Whitelist Server FuryCraft FTB | Unleashed 1.1.7 | Dedicated Server | whitelist| Friendly community]

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Minecraft Username: musicman148
Skype Username: therealbudross
Age: 17
Why do you think this server is for you: i am looking for a server with a small close community and this one seems great
Have you ever been banned before. no
How often will you play on the server: daily
Any other information: i am going to start recording for youtube/twitch and would possibly like to record on this server
Minecraft Username: chickenDESTROYER
Skype Username: austin.shelton52
Age: 13
Why do you think this server is for you: Because I am looking for a no griefing or hacking community.
Have you ever been banned before: No, not that I can think of
How often will you play on the server: I will try to play daily
Any other information:
I like the color blue and I don't game as much as I used to but I still love to game!
Minecraft Username: Auclaire

Skype Username: maxwellc4 the name should be Max | Auclaire | Voltz Bearr

Age: 16

Why do you think this server is for you: The server sounds like it has an awesome community, which I am looking for. The last server I was on crashed and burned due to that and I am sad. Im looking for a server that will stand for a long time! Plus I like FTB and have never played it on a server!

Have you ever been banned before. No, at least not in Minecraft ;P

How often will you play on the server: Just about daily, maybe record every other day.

Any other information: I run a successful YouTube channel, with 302 subscribers 97 videos and I am partnered and have about 6,000 views. I have a Twitter with over 60 subscribers, a Facebook fan page with 18 likes. I play other games more regularly than Minecraft but am hoping to get more into with FTB. I have been playing since 2012 since 1.2.3 and I like to make progressive house music! Really hope you accept me, as I have been on a lot of Whitelisted servers before ( a lot being 2 lol ) My channel: http://www.YouTube.com/Section8Auclaire/
Minecraft Username: Feed The Jordan
Skype Username: JordanReynolds9507
Age: 19
Why do you think this server is for you: Looking for a good community to get back into ftb, been a while since playing but i used to be pretty good
Have you ever been banned before. nope
How often will you play on the server: whenever free after work and the fiancee isnt on my back
Any other information:
Minecraft Username: WillB1fy
Skype Username: WillB1fy
Why do you think this server is for you: I think the server is for because it mentions friendly community which is what i would like to have and make new friends on hopefully.
Have you ever been banned before: I have no knowledge of me ever being banned before.
How often will you play on the server: Due to thee current situation i would be able to play only on the weekends but i have a second computer that I am going to set up at my moms house so that I may play on the server during the weekday but I will also have to work around my basketball schedule.
Any other information: I play on a vanilla server which I record YouTube videos on and would also like to record videos on this server to if possible.
Minecraft Username:kostaroark
Skype Username:dentoten
Why do you think this server is for you: I like friendly community, and i like to do things with others that share my intrest in ftb
Have you ever been banned before.no
How often will you play on the server:as much as i can im in the Marine corps, so i have nights and weekends off, so this is how i like to spend my free time.
Any other information:Im really easy to get along with i like helping other people with projects and teaching people things that i know, also i love contributing to the server that im on.
Minecraft Username: Chaozbrother
Skype: chaozbrother1
Age: 20
Why do you think this server is for you: because unleashed is my favourite modpack and I´m looking for a friendly neighbourhood ;)
Have you ever been banned before: no
How often will you play on the server: few hours daily I think sometimes more and sometimes less ;)
Any other information: I´m a streamer (dont expect hundreds of viewers) and it would be great because playing Singleplayer isn´t that much entertaining ;)
Minecraft Username: tonyman20
Skype Username: tonyman200
Age: 16
Why do you think this server is for you? I've been playing FTB and it's been a lot of fun for me. It's recently gotten slightly boring for me and have decided to switch to multiplayer.
Have you ever been banned before?: Once, and that was because someone framed me and I was never given a chance to explain myself T^T.
How often will you play on the server: As often as I'll be able to. When I need help finding out how to use something properly, I'll switch to my creative world I'll set up though, so i might be seen re logging a lot
Any other information: I tend to enjoy building my home far from others and I tend to enjoy traveling to other places. I won't steal anything, but sometimes I'll do quite the opposite as a way of payment (as I usually end up using some coal or something to cook food).
Either way, I look forward to seeing the server and am hoping this one isn't dead or closed like the ten others I've seen.
Minecraft Username: SleekBeek
Skype Username: MCsleekbeek
Age: 15
Why do you think this server is for you: I have experience with many other SMP servers in the past (FTB and Vanilla) so I know how things work. But finding these rare but quite amazing FTB SMP servers are hard to come by, but I love them. I don't like the idea of plugins and open commands at all, and I love how Mindcrack do it! :)
Have you ever been banned before. Nope
