You forgot the launcher! Seriously, the FTB launcher looks a lot more...well, professional than Technic's. All in all, I'm enjoying FTB a ton more than Technic, only the best mods, without the (IMO) superfluous mods like MAtmos. Runs better, behaves more, and the only thing I can honestly say that I'm missing with this pack is RedPower and EE. Never realized how much I'd come to rely on that wondrous red alloy wire til I had to go back to standard dust, repeaters, and torches, lol.
(Also, Ender Chests are the handiest things I've ever used in the history of ever.)
That's all true. I used RedPower a bit before but not much because I didn't know much about redstone and stuff. Now i know much more about building stuff with redstone and i really look forward to get redpower again because i know the multiwire and the vertical wire ability...FTB is great and i think i will not go back to Bukkit and i will never play tekkit. I Played it one and there a to many mods and not a theme for the mods, thats what i think, its just heaps of mod thrown together. LONG life FTB