FTB One - Infinity Hard Mode Week

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I'm new to Infinity, it looks as though I came at the right time. This looks awesome. I've been mostly learning Botania. I'm curious how it might be tweeked. Any of these videos go over that?

The pack is still being worked on things are changing every day. But I did hear mention of Bontania linked to Agricraft.
Botania seeds being breed up to 10. And getting pure flowers from it. Perhaps from cross breading or as a drop from the high leveled normal plants.
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The pack is still being built but to give an example to make a functional iron pickaxe you need a Tcon smeltery. To make a Tcon smeltery you need lava to power it. To make a bucket to move the lava you need IC2 iron plates. You need a Ic2 hammer. Hammer needs treated sticks. Treated sticks need creosote. Creosote needs what was it creosote oven? No coal coke oven.

Coke oven> Creosote> Treated sticks> Hammer> Iron Plates> Bucket> Lava bucket> Smeltery.

And you will also need to do things like make glue balls by pushing horses into the smeltery.
The top item the flight ring needs all the other flight items put together. From Ic2 to Thaumcraft.

so gregtech? also where is the hard mode? this is just +time mode, just like gregtech, copy much?
The pack is still being worked on things are changing every day. But I did hear mention of Bontania linked to Agricraft.
Botania seeds being breed up to 10. And getting pure flowers from it. Perhaps from cross breading or as a drop from the high leveled normal plants.

so adding to the amount of items people will drop(because every one gonna want 10 10 10 seeds and they use alot space), and why would you link agricraft to Botania, you can berly fine wheat seed in the current ver to make flowers(1.10/1.11), because of this horrible mod.
Not like gregtech where you have to spend hours sitting on your thumbs waiting for automated processioning to get done. Just more effort to get things done. To make sure you always have something to do also to make sure everything you do has a point. GT has steps A to Z just to get to any point. And the intermediary steps have little point to them. With this everything is integrated.
Advancing in one mod advances you in other mods.

The pack isn't meant to be tedious I'm sure you will be able to find the needed ingredients to start easily enough. But don't expect to not need to travel to find every thing.
You will need to travel to fight to mine to do almost everything possible in minecraft to play hard mode.
It's a get off your ass and play/have fun do things pack. Not a rush to the finish line pack.
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This one when live is going to kill the open servers even more so than AS2 did, but for me that is the way to play this one, the larger more immersive packs get so boring alone, even if its just to chat when bored, but still looking forward to a challenge.
I don't understand how it will kill them, considering its not going to replace default Infinity.

Probably do to the large infrastructure necessary in the pack. And that some server owners don't know how to manage there servers capabilities in relation to the number of players they have on the server. IE to many players and not a powerful enough server.
I see. One thing is causing people to adjust, but to claim that it will outright kill is a bit of an overstatement IMO.
I don't understand how it will kill them, considering its not going to replace default Infinity.

The issues with mainly donator servers where the main parts of a pack/challenge can be purchased, this not only flies in the face of the whole idea of a given pack but draws in the ritch kids that seem to have more cash than sense, then we end up with an unbalanced open server with them & us, often the "them" crowd do not hang around too long & you can end up with badly built & lagy setups that are chunk loaded but often used very little, that's the player/donator issues.

Next we have a lot of open servers that are only in it for the money, its really amazing how many players will pay large sums of money to buy there way to success, & there are many server ready & willing to take advantage of this, I'll not go into this any more as its one I feel strongly about & feel some others do too, so could get out of hand.

Next we have the servers that actively promote the reviewing of there servers by giving free server cash/perks, this then while not asking for a good review implies in the wording on near all sites that a good review is in the players best interest, this whole thing make the ftb review section a complete farce, as sites that do not actively reward reviewing get left way down the list, I have seen first hand players log on for the first time & ask how they can collect the bounty from the review they just posted, yeah with out even playing on a server at all...

Lastly as you may well have guessed from above the type of servers referring to not invest a lot in hardware & bandwidth, so can often struggle with over crowding, lack or inexperienced staff, & or poor management.

Let me state here that all servers are not as above but in my experience around 80% do suffer from one or all the above, this is only mho but is gleaned from years of play on open/listed/private servers.
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I had no idea it was that bad. I knew such servers existed but didn't know they were so common. I have mostly stuck with small servers, the highest number of online users was 15.
The issues with mainly donator servers where the main parts of a pack/challenge can be purchased,

Those servers are still against mojangs terms of serves. They are breaking the law just by existing. So they can go duck it. What happens to them is not FTB's responsibility.

Next we have the servers that actively promote the reviewing of there servers by giving free server cash/perks,

Someone should start a black list for servers that do that.
Did you not read that post?

"It has recently came to my attention that some servers with posts in the server section are giving
players ingame rewards for writing favourable reviews about their servers. This is not acceptable."

You seem to have missed a critical part of that post:

We have came to the decision that ingame rewards for reviewing a server are allowed however you must clearly state that the review should be honest.
You seem to have missed a critical part of that post:

While I have the utmost respect for you Padfoote, you must know this is impossible to police & is being abused to the point of making it a farce.

& I can only say sorry for veering the tread off topic, & hope it will get back on topic now.
Shouldn't they give rewards for any review good or bad?
If someone hates the server, Its probably not their fault.
While I have the utmost respect for you Padfoote, you must know this is impossible to police & is being abused to the point of making it a farce.

& I can only say sorry for veering the tread off topic, & hope it will get back on topic now.

Oh I know it is, it's pretty much impossible to prove that it's a reward for a positive review only, and short of disallowing rewards for reviews completely, we don't know what to do about it. If you have any suggestions, feel free to drop them over here.

The point of me linking that rules post is because we aren't going to blacklist servers that give a reward for reviewing, for the reason of we currently allow it, and that it's a good way to ensure there are almost no servers in the server section.
You seem to have missed a critical part of that post:
If they are giving free server cash/perks for reviews then it's not going to be honest. Or do you really think that they want to give those out for bad reviews.
If they are giving free server cash/perks for reviews then it's not going to be honest. Or do you really think that they want to give those out for bad reviews.

That's not our problem. If they clearly state the reward is for a good review only then we'll do something, otherwise it's nearly impossible to prove.
Greetings, I have been on the FTB One server just over a week now and I would like to point out that Tfox has done such a great job in not only making the pack extremely interesting but also very well balanced in regards to progression. It forces you to utilise mods and tech trees you wouldn't usually attempt. I for one am really enjoying the challenge and believe me this is as challenging as it gets.

The feedback I have received so far has been very encouraging and it seems that this Hard Mode difficulty is definitely tickling peoples taste buds. My love for modded Minecraft is back!!!