding.

I started here not long ago as a player. I immediately loved the place. I am truly sorry you had a bad experience. Maybe this server is not for you, but it is really worth two huge pages of angry text? To me that seems to say something more is going on. But what do I know?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

If you thought that we were being rude, you could have said something to us... I know that I can certainly be abrasive at times, but I'm more than willing to tone it down when simply asked to do so... As for the insulting people, I've never seen that happen... I can't count how many times I've helped people when asked...

I believe I have explained that generating chunks causes a bit of strain on the server, which causes everyone else to experience a bit of lag... The reason that spawning Withers is prohibited is because there is a good-chance to crash the server by doing so... At the Spawn shop there is a sign that allows you to trade Wither Skeleton Skulls for Nether Stars, so you don't really need to beg anyone for that... Anything that is offensive to someone is on the list of words, which I will admit is a bit lengthy, and should be avoided in public-chat...

The rule against water in quarries is because it causes several read-writes per tick whenever the quarry removes a block, causing both client-side visual-lag and server-side read-write lag... Any Administrator on the server is more than happy to simply remove the water from the area that your quarry/quarries inhabit and turn the lava into Obsidian for you... The server crashes frequently due to the many bugs inherent to having this many different mods running concurrently, which is bound to cause errors... Said errors are also the cause of the items lost, which we are usually more than happy to replace if asked nicely... We don't want to ban people just to keep the lag down, especially not over some block-lag that isn't even there... In the past week several people have been asked to scale their enterprises back, as they were being selfish with the server's resources...

#1. Please stop being petty, it doesn't become you...
#2. We don't berate people other than staff, since we know we can take a joke...
#3. For most of the staff, the chat moves too quickly to keep an eye on everything that happens to everyone at once... Posting about it on the forum tends to get our attention a bit better...
#4. There has been ONE rollback in the last month, which was due to people NOT LISTENING when Max told them to destroy the items they had made hurriedly after an update... We lost less than 36 hours to said rollback, which everyone was fine with...

If you were not banned and left of your own volition, why do you feel the need to lash-out at the staff as a petulant-child would? Would it not have been simpler to simply part-ways if you disagreed with the way things were going that much? The only person that I've heard Max abuse in the last three days are Pipbouy (Moderator) and myself (Administrator), which he only does in jest...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The only think I can say is I have been with the server from day one all the staff are here to help max is the only one fixing all the bugs and trying to make the server run better. He also has very little time playing as it is the server has more uptime than most servers .

good server great staff :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
(Beware Bad Grammar alert inc) I have been part of this sever for about a month now my honest thoughts on the server will be given in the following statement
As long as i have been here i have felt acceptance and have been treated with respect and any problems that have occurred with either my machines quarry's or potential lag generators have always been brought to my attention via mods,admins usually it is my mistake but i must say they have always discussed and explained the reasons behind said problem and always given me my fair say i feel i have been treated with nothing but respect during my stay at Fusion Craft
The rules: seem fair quiet lenient really these rules are in place to ensure everyone gets a fair go and to give the player the best experience possible
The community: is great accepting polite and all around good people
The Staff: strict they enforce the rules with an iron fist (no the rules are not there to be broken) From what i can see the rules are in place to ensure fairness in the sense that if another player is affecting anyone else s personal space ect via lag theft Greifing or by any other means that affects other players directly is simply not fair hence the rules are to keep a balance and to keep the server running at maximum efficiency which is not an easy task i have noticed a lot of time effort and dedication put into the server to provide the best service possible and all for free =0
Things i have problems with not being able to place lava buckets where i please and water is only able to be placed on claims Now i can understand why this is in place well because some people just want to watch the world burn (WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE CANNOT PLACE LAVA) not you personally but if you ask one of the staff members they are always happy to help and place the lava where you would like it. although that is a pain that is probably my biggest complaint
To be honest if that is my biggest complaint life on fusion craft if pretty good if your looking for a server where you can be assured that you are in safe hands the owners/staff care for their player base and take their dutys above and beyond what you would expects on a regular server whether you can see that or not.
Final notes: Great server and i feel i will remain here for quiet some time so if your are reading this i hope to see you soon
Regards Dafunkt


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You asked for an honest response so here is mine:

I never had any issues with max or any other staff members. So far everyone seems quite nice.
Even when I messed something up (lagged the server with my frame tbm, accidentally spilled items on the ground, etc) no one "yelled" at me or threatened to ban me, so I don't really see where Protocurity's hate is coming from.

Server crashes are annoying, of course, but considering the amount of people on the server I'm surprised how stable it still is - I've seen far worse.
Also the server usually reboots automatically when it crashes, so long down times are rare.

