Title FTB Retro SSP Not working
Launcher Type Curse App
Modpack FTB Retro SSP
Modpack version 1.2.5
Have you modified the pack? No
Link to log file
Details of the issue So I download the pack, start it up, and the minecraft launcher appears with the game version as 1.10.2 . This happens every time I install it, even though it creates the profile and adds the mods.
Launcher Type Curse App
Modpack FTB Retro SSP
Modpack version 1.2.5
Have you modified the pack? No
Link to log file
Details of the issue So I download the pack, start it up, and the minecraft launcher appears with the game version as 1.10.2 . This happens every time I install it, even though it creates the profile and adds the mods.