FTB News - September 27th, 2015

  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord

Big Bad

Did you miss us? Of course you did!

Pack Updates:

Got a few oft-requested updates here for you!

FTB Departed, our dimension-shifting pack, received its 1.3.0 Beta update this Saturday. This version includes updates to many core mods including Advent of Ascension, Harvestcraft, Botania, Tinker’s Construct, and many more.

You can read the changelog here.

And for our intrepid adventures, FTB Horizons: Daybreaker got a new transmission- I, er, mean update- in the form of Recommended 1.2.0. This version should address a common crash complaint and includes a whole new set of mod updates.

You can read the changelog here.

Additionally, Infinity got a small bee-themed updated in preparation for the upcoming Hard Mode. You can read this update's changelog, Version 1.11.2, here.​

FTB Trails - Episode 1 Online Tournament:

Just a reminder that our online map tournament, FTB Trials: Episode 1, is close to wrapping up! Submissions are due by October 1st at 11:59PM EST. Like previously stated, late entries will be turned away.

If you’re interested in submitting or simply wish to see more information on the challenge, you can click through here.​

Town Hall Q&A Recap:

This last Saturday, FTB and Curse hosted a special edition of our Town Hall broadcasts to answer some community questions about the future of both organizations as well as discussing some upcoming projects. The stream was hosted by FTB Founder slowpoke101, FTB Pack Lead tfox83, Director of IT Kaelten, and Twitch streamer Raj.

Below is our abbreviated show notes:

The Feed The Beast website
  • The site will be moving over to Curse in the near future.
  • The site will be optimized and contain improved functionality (including mobile support).
  • Will have better integration with Curseforge’s Project system and Curse Voice.
  • For those on Mac and Linux, the FTB Launcher will still be available to download.
Clarifications on Third Party Packs & Curse
  • Like always, TPPs on the FTB Launcher can be synced to Voice at the request of the creator. Again, as always, FTB does individual permissions checks on each pack submitted. Packs handled this way are required to turn off monetization.
  • The FTB TTP system will remain opt-in.
  • Curse Voice will support private packs.
  • As stated before, once FTB moves fully over to Curse Voice, the FTB Launcher will become an unbranded program. All non-FTB packs (Legacy Packs) will continue to function, but neither Feed the Beast nor Curse will provide support.
Curse Voice
  • More analytics and integrated bug tracking in the future. These features will be added to the new Author Dashboard (for both mods and modpacks), which is currently being drafted.
  • Server pack generation will also be available and the ability to spin up a local server easily.
  • Mac Client is still in development; being rewritten from the ground up.
  • Linux client’s development will be based on the success of the Mac client.
  • In case of a Linux version of Voice not being offered, FTB will provide an alternate means of distributing official FTB packs for Linux users
  • API for Curseforge being considered internally. No guarantees or promises.
  • Curse Voice will receive an update to allow for offline play in the future.
  • Reiteration that Curse will never remove a feature or withhold an update behind a paywall.
  • There are plans for full overlay support (in the same vein as League of Legends) with Minecraft
For those who wish to view the entire stream, a copy of the video has been uploaded to our YouTube Page. You can also watch below:
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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2012
Is it supposed to be FTB Trails or FTB Trials? The title seems to be a little confused by the description! :D

Cheers ...

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Start reading: "Yay, news on Linux support!"

End reading: "Curse still thinks I'm dirt."