Rules like "don't spawn withers" or "don't explore too fast" are in place because it caused severe issues. Most servers I know of have some sort of world border to prevent the issue with chunk generation lag - this one doesn't, which is very cool, but that requires people to slow down when exploring - especially with 25+ people online.

Regarding the quarry issue:
To me those rules feel more like a band aid rather than a fix to the actual problem: coreprotect logging every sneeze that happens on the server.
I do see why we need a block logging plugin, but do we really need to log stuff like water, quarry's or red power frames? From what I've read about coreprotect there are options to disable logging of certain stuff, to prevent massive lag from things like quarrys and frame machines.
Is it really necessairy to be able to tell which water block moved when and why?
If a frame machine tears through my house it will be obvious what happend - no need to look at the log and see something like "[redpower] destroyed block A".

All in all I'm quite happy with this server. So far it's been the best server I've been on.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The only reason I log water at this moment as it still can be used to grief. I have used core protect in the past (6+ months) and during that time I tried it with and without. People are gravitating from some of the old ways of griefing but losing a whole steve cart farm and carts to one water bucket is a huge concern for me. The log is for me to know who to find and ban. That is all.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OK i have been on this server for about a week now i think and I can honestly say that this is one of the few communities that actually tries to make sure that the server is lag free... some of the banned words could probably be taken away but with that said someone will find a way to abuse them i am sure so they are easy enough to deal with.... I was on when Procurity decided to throw his hissy fit and was already talking about leaving the server anyways... If you can not comprehend what you are being told or have questions about the rules of a server you should ask clarifying questions of the mods/admins/owners who are always around... The rules are there so that every one can have a good (lag-free, grief -free) time playing a video game... if you take things too personally then I think that you should definitely find a new server... with all that said I have one final comment...

This server is AWESOME SAUCE and I dont know too many that have contests and games that you can play and win some great ingame items... The staff are always helpful and I can say that I hope to stay and play on this server for as long as they let me...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
TBH, Proto you do make some valid points. I was present online when you were talking about your Thaumcraft nodes and was not helped. I do think the server has alot of awesome and knowledgeable people. I do like being on the server, however, the constant server crashing does annoy myself and my friend enough where sometimes we dont log on for days.. we are still in basic machinery because whenever we would start building the server would crash.
As for all these unwritten rules, I have no idea. lol. I personally have never been threatened or told i would be banned and believe me... I ask alot of annoying questions.
As for the quarry statement, im awaiting to get 5 quarries... i seriously have to watch all of them now? I dont pay attention to the official server forum, i dont believe most players do.

The whole thing, frankly, has surprised me. Some things I've read on the forums did give a hint that Max was high on aggro, but I didn't think he would randomly snap like that. At the end of the day, it is just intolerable to play on a server with someone like that. Were it any other player, I would just use the ignore feature and continue about my day like nothing happened. But it isn't just another player: It's the admin. It follows the same reasons as to why you can ignore mean co-workers (to a certain extent), but not a mean boss.

I am going to make this short and sweet. This is largely false. I will comment on a few points but you are not worth the time to respond to it all.

1) The ambiguous term is Quarry. You could not understand the difference between a Quarry with water in and a hole with water in it. You were raging because you said you needed 10 stacks to fill the hole. After I tried explaining and other members you still couldn't comprehend the simplicity. You linked to the definition

A quarry is a pit that is used to obtain stone, etc by cutting/blasting. What you had were holes full of water. There was no quarry. You still at this point do not understand the difference. If you did you would have never linked to this definition.

2) I allowed you to defend your rambling for 10 minutes. I felt that was more than fair. You were not banned till after you rage quit.

3) We encourage people to post any and all issues. Before Marisa leaves she asks repeatedly if there is any questions, concern, problems. You admittedly said that you made assumptions about the nodes instead of making a post on our support forums. If you want support from us when staff aren't available then you need to make a post on our forums. Posting it in chat in game is not going to be read when there is 30-40 people online all posting/talking.

4) We have been running the server for tekkit/ftb beta/mindcrack/ultimate. Ultimate has had 1 rollback. That rollback was due to the 1.0.2 update crashing the server constantly due to ender tanks and pipe connection issues. So in turn I asked everyone to remove the blocks they had crafted in 1.0.2 (1hour) and gave a list, verified all the people on and one person did not. So in turn the world got corrupted. So I went to a backup that was 36hours before. There had not been much lost because I had the server down for 10 hours before that because I was implementing new plugins/files/etc.

#1: A gigantic hole with water in it IS a quarry. I was not currently mining out of it, of course, because I was filling up the water to get rid of the water. However, to any casual observer would take one look at that gigantic, square sized hole in the lake with engines an an enderchest next to it and easily see that it is, indeed, a quarry spot. The definition that a quarry is a pit that is open to air is being outright ignored, even when right in front of your face. And still, you refuse to admit you are wrong here. You also never tried to "explain" it. You just adamantly denied it was a quarry spot. I had to figure out form other people that unless the frames are up and it is currently mining, you don't consider it a quarry. This notion, btw, is flat out wrong.

