FTB Lag every 2 seconds?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Readyboost has nothing to do with RAM. It allows USB flash drive memory to function as cashe for conventional hard drives. The USB is hopelessly slow compared to the bandwidth of a hard drive, but there is next to no "lookup" time(compared to the disk having to rotate to the right spot and the pickup having to move to it) which means that regular used data can be retrieved faster from this cashe. This speeds up read/write speeds to conventional harddrives(which does include pagefile data), but it will not serve to "extend" your RAM.

Bear in mind that Readyboost is useless with SSDs as they are basically one big cashe(and Windows does actually also disable Readyboost when using SSDs). Newer conventional hard drives are also made with built-in cashes.
Ah. Yeah, I'm pretty computer illiterate. I'll keep that in mind. Thank you. ^^

Archie Duffy

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't know if you have solved this problem but this is how you solve it:

Open the launcher and click on the 'Options' option and there should be a slider under the 'Force Update' button. If it isn't already, turn it up so it's the bar is at halfway. So say if you had a 16GB RAM then it should say 8GB.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't know if you have solved this problem but this is how you solve it:

Open the launcher and click on the 'Options' option and there should be a slider under the 'Force Update' button. If it isn't already, turn it up so it's the bar is at halfway. So say if you had a 16GB RAM then it should say 8GB.


You should never have more than 4gb of RAM set for client side. Java has issues with gc starting around that point. Only servers will ever even need more than this.
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Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
I don't know if you have solved this problem but this is how you solve it:

Open the launcher and click on the 'Options' option and there should be a slider under the 'Force Update' button. If it isn't already, turn it up so it's the bar is at halfway. So say if you had a 16GB RAM then it should say 8GB.
Lol that is one sure way of causing yourself a lot of trouble :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm not as informative as the other people who posted here and I'm just sharing my personal experience, but do you have Special Mobs installed?
back when Monster was just released, I was playing with Special Mobs enabled, where at one point, it really started lagging my singleplayer world where you could not even mine a block and you had to wait a good 10 to 15 seconds before the block finally broke
as soon as I disabled it, the problem was gone. I tried doing cofh killall and that helped, for a few minutes, after that it seemed to spawn some sort of entity again which was constantly causing the lagg
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Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
Just to add onto what Eyamaz said:


This is his thread with an optimized java argument for 2 GB. My computer runs FTB better with 2 GB and these arguments, than with 4 or more and nothing.

Try it out.
Sadly those arguments are out of date and will most likely cause more trouble than they are worth for 1.6 packs.
Eyamaz are working on new versions of them however, so all a matter of time.


Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
From what I've found, they've increased my FPS by 20-30.
It probably depends a lot from which pack and system stat you are running. I started getting some nasty fps drops when using them in Monster. But worth a try I guess. Would go with the new ones instead however as Eyemaz describes on the first page of this thread.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hmm, we'll I haven't tested it with Monster. It definitely helped out with AS which is 1.6.4. Either way they help optimize the way Java uses your memory in ordinance with how FTB operates. In principle they should be fine, aside from the few major upgrades to performance that occurred to MC itself between 1.5 and 1.6. Those are the main factors, I would think.

In this case, it is worth a shot. If it doesn't work, back to the drawing board, but if it brings it to a bearable state, it could carry things over until a more permanent/better solution rolls along.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It probably depends a lot from which pack and system stat you are running. I started getting some nasty fps drops when using them in Monster. But worth a try I guess. Would go with the new ones instead however as Eyemaz describes on the first page of this thread.
My issue isn't fps but just the consistent lag every couple seconds. Then after about an hour of play just unplayable lag. When eyamaz gets the chance to update the java arguments I will no longer curse 1.6.4.


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2013
My issue isn't fps but just the consistent lag every couple seconds. Then after about an hour of play just unplayable lag. When eyamaz gets the chance to update the java arguments I will no longer curse 1.6.4.
This is something that seems to be triggered by moving between different dimensions (e.g. Mystcraft ages) many times. I usually start getting a freeze of about one second every ten seconds, then if I keep switching dimensions it quickly gets worse until I eventually brown screen.

Try lowering client Ram Maximum setting to 2.5 - 3.0 GB and avoid switching dimensions as much as possible. I haven't really found a proper solution to the problem.


Relatable Gamer
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Retired Staff
Nov 24, 2012
My issue isn't fps but just the consistent lag every couple seconds. Then after about an hour of play just unplayable lag. When eyamaz gets the chance to update the java arguments I will no longer curse 1.6.4.
Hey, my friend @Qazplm601 (who is not a god) has some updated JVM ARGs that work wonders:
new version of my JVM ARGS. slightly faster than the previous version. (on average for me,
with optimods(optifine/fps+) up 0-40 fps faster than V1

without optimods, up 30-70 fps.

these tests were on MC 1.6.4 , forge 965, no other mods (except optimods)

new args.

-XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=8 -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=0 -XX:+CICompilerCountPerCPU -XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+UseStringCache -XX:+UseNUMA -XX:+UseFastAccessorMethods -XX:+BindGCTaskThreadsToCPUs -XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=50 -XX:NewRatio=2 -XX:SurvivorRatio=2 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=80 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=8 -XX:GCPauseIntervalMillis=150 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=40 -XX:MaxGCMinorPauseMillis=7 -XX:+OptimizeStringConcat -XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrentAndUnloadsClasses -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -Xnoclassgc -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+UseAdaptiveGCBoundary -XX:UseSSE=3

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I ran into the same problem.. which I call "Lag at 100fps" every few seconds the game would freeze or pause and then resume normal speed.

Hitting F3 to show the debug screen helped. basically something somewhere was leaking memory on a massive scale. i would watch the ram use go from 40% up to 75%-90% then the game would pause/freeze while the garbage collector ran, ram use went back to 40-50% and then the process repeats.
But the real problem is the ram use would never go back to the lower values. it would drop to 40%, then only 50% then 55%, then 60%.. and eventually the garbage collector is running constantly and minecraft is unplayable. Restarting my client fixed it for a while

Removing optifine helped a lot. Removing the other jvm arguments helped even more.
Also like @Zarkov said - moving between dimensions makes this even worse. Mystcraft dimensions are the worst, but even twlight will cause the memory leaks and lag-spike-of-death.
eventually I found the "D1" version of optifine that fixed enough of its lag issues that I was able to use it again. Search the forums for the thread that talks about it.

My configs have 2.25 GB of ram, and maxpermsize set to 256m. No other jvm arguments.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The switching between dimensions memory leak is well known and is a vanilla bug AFAIK, not much you can do except restart every now and then...


Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
My issue isn't fps but just the consistent lag every couple seconds. Then after about an hour of play just unplayable lag. When eyamaz gets the chance to update the java arguments I will no longer curse 1.6.4.
Yeah what I meant was momentary drops in fps. As in going along with normal 100ish fps and then suddently 0fps.
If this is not what you are referring to as "lag" but rather unresponsive tile entities like chests etc. you are having a whole different problem.