Whitelist Server Fuse The Beast [FTB Mindcrack v8] [25 slots] [PvE] [Nothing disabled] [18+ Mature] Fresh server!

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Kippesnikkel
Age: 22
Do you understand and accept the rules?: ofc i accept the rules :)
Why do you with to join Fuse The Beast: I'm a friend of HerrFristi and we are looking for a server without lag.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Mikovich
Age: 21
Do you understand and accept the rules?: ofc i accept the rules :)
Why do you wish to join Fuse The Beast:
I've been hosting my own FTB server for the last few days. There I played with my friends but I don't have enough ram so we have a lot of lag at the moment. This is why we want to play on a proper server where we don't have any lag. We are not really experienced yet, but fast learners.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: HerrFristi
Age: 19
Do you understand and accept the rules?: ofc i accept the rules :)
Why do you wish to join Fuse The Beast: I've been playing on the server of a friend of mine for a few days now, and we've been running into a lot of lag lately (since it's all hosted on his own pc), so we'd want to try the game out on a proper server for once, without massive lag :). On top of that it'd be interesting to have a chat with people while playing the game and looking at other people their builds to get some inspiration for future builds.

I'm not that experienced with FTB yet, but I'd love to improve on that, preferably on this server!
IGN: Kippesnikkel
Age: 22
Do you understand and accept the rules?: ofc i accept the rules :)
Why do you with to join Fuse The Beast: I'm a friend of HerrFristi and we are looking for a server without lag.
IGN: Mikovich
Age: 21
Do you understand and accept the rules?: ofc i accept the rules :)
Why do you wish to join Fuse The Beast: I've been hosting my own FTB server for the last few days. There I played with my friends but I don't have enough ram so we have a lot of lag at the moment. This is why we want to play on a proper server where we don't have any lag. We are not really experienced yet, but fast learners.

added you guys[DOUBLEPOST=1362885574][/DOUBLEPOST]
IGN: Ziibez
Age: 20
Do you understand and accept the rules?: ofc i accept the rules :)
Why do you wish to join Fuse The Beast: I am a very hardworking player who can easily rack up 10hours a day and I love to build complex machines to make my life easier. I have extensive mod experience and most of the time do not need to ask for help. I can sometimes be rather quiet and if I'm working on a large project won't talk alot. I do help others, unless they're annoying me, however I do not enjoy community builds. I am looking for a nice server to settle down on as the last server I played shut down unexpectedly :(.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Basenji
Age: 26
Do you understand and accept the rules?: ofc i accept the rules :)
Why do you wish to join Fuse The Beast: Looking for a new server as I took a break from playing minecraft and the server I was playing on is no longer up


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: tuga999
Age: 22
Do you understand and accept the rules?: ofc I accept the rules
Why do you wish to join Fuse The Beast: I was looking for a minecraft server but if you are opening the gates of your community I wouldn't say no to be part of it. Your community looks serious and professional so I would love to give it a shot.

Thanks guys


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Basenji
Age: 26
Do you understand and accept the rules?: ofc i accept the rules :)
Why do you wish to join Fuse The Beast: Looking for a new server as I took a break from playing minecraft and the server I was playing on is no longer up
IGN: tuga999
Age: 22
Do you understand and accept the rules?: ofc I accept the rules
Why do you wish to join Fuse The Beast: I was looking for a minecraft server but if you are opening the gates of your community I wouldn't say no to be part of it. Your community looks serious and professional so I would love to give it a shot.

Thanks guys
added hope ju guys engjoy the server


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: iTeddd
Age: 18
Do you understand and accept the rules?: Yes of course
Why do you wish to join Fuse The Beast: I want to join this server is because I have been browsing around for a stable FTB server and I want to have a server with the standard settings and nothing too out of control , and obviously no griefing/stealing.The 18+ age limit is also appealing to me and it brings a maturity to servers. Having nothing disabled on hard seems the right way to play in my opinion


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Do you understand and accept the rules?: Yes i accept the rules
Why do you wish to join Fuse The Beast: because this feels like a really good and mature server that are very serious and i like that. I really enjoy this kind of community where everyone is friends and talk to each other. And i also like that its 18+ because then i dont have to worry about kids running around and destroying or stealing, because most 18+ don't care and only wants to play the game. I also like that its on Hard Mode and makes it harder so you dont get everything directly.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: morgyw
Age: 20
Do you understand and accept the rules?: ofc i accept the rules :)
Why do you wish to join Fuse The Beast: I'm looking for a mature and active community to play minecraft with. (So many people don't seem to read the first post, it's surprising.)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Boombang444 and Moppyjon12
Age: 20 and 20
Do you understand and accept the rules?: Yes
Why do you wish to join Fuse the Beast: I wish to play on a small community server with my friend Moppyjon12. Most servers have many griefers and i hope that this one doesn't.
We are both experienced players and have played on many other servers.

A-Rod 9

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Chunkyren
Age: 20
Do you understand and accept the rules?: Yes
Why do you wish to join Fuse the Beast:Because im new to feed the beast and want to experience the servers that they have up and i heard this one was good


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Looks like a nice server but only 3GB of ram, that will only last round 3-7 days.
Normally so you one need a minimum of 8GB of ram to run a FTB server to my experience.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Do you understand and accept the rules?:ofc i accept the rules :)
Why do you wish to join Fuse The Beast:Well simply becouse i wanna play on a multiplayer server, bored of playing by my self(sounds wrong).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Hulpstuk
Age: 23
Do you understand and accept the rules?: ofc i accept the rules :)
Why do you wish to join Fuse The Beast: I have played a lot of the mods that grew into the FTB packs since IC (the first), but mostly on single player. I'm looking for a serious community where I can play for a longer time, and be inspired/inspire to build ever more awesome contraptions with other people (yes, perfect sentence :D).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Narville
Age: 18
Do you understand and accept the rules?: The usage of game(and OOG) mechanics stops when the game stops being interesting, fun and challenging for you or anyone else around you. Affirmative
Why do you wish to join Fuse The Beast: I'm looking for somewhere to play and grandly prefer a small server rather than a chaotically sized one because it's more....tidy? In general, I'm not competitive (in a dominant way) when it comes to Minecraft, so I'd rather work together with a small community :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Bl00dsoul
Age: 23
Do you understand and accept the rules?: ofc i accept the rules :)
Why do you wish to join Fuse The Beast: My last server disappeared a while ago, and I'm looking to start playing FTB again, and your server seems to be what im looking for, a nice, small comunity of mature players and a server thats in it for the long haul, where i can play at a leisurely pace and have some fun :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: _TheSettler_
Age: 17 (Yes, i know it's 18+, but i am mature)
Do you understand and accept the rules?: ofc i accept the rules :)
Why do you wish to join Fuse The Beast:
I am looking to get back into Minecraft after I decided to take a break a month ago.
and it' alot more funn to play together whith other people on a server (On my old server it was only me that was normally on)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: BondedGuitar
Age: 23
Do you understand and accept the rules?: ofc I accept the rules!!!
Why do you wish to join Fuse The Beast: I`m looking for a mature server with people to play and build lots of cool and unique machines and buildings. I am social and love chatting with others and being a part of the community. Im pretty new to ftb but Im learning and seem to have some grasp of it haha


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Anyloop
Age: 33
Do you understand and accept the rules?: ofc i accept the rules :)
Why do you wish to join Fuse The Beast: looking for a good mature and respectful server, that isn't the kindergarten type.