#2: I was not allowed to defend myself for 10 minutes. I was threatened to be banned for defending myself that entire time. Much how I would be threatened with a ban if I still had the quarry running, or I would be threatened with a ban if I had made more than 10 engines. Regardless, it is very clear that defending myself was against the rules even if I managed to get away with it for awhile. But make no mistake here: the only reason that it was permitted for as long as it was is because you wanted to hate people over it.

#3: I made no assumptions about the nodes. There also isn't 30 people talking at once, even when 30 people are online. Most of them are largely silent for most of the time. I'm also not going to sign up to obscure forums when I can, like on every other server I've played on, just mention it to an admin online to have the issue fixed within a minute.

#4: I'm not sure how this is relevant to anything, but the fact is I did lose that second node after a server crash. I also lost an entire tank of lava, as did many others due to a bug with xycraft tanks.

Adding #5: None of this justifies your behavior. If you honestly can't see why it is your definition of a quarry is wrong, then I pity you. If you can but are just refusing to, then I despise you. I also find it annoying that you haven't posted up the chat log yet.
The rule with quarries and water has nothing to do with RAM. It has to do with the SSD, log size, and utilizing cpu/ssd to log water blocks with coreprotect. When coreprotect logs it logs the block being broke, the water moving into the broken block, then the source block that is formed. We ask you to remove any water in it. If you can't check your quarry every few minutes then you don't meet the cut for what we require in the competence and self reliance category.

Oh, the problem is much bigger than just checking back. Remember the rampant crashes and disconnects? Yeah, each time one of those happens you'll have to sit and stare at the computer to get back online, in case the server comes back and the quarry starts running on auto because they chunk load themselves. Otherwise, there will be a quarry running with water, either lagging up the server due to a plugin or getting it's owner in trouble because they're not around to deal with it. Of course, this also doesn't account for real life issues that may tear someone away from the computer. The fact is, that due to any numerable circumstances a person may not be able to check on their quarry. This, of course, defeats the whole purpose of a quarry as automated mining because now it has to be babysat and is heavily impeded by lava. There is also a big misconception here: Someone not liking the new change doesn't mean they are incompetent. Stop being so condescending.

As far as not caring if you leave this is my stance on it. This is a mature server with rules, caring staff, and people who put in more hours a week than most full time jobs. If you can't take the time to register an account on fusion-craft.org, which verifies as little info as possible, and make a thread. Then I am not going to take the time to care why your leaving. We put rules in place to keep the server running well. I don't accept a laggy server. We don't have banned items except the EE3 mod. We have daily contests, weekly contests, and monthly contests. I don't accept a server with immature, lazy, whiney, needy people. We maybe considered rough around the edges and strict. I accept that but I don't accept your portrayal that we don't care.

So you are a caring person and then you admit that you just don't care. You talk about maturity, but break into insults and name calling at a moments notice. You just call anyone with an issue as whiny, immature, and lazy, which again says that you don't actually care, since you make a personal appointment to hate anyone with an issue. Again, I must say that I am not going to sign up to every obscure forum due to security reasons (I have a life story to back this decision, as well as pretty much everyone who has ever been "hacked" on a videogame), especially when it hasn't been necessary on any other server I've played on, and hasn't been necessary for the majority of problems I face on servers, this one included. Your actions here demonstrate your hateful attitude and behavior, even more so than the chat log would've. I must constantly remind you that I didn't break any rules on your server. Your hate is direct at someone who is discouraged due to losses and cumbersome new rules, and not someone who breaks the rules or trolls.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wow, that's a huge wall of text for someone that doesn't like a server. Really, the post seems to boil down to:

1) You wish you could do anything you wanted and use as much of the server resources as you want. Which is not just selfish, it is deeply immature.

This is completely not true. I listed far more concerns over the rules other than just following them, and I had been following them up until the very moment I left. I am very well aware that there are things that can lag the server. However, with the list of constantly changing and updating rules, I find it far easier to just move to a server that doesn't have them. One of my concerns over the loss of my pure node is that my main mod becomes hazardous to the server, which completely contradicts this assumption.

2) You don't like that the server has rules that you don't agree with. Do you really need to swear?

This first sentence is wholly true. I do not like that this server has rules that I do not agree with. I don't imagine anyone who would like servers that has rules they don't agree with. That is generally why people don't join servers that have a bunch of rules they don't like. This is also why I linked to their private forum post detailing all of the exta rules they do have: so people can make a more informed decision about this server other than the sparse few rules listed on the topic post of this thread. The second one isn't: The only words that I ever got called on for saying were "crap" and "hell". I don't swear on servers.

