Casual Server FTB Unleashed server! 1.5.2

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Hello, i would like to apply myself to join your server.

Im 18 Years old.
I live in Germany, but speak english very,very well.
My IG Name is Landliebex3

Im looking for a small Com(munity) Server to play with.
I bring alot of fun with me and will bring alot of afford to it.
I play very serious, but i can be very funny with little pranks.
Location: Brazil

Write abit about why you want to join the server(atleast 2-3 lines):
I would like to join the server because the server has the modpack that i play + the server only have people that are not jerks, like i saw in other servers.
Age: 15
Location: USA
IGN: monster12471
I am looking forward to a dedicated server, since its with older people its more mature and I have a better opportunity to move forward in my creations on this server.
Age: 29
Location: Luxembourg
IGN: LeoWind

Looking for an active FTB community to play on. I really enjoy building stuff and using all the technical stuff. Basically, I'm open for all the stuff that the FTB mod offers, and will explore them. Being half-british, I'm fluent in English. I don't want to join a server with kids on them, so this one is really appealing to me.
Age: 26
Location: UK
IGN: eFFeee

Looking for mature server where i can have fun and build!!!
Age: 15
LocationL: USA east coast
IGN: FPSlasha
Hello, i have recently started playing ftb, and i watch a lot of streams. I have learned much about the game. But i have only been playing single player and it gets boring, it would be nice to play with other people, i don't grief or steal. I would love to join your server, i bet there is much more i can learn from others as well.
Location: Italy
I'm looking for a good friendlies server to join. I may not know a lot about the mod but i'm am learning. i'm VERY helpful to other players. i hope you add me if you do would you be kind to email me to tell me and the the ip @ [email protected]
Age: 21
Location: England UK

Write abit about why you want to join the server(atleast 2-3 lines):
The reason why I want to join the server because I like all the techy stuff i.e. turtles, solar farms and everything a long those lines and also I love to help people I was really interested when I saw bdouble0100 and generikb's videos of ftb I was there I really want to do that god its been on my mind for ever. Also I like do community server builds like expanding spawn, I would definitely love to be on the server.
Age: 17
Location: Austin, Texas for now
IGN: letariodemaus

I want to join the server, because I am looking for a tight-knit community that I can play the game in without having to worry about griefing and have fun. I am very mature and respect all rules and all other players. I will be able to play once a day for at least an hour and I would love to share my experience with other people and maybe have other people share their experience with me. I look forward to playing on this server if I am accepted and if you need to message me my email is [email protected] or my skype which is letariodemaus.
I would like to join the server because i like working alongside other players. i havent played ftb unleashed alot
and i dont know most of the mods but im hoping to learn new things a meet new people and help anyone that i can.
I never asked, I just said I would, but I explained in the same post anyways.[DOUBLEPOST=1375329431][/DOUBLEPOST]Well anyways, your server is great, it only has one really bad part, it's owner

Not applying because I'm only 15, but your previous two posts basically just summed up why the internet hates twelve year olds.
Age: 19
Location: USA
IGN: TheUberPineappl3

I have played Minecraft for for quite a while, but i now find vanilla survival rather bland, and am hoping to find a good Feed The Beast server to play on, and help grow. I think that this is a rather promising server and hope to become a part of it and make friends along the way. Thank you for taking the time to read this! :)
Age: 24

Quite advanced at the ftb unleashed, Its very fun with a small community too help others out and the favour get returned,
Age: 19
Location: Australia
IGN: Boratanoim

I want a good server with No greifing And a nice little community where everyone knows eachother and you can just chill out and have fun with the mod :D