FTB Infinity Skyblock 1.7.10 Help, Venting and Discussion Thread

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Gonna try it out, thanks.
But as I noticed, agricraft is on, and for making 10/10/10 crops I will really need a watering can, any tips on getting it?

Not really. You could use Forestry's Fertilizer (2 sand + 1 Apatite). It's like bone meal, but you have to shift-right-click it on to the crops. I've used it to get 10/10/10s.
You're on a skyblock, if you run short of bonemeal you forgot the basic mob spawning room that should have been one of your first projects. :) The TiCon hatchet you made for tree chopping works fairly well on mobs too.
Botania/Magic Bees edition question. How would one go about automating the hibeescus without already having a pristine version of the bee available?

I don't have any desire to dump a bajillion princesses on the flower (though I'm sure that'll happen with my teammates), but I'm not even sure how I'd go about timing that. Does the pristine princess despawn after 5 minutes when it changes? I dropped one on a flower last night but got called away and haven't had a chance to login and check it today.

(late edit: youtube suggests that the hibeescus should have sucked the bee up into an internal inventory, and I did not see that happen. Hmm. Further testing requried)
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How can I get wither skeletons/blazes on the nether?
I saw a video on Youtube about a guy doing a nether mob farm with openblocks' fans and slime channels, I've tried doing the same but no wither skeleton/blaze spawns, only pigmans.
(I don't know if he said that on the video as I don't speak english)
blazes and wither skellys only spawn naturally in fortresses. He probably took the seed of his world to a non skyblock pack and found a fortress and built the spawning pads at those cords in the skyblock worlds. If you dont want to do that you can put regular skellys in witch water and it will convert them to wither skellys and you can spawn blazes by right clicking an angry doll on a stone barrel filled with Lava.
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blazes and wither skellys only spawn naturally in fortresses. He probably took the seed of his world to a non skyblock pack and found a fortress and built the spawning pads at those cords in the skyblock worlds. If you dont want to do that you can put regular skellys in witch water and it will convert them to wither skellys and you can spawn blazes by right clicking an angry doll on a stone barrel filled with Lava.
Thanks you!
How can I get wither skeletons/blazes on the nether?
I saw a video on Youtube about a guy doing a nether mob farm with openblocks' fans and slime channels, I've tried doing the same but no wither skeleton/blaze spawns, only pigmans.

I didn't watch the video, but I do know that, as per vanilla Minecraft rules, blazes and wither skeletons spawn inside of nether fortress structures.

Keep in mind the meaning of the word "structure" in this context. In this context a "structure" is a 3 dimensional area that is defined somewhere in the world safe. When they are generated in vanilla MC, an actual building in the form of a nether fortress part is generated within the bounds of a "structure." But even if the blocks are all removed, the "structure" still exist.

I do not know if nether forts are generated in infinity evolved, and if they aren't, I don't know the generation is disabled completely, or if just the generation of blocks is disabled and the "structures" still exist (You'll have to jump through some hoops to find them though, if this is the case)

That said...

Within the infinity evolved modpack, there are easier ways to get a load of wither skeletons. You can just spawn normal skeletons and drop them through witch water. This is a feature of the ex-nihilo mod.
You can also create automated mob spawners using enderIO or MFR. To get the needed blazes for creating the spawner you can use even more ex-nihilo, there are these clay dolls you can craft and drop into lava barrels to spawn blazes.

Edit: It seems I have been ninja'd... did it really took me 20 minutes to type a reply??
If anybody else was annoyed by the weird behaviour of the Netherrack-resulting ore with Drawers (wouldn't convert into block form the gravel->sand->dust chain) then here is small tweak/unauthorisedchangedohickyhashtagdrama I've made:
(Done with FTB:IES v1.1.0, works for me, no further issues found...yet :) )
Edit file named "ExNihilo.zs" located within "scripts" folder of FTB Infinity Evolved Skyblock with Notepad or such.
( \FeedTheBeast\FTBInfinityEvolvedSkyblock\minecraft\scripts )
Replace from the line "#netherrack" up to the next tag "#Endstone"
recipes.addShapeless(<aobd:oreNetherBrokenDraconium> * 4, [<aobd:oreNetherGravelDraconium>]);
recipes.addShapeless(<aobd:oreNetherBrokenMithril> * 4, [<aobd:oreNetherGravelMithril>]);
recipes.addShapeless(<exastris:CobaltOreItem> * 4, [<exastris:CobaltOreBlock>]);
recipes.addShapeless(<exastris:ArditeOreItem> * 4, [<exastris:ArditeOreBlock>]);
recipes.addShapeless(<aobd:oreCrushedDraconium> * 4, [<aobd:oreSandDraconium>]);
recipes.addShapeless(<aobd:oreCrushedMithril> * 4, [<aobd:oreSandMithril>]);
recipes.addShapeless(<exastris:CobaltOreItem:1> * 4, [<exastris:CobaltOreBlock:1>]);
recipes.addShapeless(<exastris:ArditeOreItem:1> * 4, [<exastris:ArditeOreBlock:1>]);
recipes.addShapeless(<aobd:orePowderedDraconium> * 4, [<aobd:oreDustDraconium>]);
recipes.addShapeless(<aobd:orePowderedMithril> * 4, [<aobd:oreDustMithril>]);
recipes.addShapeless(<exastris:CobaltOreItem:2> * 4, [<exastris:CobaltOreBlock:2>]);
recipes.addShapeless(<exastris:ArditeOreItem:2> * 4, [<exastris:ArditeOreBlock:2>]);
Need some help, I just logged into my world and for some reason my world loaded up but my inventory was cleaned out other then the "Open blocks book" and "Materials" book. Last night when I was playing, something said it failed to back up but when I closed it for the night I saved and quit and not sure what happened?
So I must have missed Soaryn's stream the day he built this, and Direwolf didn't go over it in enough detail in his video, so the question for the Hivemind is this:
Automating the Wither, how to do this without having to replace blocks all the time.
It's easy enough to build the wither automatically, and you need to use the grinder from draconic evolution to kill it, but something in Soaryn's build teleports the wither inside a reinforced obsidian box before it explodes, and that's the part I have no idea how he's doing.
Soaryn's using some sort of teleportation plate for the wither.

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Not too sure why Im not getting champion mobs spawning, the ones that rare spawn from thaumcraft that drop the treasure bags. I have a natural spawner on my island, and they drop, get to just 2 hearts or so and I kill them with my scythe.

Anyone have any ideas?
Not too sure why Im not getting champion mobs spawning, the ones that rare spawn from thaumcraft that drop the treasure bags. I have a natural spawner on my island, and they drop, get to just 2 hearts or so and I kill them with my scythe.

Anyone have any ideas?
They spawn naturally.
I must have killed over 1000+ mobs by now, nothing... In a previous modpack with thaumcraft, they would spawn every 50-100 mobs or so...

I have a spawning tower above my island and the mobs drop from there and get low health, and then I now have a mob spawning room just for testing purposes, nothing yet.
What difficulty are you playing on? I believe that changes their spawn rates, and lower difficulties can remove the chance altogether.