FTB Singleplayer

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey guys,

I play in the direwolf20 pack, and when I try to make a new singleplayer world it comes up with the building world screen. I wait for a minute and nothing happens, and so I leave my computer.
I came back two hours later and its stuck on the same screen. Basically, I can't create or open an SSP world.
I heard AnderZEL had the same problem but he solved it by re-installing, I have tried that four times and nothing different happens.
I can play multiplayer perfectly fine.
Logs: (for any of you that can actually program)

Many thanks!!



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey guys,

I play in the direwolf20 pack, and when I try to make a new singleplayer world it comes up with the building world screen. I wait for a minute and nothing happens, and so I leave my computer.
I came back two hours later and its stuck on the same screen. Basically, I can't create or open an SSP world.
I heard AnderZEL had the same problem but he solved it by re-installing, I have tried that four times and nothing different happens.
I can play multiplayer perfectly fine.
Logs: (for any of you that can actually program)

Many thanks!!


Try dowloading and playing a pre-generated world, I think that may be the problem, as I had a similar problem with Ultimate for awhile.
Also look up some java parameters.

And if that doesn't work, somebody good at looking at logs will request them and be along to help. Probably. No promises.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Try dowloading and playing a pre-generated world, I think that may be the problem, as I had a similar problem with Ultimate for awhile.
Also look up some java parameters.

And if that doesn't work, somebody good at looking at logs will request them and be along to help. Probably. No promises.

I tried doing that but it was just a black screen with nothing on, didn't even say building or loading. Hmm


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
2013-05-31 16:52:22 [INFO] [STDERR] Exception in thread "Server thread" java.lang.RuntimeException: The ForgeModLoader state engine is invalid
Best guess would be Forge having problems. Try updating to the latest for whatever mc version you have.