FTB Infinity Skyblock 1.7.10 Help, Venting and Discussion Thread

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First make a backup in case anything goes wrong:

So I opened up my test world and tested it. Thaumometer looking at reinforced obsidian is basically a instant crash. As for fixing it you have two choices that I can think of. The simplest and most destructive is deleting your player.dat. This will destroy your entire inventory but you'll be back at spawn and no thaumometer to look at the obsidian.

The second assumes that you can use a very basic program and find your world's save folder, doing it this way should result in absolutely no loss of data. Go here http://www.minecraftforum.net/forum...65-nbtexplorer-nbt-editor-for-windows-and-mac and find the download for windows or mac and download the zip for NBTExplorer. run the program and open up the level.dat file in your world's save inside the program. In NBTExplorer under the Level.Dat section will be a data section and then a player section. Inside the player section is a section labled Pos. This is your player's position in the world. Change it. To do something simple add say 50 to the first number and set the second number to 200. This will move your +50 in the X direction in the world high up in the air so you aren't stuck and suffocate when logging in. If you don't have a jetpack or want you might also want to go further down and set playerGameType to 1, this will put you in creative mode so hopefully when you log in and hit the ground you won't die or if this moves you above the void you can fly away back to your base.

After making all those changes save them and then reload your world. Hopefully you should now be at the new location safe and sound and now you just have to avoid using the thaumometer to look at the reinforced obsidian until the bug gets fixed.
Thanks so much. This worked perfectly. Set my y to 256, managed to get my jetpack turned on before I hit my platform, and all is now well. No more trying to scan Reinforced Obsidian for me. :)
SO when did the recipes for creating ores get changed? I was trying to finish creating some redstone ores the other day to put under the redstone seeds from agricraft I got and the recipe for using in the induction smelter is gone? So is diamonds. Cant find the changelogs for skyblock atm. -_-
SO when did the recipes for creating ores get changed? I was trying to finish creating some redstone ores the other day to put under the redstone seeds from agricraft I got and the recipe for using in the induction smelter is gone? So is diamonds. Cant find the changelogs for skyblock atm. -_-

The redstone one was by 1.0.4, I noticed that much. I'm wondering if the fluiduct recipes are bugged or disabled, as I have the hardened glass and the invar blend yet still can't seem to make any hardened fluiducts.
Hardened fluiducts require 2 Hardened Lumium glass and one Hardened/Lumium/Fused Quartz.

As for the redstone ore...I'm on 1.1.0, and the 1 block of redstone plus a piece of stone in the induction smelter recipe is still listed. So is the diamond block plus stone. Try reloading your recipes maybe?
In a thread, cant find it again, there was a way mentioned in feeding the items into the auto compressor in batchs of 4 so that its buffer wouldn't get filled up with odd number items such as broken or crushed ore. It was said that in Direwolf's series, they found the way but for the life of me I cant find that thread now that mentioned how he did it. Something about extra utilites stack upgrade but when I tried, its not working. Any pointers?
In a thread, cant find it again, there was a way mentioned in feeding the items into the auto compressor in batchs of 4 so that its buffer wouldn't get filled up with odd number items such as broken or crushed ore. It was said that in Direwolf's series, they found the way but for the life of me I cant find that thread now that mentioned how he did it. Something about extra utilites stack upgrade but when I tried, its not working. Any pointers?

