FTB Infinity Journeymap / Mapwriter

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok so.. the little blurb for FTB Infinity pack indicates that it includes Mapwriter, but when I go to edit the mod pack (with the Edit Modpack button) I dont see Mapwriter in the list of mods.

However, when I am actually playing the game, both Journeymap and mapwriter are enabled. I get both mini-maps, and both sets of key controls work. When I click on the "mods" button inside minecraft, it lists it, but without any ability to disable it.

I would like to disable Mapwriter. How the heck can I do this if its not appearing in the mods folder (it doesnt, I looked). Its clearly operating.

Halp. I think I'm going crazy here -_-


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Question withdrawn, I've been informed that its Opis; I removed Opis, and poof. Thanks Wyld (via Twitter) ^_^