How often will you play on the server: As much as I can (About 4-5 hours everyday on weekdays and up to 10 hours on weekends) #FTBlife ;)
Any other information: Well, I started playing minecraft in early 2011 and started playing FTB in early 2013, I have more than a basic understanding of FTB and its mods and I will really love to share my experience with other friendly players and meet and make new friends along the way. This server seems like the perfect community for me
Minecraft Username: hidan2000
Skype Username: hidanzetsu2000
Age: 14
Why do you think this server is for you: because, for what i understood, it is a no-plugin server wich is more like a singleplayer world but with other people.
Have you ever been banned before: no, only in gmod :P
How often will you play on the server: daily
Any other information: Im Portuguese but i am fluent in english
Minecraft Username:masbee29
Skype Username:mason_hill29
Why do you think this server is for you: Im interested because It looks like a fun community that I will be able to spread my creativity and knowledge as well as grow with good people.
Have you ever been banned before. Never banned
How often will you play on the server:Daily
Any other information: I'm from Canada, Been playing Ftb for 2 years now and Vanilla for 4. Am experianced with almost all of the mods and have experiance hosting and fixing issues with FTB servers, I will be a helpful asset to have around. If you want to see some of my building I have vanilla stuff at http://masonhill.imgur.com/all/
Minecraft Username: Mastersphinxster
Skype Username: bigjaws3
Age: abit older then the ppl that have applied
Why do you think this server is for you: lookin for a community and a place without griefers
Have you ever been banned before. never
How often will you play on the server: everyday
Any other information: just lookin for a place to hang out and have fun
Minecraft Username: _Micky_Mack_
Skype Username: xlxexgxox
Age: 17
Why do you think this server is for you:i love FTB and its time to test my knowledge on a Multiplier FTB server
Have you ever been banned before. nope
How often will you play on the server: almost everyday
Any other information: i have a job so some days i cant play but on the days i get in early i will play alot
Minecraft Username: BrianAwesome100 (or AwesomeBrian100, i can never remember)
Skype Username: awesomebrian100
Age: 16
Why do you think this server is for you: I always had a thing for small whitelist servers, and after being away from MC for a fair amount of time, this seems like a good sever to reenter
Have you ever been banned before. No
How often will you play on the server: I can play about every day, on some days I have work
Any other information:
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Minecraft Username: Buttersword123
Skype Username: buttersword1234
Age: 15
Why do you think this server is for you: I always wanted to have a fun server with a good and balanced community that i can just hang out and mess around with people.
Have you ever been banned before. Never, ive always thought to be one of the "Goody Goodies" of minecraft :P
How often will you play on the server: Atleast 3 times a week, due to school.
Any other information: Nothing other than i hope i am accepted and i cant wait to join :)
Minecraft Username: BroCrafted8
Skype Username: dakota_welty
Age: 14
Why do you think this server is for you: i would like to find a server were i can play with cool people
Have you ever been banned before. no i have not
How often will you play on the server: at lest 3 days a week but with school maybe more
Any other information: ask if theres any thing you need to know
Minecraft Username:xxcubby2002xx
Skype Username:cubbyfatso
Why do you think server is for you:i would love to have a great time on a server that is friendly and small
Have you ever been banned before:No
How often will you play:almost everyday
Any other information: I love lime green i also have school holidays soon thanks!
Minecraft Username:TheRealSamShady
Skype Username:sam.boorne1
Why do you think this server is for you: I'm looking for a community to share my experiences of this game with.
Have you ever been banned before. No, I am a very strict advocate of rules.
How often will you play on the server: every day/ every other day
Any other information: I am currently studying Software development and I love everything technical
Minecraft Username: Alexz_
Skype Username: Blue.blood74
Age: 16
Why do you think this server is for you: A Small, community driven and hermit inspired server is exactly what I've been looking for: The game seems pointless in single player and too filled with grief in public servers so I've decided to try and find a good small community that I can just hang around with.
Have you ever been banned before: No, I try to follow the rules as much as possible.
How often will you play on the server: Pretty much every day.
Any other information: I am a C#/HTML/CSS coder, and I am currently using minecraft as a base for learning LUA, the language seems pretty similar and I'm catching on quickly. So if you accept and see me around, expect a lot of computer craft stuff in my base.
Minecraft Username:nemba333

Skype Username:nemba333


Why do you think this server is for you: I really like unleashed but I can't seem to find a good small server that's still running this modpack

Have you ever been banned before: nope

How often will you play on the server: around 2 hours everyday from Monday to Thursday and 1-3 hours from Friday to Sunday

Any other information: I will usually end up rushing to get everything I can but just end up building small things so I don't cause lag.