I'm sure others will have a solution for "send 4 at a time". However, why not just have a separate Auto Compressor for each material? I run three separate lines:
1. Gravel -> Auto Sieve -> Compressor -> Inventory Storage
2. Sand -> Auto Sieve -> Compressor -> Inventory Storage
3. Dust -> Auto Sieve -> Compressor -> Inventory Storage
Yeah, I know it's more machines and more power, but that's how I do it, then nothing ever gets stuck.
Nobody can come visit me on my Island, apparently I've been told it is because my name on the server begins with a capital letter. When they try to /island join, they get the message "Island not found" or something stupid like that. It's ALL stupid, everything, the whole world. Bah humbug. Stupid capital letter bugs, how idiotic. I think I need to drop-kick this computer into a lake.
In a thread, cant find it again, there was a way mentioned in feeding the items into the auto compressor in batchs of 4 so that its buffer wouldn't get filled up with odd number items such as broken or crushed ore. It was said that in Direwolf's series, they found the way but for the life of me I cant find that thread now that mentioned how he did it. Something about extra utilites stack upgrade but when I tried, its not working. Any pointers?
i personally use compacting drawers, no power and dont have to worry about sending 4 at a time
Same, and for the ones that don't work with compacting drawers (draconium, mainly) I'm just having logistics pipes craft it.
Never saw the use of skyblocks. The main point of modded MC is to find ever more creative ways to dig bloody great holes in the landscape. Where's the fun if the hole is already dug for you? ;)
Actually Minecraft is a sandbox game, its designed for you to do whatever you want. I personally enjoy skyblock packs as i enjoy automating things rather than designing and building structures. To each their own tho, thats the great thing about minecraft is we arent forced to do only one thing!
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I am working my way down the tech tree and have just started the whole replicator thing for iridium copying....

I have an ic2 reactor and a few water wheels so I am definitely running low on power. What are some strong mid game power options? Ic2 windmills? How often would I need to replace the rotors? Ie windmills? What are you guys using?
I am working my way down the tech tree and have just started the whole replicator thing for iridium copying....

I have an ic2 reactor and a few water wheels so I am definitely running low on power. What are some strong mid game power options? Ic2 windmills? How often would I need to replace the rotors? Ie windmills? What are you guys using?

i personally am using beef wellingtons to power my base and its done well up to this point, im producing ~13K rf/t. Steam boilers is another option that is recommended by a lot of people.
I am working my way down the tech tree and have just started the whole replicator thing for iridium copying....

I have an ic2 reactor and a few water wheels so I am definitely running low on power. What are some strong mid game power options? Ic2 windmills? How often would I need to replace the rotors? Ie windmills? What are you guys using?

I went with railcraft steam boilers running on fire water. With 2 vats you can keep up with 4 HP boilers.
I am working my way down the tech tree and have just started the whole replicator thing for iridium copying....

I have an ic2 reactor and a few water wheels so I am definitely running low on power. What are some strong mid game power options? Ic2 windmills? How often would I need to replace the rotors? Ie windmills? What are you guys using?

Based upon the fact that RTG Pellets are required for high-end items, and since you need plutonium to make those, the clear path to take in the Infinity modpacks is to spam IC2 nukes. I used multiple one-block nukes that output 120 EU/t each, so I split them into groups of 4 and connect them to an MFE (4*120 EU/t=480 EU/t and the MFE outputs 512 EU/t).

So that obv takes care of the EU side in terms of power. You could spam 800 of the things very easily, then your big task would be obtaining enough uranium to run them all. Each nuke requires 2 Quad Fuel Rods, and you get 8 tiny plutoniums every 5 hours from the depleted quad rods (almost one full Plutonium ball every 5 hours from one nuke). In Skyblock, uranium is incredibly easy to obtain in quantity, just sieve a ton of sand.

But for RF, that's easy as well. Put an Immersive Engineering HV connector on the output of four MFE's and run all four lines into separate faces of Thermal Expansion Tesseract. You now have (512*4)=2048 RF/t from each MFE, and total of 2048*4=8192 RF/t coming from your Tess. Don't use an MFSU, the output exceed the capacity of the Immersive Engineering HV connectors. Use MFE's for this technique.

tl;dr Focus on IC2 nukes due to plutonium requirement for high-end items.

The reactor I spam is the second reactor listed in the second post in this thread on the IC2 forums, the one that outputs 120 EU/t, look at the screenshot to see the internal component of the nuke:

And best of all, it cannot blow up, so you don't need any shielding. I run them right in the middle of all my stuff. Living dangerously. hahah
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