98.54% Is the current uptime, with the server being up for 2 months now. Map was just reset 1 week ago.
No block lag.
Streamers :
Map is limited to +/- 3500 blocks in all 4 directions. This makes it a 7000x7000 map.
Anyone caught trying to bypass region protection will be banned without warning. List of Current region protections as well as disabled/Banned items.
Server Details
Banned Items Place, Interact, Destroy for default(guests)
98.54% Is the current uptime, with the server being up for 2 months now. Map was just reset 1 week ago.
No block lag.
Streamers :
Map is limited to +/- 3500 blocks in all 4 directions. This makes it a 7000x7000 map.
Anyone caught trying to bypass region protection will be banned without warning. List of Current region protections as well as disabled/Banned items.
Server Details
Banned Items Place, Interact, Destroy for default(guests)
- 46 - TNT
- 613 - ITNT
- 1053:2 Personal Anchor
- 1227 Turtles
- 1227:* Turtles
- 1228 Wireless Turtles
- 1228:* Wireless Turtles
- 29998:6 Dynamite
- 30214 Dynamite 2
- 30215 Sticky Dynamite
- World Anchors
- Nuclear Reactors
- Guests (No Title)
Build, create towns, chat etc. Limited to 1 chunk. Cannot place banned items. - [Noobie]
Guests + PVP rights+2x Mayor Multiplier. - [Member]
Noobie+ Twilight, Caps in chat. 2x Mayor, 2x Resident Multiplier - [Donor] 10 or more USD$ (If you donate more, I might add more chunks to your town.)
Member+ 4x Multiplier on Regions Mayor 2x on resident+ bypass teleport time. Can tp to other towns. - [MOD]
Donor+ Kick/Ban - Admin