Whitelist Server FTB Unleashed Whitelisted Server

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Ingame Name: chuckie12345


Why you want to join all my other servers I used to play on crash and there are allot of greifing and I am sick of it so I would love to get accepted so I can actually do some work and build stuff

Skype: charliegreinhardt

How well do you know this mod pack: I have been playing for two years but sometimes I forget stuff but I know almost all of it

Do you agree to the rules? yes totally

Ingame Name: MCScienceMan

Age: 12

Why you want to join: I Love unleashed and a whitelisted server (With no banned items FORCE WRENCH OP :D) is Amazing

Skype: I Dont use it much but its TheMinecraftion0092

How well do you know this mod pack: I Dont know some mods but i played and know most of them

Do you agree to the rules? Yes i agree to the rules and i know if i break the rules i will be banned and Have Fun! :D
Ingame Name: CrazyXxXTaco


Why you want to join: Most servers I have joined do a lot of griefing and dupes and glitches I just want to join a friendly server and have fun on the pack

Skype: bryanmanzaneroperez

How well do you know this modpack:I know the modpack well havent played on some mods

Do you agree to the rules? I Agree with the rules
Ingame Name: Chrisnemo

Age: 16 and mature :)

Why you want to join: I've been playing a lot of singleplayer lately, and I really just need the buzz of mulitplayer, I have a few friends as well that I want to play with but can't because I haven't found a server.

Skype: xman1029

How well do you know this mod pack: I'm pretty decent with the modpack. I am very good at a lot of the mods, but there are a few I lack knowledge in, such as: Thaumcraft, computercraft(want to learn), and then just a few small mods that I am learning currently.

Do you agree to the rules? Well of course! If I didn't I'm guessing I wouldn't be allowed in the server! lol

Oh and like I said I do have a few friends that will be playing with me as well, so If you do add me, if you could add them too: xzantraxer,20 and ringdoctor12, 19. Thanks for reading! Hope this forum is still open and I'm not doing all this for nothing! :)

Ingame Name: CulDoes

Age: 15

Why you want to join: I'm at a stage where I'm bored of singleplayer now and I really want to start recording again and I thought it would be a great idea to play with a nice community of people, this server seemed like a place to start

Skype: culchannel

How well do you know this mod pack: Very well

Do you agree to the rules? Yes
Ingame Name: LinkinPark1mxr

Age: 14

Why you want to join: My Computer has very limited System resources, Except an average graphics card which gives me a nice Framerate, The best modpack it can run is Unleashed, I've been playing on many servers and each one simply had something missing, e.g. They use Towny (eughhh) or there's a butt ton of banned items, Once an ME Pattern encoder was Banned! I thought I might find a better community to enjoy the game with on a Private server. So here I am.

Skype: LinkinPark1mxr / LinkStaar

How well do you know this mod pack: I know how to use soo many mods e.g. Thaumcraft, IC2, Thermal Expansion, And that mod with the Bees which i forgot what it's called, But IK how to use it, You can use Creosote oil in a carpenter instead of seed oil which saves a lot of time and you can breed the bees in an apiary and stuff... I'll stop there, it'll take me way too long to explain it all.

Do you agree to the rules? Yes. I'm looking forward to playing (If I get accepted) and I Pinky Promise not to Break a single one. Just to enjoy the game with a Few Other people. Thanks

Ingame Name: M9123


Why you want to join: I used to play Unleashed all the time and now I got back into modded Minecraft and want a good server to play on.

Skype: max.perpoli

How well do you know this mod pack: Ive played this pack and other FTB packs a lot and I think I'm pretty experienced in FTB especially the older packs.

Do you agree to the rules? Yes. Totally.

Why you want to join: im looking for a good to server to play on, im nice never got banned for anything and im always up to help others.

Skype: Marcel Koch

How well do you know this mod pack: played it quite a while, but took a general break of mc.

Do you agree to the rules? yeah sure
Ingame Name: Ula492

Age: 17

Why you want to join: Me and my GF are looking for a server to play that is private and chill, and not to wild. Just a normal FTB Unleashed server.

Skype: birdsandthebees123

How well do you know this mod pack: Been playing for a while now, took a break from it since tekkit was a bit more fun.

Do you agree to the rules? Yes I do!
Ingame Name: Grampt

Age: 26

Why you want to join: I like playing on servers. It lets me see other ideas for progression as well as keeps me from being bored doing the same old thing.

Skype: weluvsports i think, dont get on too often.

How well do you know this mod pack: Pretty well, been playing with modded MC since tekkit.

Do you agree to the rules? Of course.