3) You clearly never tried to run a server for more than 4-5 people, because if you had, you'd understand why the lag rules are in place. That or maybe you just need to find a smaller server. Again, the limited resources Minecraft makes available to everyone is shared. Multithreading is being attempted but it is very buggy with all the mods in FTB. I wish it were not so. I truly do. I had to scrap a ton of stuff in my base because of it. But once it was explained that it was causing lag, I understood it as a sacrifice in order to keep the server happy. Not everything that works in SSP or a 4-5 person server will work on a 45 person server.

I know why the lag rules are in place. They're to reduce lag, period. Everyone knows that. Anyone who plays on a big server knows that lag is an issue. Remember: I didn't break any of their rules. What I do find annoying is that the server I signed up for keeps getting more restrictive by the day, and that is why I considered leaving. I've already moved to another server that has rules that I am more comfortable with. While I am here, I am not arguing against any of the rules. My problem is with how max behaves.

4) You got angry but instead of walking away from the computer to calm down, you kept fighting with staff. The staff which volunteer their time and money to keep a server running for their own pleasure, not yours. I'm deeply sorry that you felt you were spoken to rudely, but you need to understand this is a game for staff as well. This is not a job. You do not pay them or even pay for the server. You are there at their leisure and their whim. You have the right to be angry, but so do they. They're still people. They're just people that help keep the place running and shoo away the hackers and griefers. They aren't your teacher, your priest or your parent. My experience is that staffers often start nice, but straight-forward. It is only when people complain about things that they get upset. Especially when the complaints are players demanding that staff do things for them. If you've ever volunteered for anything in your life, you'd know that feels pretty cruddy.

The fact that the staff behave the way they do is unacceptable. The first part that is unacceptable is that they picked the fight. I really wish one of them would put up the chat log already, so it can be seen how horrible their behavior really is. If they had explained things calmly instead of defaulting to insults and hatred, this never would've happened. If they had taken my comment about cobblestone seriously or as a joke, this never would've happened. But instead, they warp in and continue with an endless indignant rant that I am an idiot, and still stick to this story even today. The fact that they're running a server does not excuse their behavior. Nothing excuses their behavior, ever. In fact, I have seen this type of attitude in volunteer work: they'll devote their time and money, but in exchange they use this fact to be self-righteous, condescending, selfish in other ways, hateful toward others, and all because their moral "quota" has been filled by what they do. This is the most shameful type of "volunteer" work, since it is done for their ego. As to whether this is the case with the staff (mostly Max), I am not sure. I doubt it, since they do take donations form the server, and managing a server you set up is an obligation and not a charity. It could be that Max is just a mean person who also happens to do this.

5) No one gets banned without repeatedly breaking rules or doing something egregious like griefing, stealing, or verbally abusing other players/staff. No one. We even post every ban on our forums with screenshots and explanations. It is completely transparent. Go look and tell me how many were due to the reasons you stated above?
I never said people were banned for the reasons above. I said people can get banned for the reasons above. Heck, I didn't even get banned. I left of my own volition.

6) Asking for an apology to come back after you posted a wall of insults and misinformation is not likely to happen. Plus why would we want someone who posted this? If it wereme, I would have just walked away. Personally I love this community. I feel like I found a home for the first time in a while. But not all communities are for everyone.

I do have anger issues (which max demonstrates that he does not respect), but the fact that I am treated so unfairly has to be known. Also, this isn't a wall of insults and misinformation: Nothing I have said here is incorrect. I have been wronged by the staff personally (and no, it isn't because of the rules), and I want justice for it.

I suppose the biggest problem here is that this entire post has been written assuming the worst of me as a person. Seriously, just put into consideration the fact that maybe I was wronged and I was treated unfairly.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Proto, here's the situation. I myself was one of the people trying to help you out, and even after I tried to explain some things to you, over three times in fact, it wasn't until the fourth or so that you finally responded properly, but even then, you continued to argue. I did explain to you everything thoroughly, but you had the gall to continue arguing even after the fact.

That being said, this server is a great place to be in, and every rule is in place the way it is to protect the server. The staff are great. Even though I personally clash heads with one member of the staff in particular, the rest of them are cooperative, if not downright nice and helpful to me. They're very, very competent and good at what they do. As I said last night as well, the staff will bend over backwards to help a player if they can, ESPECIALLY if you think the issue or problem or whatever could have any relation to the server stability- for example; If there's a metric buttload of water in your quarry, here's what you do. You ask a staff member to worldedit and drain it, and they'll be more than happy to, because it's a good thing to do for server stability. I've had my quarries drained two or three times now at this point, because there were too many sourceblocks for me to find and drain myself.

The rules that are in place are good, and are in place for a good reason. If you can't handle being limited in some forms of power generation, work for a better form of power generation, it's as simple as that.