FTB Infinity server plan?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello guys!
I have just a very quick question, I'm planning to play with a few friends on a FTB Infinity server but we aren't sure about how much RAM we should choose? I personally think that 2GB would be enough but I'm not sure.
We want to play with a maximum of 10 players but probably not more then 6 at a time. Can you help me out? :)
Any cheap hosting companies you can also recommend?



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'd start at 4GB and then go up if you find you need more.
2GB is not enough for Infinity for more than 1 or 2 people


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'd think that 2GB would be very marginal for more than 1 player. I am admin on a small server, running Thaumcraft, Immersive Engineering, Roguelike Dungeons and one or two decorative items mods. The servers view distance has been reduced to 8 (from 10) (which is the quickest way to reduce the per-player memory requirement) and still, with just one player exploring the world, the servers memory allocation pushes past 80% - with 2GB of physical ram with 1.7GB actually given to Java as its allocation.

We are using McMyAdmin Personal as its a very small self hosted server, and has a nice web ui for monitoring all this stuff.

My thumbsuck would be, 2GB minimum, with .5G for each additional simultaneous player.
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