Whitelist Server Fusion-Craft|Monster|1.1.2|Whitelist|TS3|ATG|Towny|Economy|Mature Server

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Server- IP: monster.fusion-craft.org:25568

Welcome to the new Fusion-Craft Monster (1.1.2) server! Please take some time to read all the information below, then fill in a whitelist app to start your journey! Also be sure to visit our website at www.fusion-craft.org to see information about our custom servers and contests that are going on.

We have moved to a new hosting server and are starting with a fresh map.

  • Be respectful of the staff and other players. Poor attitude and childish comments won't be tolerated. Speak to us like an adult and you will be treated like one.
  • No hacking/glitching/cheating
  • No racism or other offensive remarks.
  • This is mature server so please keep the chat box free of cursing and foul language..If Mr. Rogers or Sesame Street don't use it then you shouldn't say it publicly in our chat. If you wish to curse then you are free to use /m or /whisper or to use our TS3 and do it in a room where people won't be offended.
  • No griefing/stealing/finders keepers. If it is questionable then contact a staff member.
  • Please do not ask for items, we generally do contests often to assist you.
  • If a staff member asks you to redo something or build it a different way please keep in mind this is because it effects other players and not just you. Please don't take offense.
  • No quarries with water & lava inside allowed. Ask a staff member to remove it for you if its too much water / lava.
  • This server requires you to have a certain level of competence and self reliance.This is not limited to but includes common sense. If you are not able to comprehend a rule, and are not capable of asking questions about said rule, then this is not the place for you.
  • We will not tolerate disrespect. We will promote and gladly help anyone asking questions in a full sentence. "omg lag", "lag?!", or any other ridiculousness will not be tolerated.
  • If you have a question please phrase it in the form of a complete sentence. Grammar is not vital but the sentence must be discernible.
  • If you think something is wrong or seems to good to be true please see a staff member immediately. You will never be punished for asking a question. If no one is around, post it on the website.
  • It is your responsibility to check here regularly for updates as this can be updated at any time without warning.
  • Do not keep spawners running. Run it if you need it, if you don't, keep it off.
  • Remember this is a server not Single Player. If you have excessive amounts of items and are still having your farms or quarry's running then you are wrong. This is not the place to amass all the resources that you can. Farm/generate what you need and then turn off the machines/quarry/farms. They use up resources that other players could be using if you are running them 24/7.
  • Animal farms should have no more then 3 at most of any one animal type such as sheep. If you have more and a staff member finds it they will ALL be slaughtered.
  • Last of all please have common sense and understand maturity isn't an age, it is a mindset.
  • We have limits on some items. It is your responsibility to learn what is limited and what the limit is of those items.
This is a condensed version of the rules. Follow this link to our forums for the complete list.

Whitelist Application:

All applications are researched heavily. Be honest or you will be denied.
1. Forum name:
2. In-Game Name:
3. Age:
4. Country:
5. Have you ever been banned? Why?
6. Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat?
7. How long have you been playing a modded version (like FTB) of Minecraft?
8. What rule would you enforce in a whitelist server of your own and why?

Other Information:

  • TeamSpeak3 IP: ts3.fusion-craft.org

  • Disabled mods:
TorchLevers, AdvanceGenetics, GeoStrata, DyeTrees, Endernet, Opis, LycanitesMobsComplete, ElectricCraft, MFFS.

  • REQUIRED TO PLAY (Enable within launcher):
BloodMagic, MeteorCraft, ThaumicTinkererKAMI, any mini-map of your choice. For a minimap, enable ZansMinimap / Journey Map or anything else to your preference.

  • Banned items: World Anchors

  • Server difficulty: Normal

  • Major Server Plugins: Towny, Essentials, PEX, World Border.

  • Mystcraft mod is limited to donators and contest prizes due to the server strain that the mod causes. Please see our forums for more detailed information about this.

All whitelist applications will be processed within 12-24 hours. We have staff members dedicated around the clock and we will get to as soon as possible.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1. Forum name:Rhubarb85
2. In-Game Name:Rhubarb85
3. Age:29
4. Country:England
5. Have you ever been banned? Why? No
6. Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat? Yes
7. How long have you been playing a modded version (like FTB) of Minecraft? 2 Years
8. What rule would you enforce in a whitelist server of your own and why? No greifing or stealings its very disrespectful to peoples builds and efforts in achieving aspects of the game.

I was white-listed on the Horizions server before it was cancelled.

You have been added to the monster server. Please remember to check out our forums for contest details and more information about our servers.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1. Forum name:Radi
2. In-Game Name:JrRadi
3. Age:26
4. Country:Saudi Arabia
5. Have you ever been banned? Why? No
6. Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat? Yes
7. How long have you been playing a modded version (like FTB) of Minecraft? 3 years or more
8. What rule would you enforce in a whitelist server of your own and why? No griefing thats the only thing that bother me the most.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1. Forum name:Radi
2. In-Game Name:JrRadi
3. Age:26
4. Country:Saudi Arabia
5. Have you ever been banned? Why? No
6. Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat? Yes
7. How long have you been playing a modded version (like FTB) of Minecraft? 3 years or more
8. What rule would you enforce in a whitelist server of your own and why? No griefing thats the only thing that bother me the most.

You have been added. Please be sure to visit the forums for details about upcoming contests and server information.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1. Forum name: funkeytown or funkey
2. In-Game Name:funkeytown2055
3. Age:25
4. Country:Texas
5. Have you ever been banned? Why? never have
6. Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat? understood
7. How long have you been playing a modded version (like FTB) of Minecraft? 4-3 years
8. What rule would you enforce in a whitelist server of your own and why? no cheating/stealing

You are denied for lying on your application. I found at least 2 servers on the FTB forums that you listed your age as 16 and then 5 days later you were 15 and now you are 10 years older.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1. Forum name: maickey
2. In-Game Name: ownas10
3. Age:18
4. Country: the netherlands
5. Have you ever been banned? Why? never :)
6. Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat? ofc
7. How long have you been playing a modded version (like FTB) of Minecraft? 3-4months
8. What rule would you enforce in a whitelist server of your own and why? no stealing /griefing


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1. Forum name: maickey
2. In-Game Name: ownas10
3. Age:18
4. Country: the netherlands
5. Have you ever been banned? Why? never :)
6. Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat? ofc
7. How long have you been playing a modded version (like FTB) of Minecraft? 3-4months
8. What rule would you enforce in a whitelist server of your own and why? no stealing /griefing

You have been added and I apologize for the delay in processing your application. Hope to see you server side and enjoy your stay here at Fusion-Craft. Be sure to check out the forums at fusion-craft.org


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1. Forum name: thecreamdream
2. In-Game Name: creampete
3. Age: 39
4. Country: Sweden
5. Have you ever been banned? Why? No, not to my knowledge atleast
6. Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat? Yes I do
7. How long have you been playing a modded version (like FTB) of Minecraft? I have been playing FTB since the singleplayer map with the big pyramid
8. What rule would you enforce in a whitelist server of your own and why? If it's just one rule it would be no greifing


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1. Forum name: thecreamdream
2. In-Game Name: creampete
3. Age: 39
4. Country: Sweden
5. Have you ever been banned? Why? No, not to my knowledge atleast
6. Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat? Yes I do
7. How long have you been playing a modded version (like FTB) of Minecraft? I have been playing FTB since the singleplayer map with the big pyramid
8. What rule would you enforce in a whitelist server of your own and why? If it's just one rule it would be no greifing
You have been added. Please be sure to visit the forums for details about upcoming contests and server information.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1. Forum name: tekkit_player850
2. In-Game Name: tekkit_player850
3. Age: 16 and mature
4. Country: USA
5. Have you ever been banned? Why? No
6. Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat? Yes
7. How long have you been playing a modded version (like FTB) of Minecraft? I have been playing ftb for about 1 year now and am very experienced with all the mods!
8. What rule would you enforce in a whitelist server of your own and why? I would make sure their was no cheating/glitching and no greifing at all.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1. Forum name: tekkit_player850
2. In-Game Name: tekkit_player850
3. Age: 16 and mature
4. Country: USA
5. Have you ever been banned? Why? No
6. Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat? Yes
7. How long have you been playing a modded version (like FTB) of Minecraft? I have been playing ftb for about 1 year now and am very experienced with all the mods!
8. What rule would you enforce in a whitelist server of your own and why?
I would make sure their was no cheating/glitching and no greifing at all.
You have been added. Please be sure to visit the forums for details about upcoming contests and server information.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
All applications are researched heavily. Be honest or you will be denied.
1. Forum name: Admiral Dakota
2. In-Game Name: _Starship
3. Age: 27
4. Country: UK
5. Have you ever been banned? Why? Nope
6. Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat? Yes
7. How long have you been playing a modded version (like FTB) of Minecraft? 2-3 Years
8. What rule would you enforce in a whitelist server of your own and why? No Duping
why would enforce the rule no duping

illogical lomax

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1. Forum name:illogical lomax
2. In-Game Name:lomax74
3. Age:19
4. Country: england
5. Have you ever been banned? Why? nope
6. Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat? suppose so :p
7. How long have you been playing a modded version (like FTB) of Minecraft? 2-3 years
8. What rule would you enforce in a whitelist server of your own and why? mainly not stealing or messing with other players stuff, the game is to be creative so restrictions limit your creativity, but nobody likes people messing with your art, so its down to common sense and maturity ( maturity is also accepting swear words exist in common conversations though)

im aware this isnt the best application and wouldnt be suprised by a refusal but im an honest guy and id like to stay that way ^.^


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1. Forum name:illogical lomax
2. In-Game Name:lomax74
3. Age:19
4. Country: england
5. Have you ever been banned? Why? nope
6. Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat? suppose so :p
7. How long have you been playing a modded version (like FTB) of Minecraft? 2-3 years
8. What rule would you enforce in a whitelist server of your own and why? mainly not stealing or messing with other players stuff, the game is to be creative so restrictions limit your creativity, but nobody likes people messing with your art, so its down to common sense and maturity ( maturity is also accepting swear words exist in common conversations though)

im aware this isnt the best application and wouldnt be suprised by a refusal but im an honest guy and id like to stay that way ^.^

You have been denied for lying about a ban. Here is the link for the ban.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1. Forum name:
2. In-Game Name:
3. Age:
4. Country:
5. Have you ever been banned? Why?
Not that I know of. I got de-whitelisted once, but I don't know why and as far as I know I did nothing wrong.
6. Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat?
Sure :)
7. How long have you been playing a modded version (like FTB) of Minecraft?
Over a year now
8. What rule would you enforce in a whitelist server of your own and why?
Use your head and be nice. That is a rule that should cover everything. Sadly I don't think it would work....

I have a question in return:
I'm searching for a server with a tight knit community where teamups are commonplace.
I'm tired of playing alone on a server with other loners. That's just boring.
Is your server the right one for me?