FTB Infinity Evolved––Claiming Chunks

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If I'm on a friends server and I claim chunks so that no one else can destroy my house, how do I know if it's working?

Since I can just disable claiming chunks client side, are the other players able to do the same thing and just come in and steal my stuff?

Because the mod (FTB Utilities I think) runs on both the client and the server, the commands you execute on the client and relayed to the server and enforced there. Once you claim them, the server will only allow 'you' to modify their permissions. You should know though that claiming chunks isn't enough. You also have to set their security: Public (anyone can complete left/right click events in the chunk), Private (only you can complete left/right click events in the chunk), Friends (only you and your friends made via the in-game friends system can complete left/right click events in your claimed chunks).
Best thing that's happened to FTB in a long time, this chunk-claiming utility. The next great leap forward (it isn't implemented yet) will be when those claimed chunks are automatically loaded whether you are on the server or not - so no more chunk loaders necessary at all, and the server operator can easily set the limit to number of loaded chunks allowed per player.

Yeah I'm a dreamer. :D But that is gonna be AWESOME!
The next great leap forward (it isn't implemented yet) will be when those claimed chunks are automatically loaded whether you are on the server or not - so no more chunk loaders necessary at all, and the server operator can easily set the limit to number of loaded chunks allowed per player.

I think you'll be pleased if you look at the change logs for FTB Utilities I think it is...hopefully, Infinity 2.3.0 includes it instead of
I think you'll be pleased if you look at the change logs for FTB Utilities I think it is...hopefully, Infinity 2.3.0 includes it instead of

Yep, ty! That's pretty pleasing indeed. :D I took over a walled village and made my base 4x4 inside the walls. Then - and only then - did I realize the 3x3 World Anchor from Railcraft was gonna mean I'd have 2 strips of more-or-less unusable space and lose 7 of my 16 chunks... all because the chunk loading had to be a 3x3 square. If we can ctrl-click on individual chunks to load them one by one without any regard for certain patterns they must follow... wow. That is such a big game-changer for server play, I can't even begin to imagine... gonna have to see it in action first I suppose. Fingers crossed!

  • Added Chunkloading - Hold Ctrl and click on claimed chunks to chunkload them (must be enabled in configs)
  • Added "show_rank", "max_loaded_chunks" & "chunkloader_type" in conifg
The only real advantage the mod has over the traditional plugins is that it has a nifty map based UI. As far as all of the security features we have had them and more since beta days.
That being said the map UI is pretty spiffy.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
The only real advantage the mod has over the traditional plugins is that it has a nifty map based UI. As far as all of the security features we have had them and more since beta days.
That being said the map UI is pretty spiffy.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk

Yea, but it's built in whereas you don't have to setup the plugins anymore so the convenience is definitely a plus.
The plugins provide a bit more control ATM. Any admin worth their salt will prefer them. But time can change that.
It really needs a rank permission system or at least integrate with one of the plugins that do.
But this Ftb utilities thing looks quite promising.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
So we finally loaded up modpack v2.3.3 on our server and tried out the new FTB Utilities chunk loading feature.

Unfortunately, it seems to have some issues. I can't be certain tho because I'm a game player, not a mod designer. But it APPEARS as if my Recyclers/Cyclic Assembler kept working thru the night while I slept to make Scrap Boxes. The count increased by 2000 stacks, so that was clearly working. However, in my Auto-Spawner, the Witches did not work at all, because my Glowstone count (which was zero when I logged off) is only 51 pieces which means the Auto-Spawner wasn't working at all (or else the MFR Grinders weren't working, but I believe it was the Spawner).

So why would SOME machines keep working, and others didn't work while chunk loaded? Only the mod developer can answer that one I guess...

As of now, I'm going back to my Railcraft World Anchor to chunk load my base. At least I know that works properly. With the FTB Utils, I can't be sure it is working properly yet. It appears as if it might not be.
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So we finally loaded up modpack v2.3.3 on our server and tried out the new FTB Utilities chunk loading feature.

Unfortunately, it seems to have some issues. I can't be certain tho because I'm a game player, not a mod designer. But it APPEARS as if my Recyclers/Cyclic Assembler kept working thru the night while I slept to make Scrap Boxes. The count increased by 2000 stacks, so that was clearly working. However, in my Auto-Spawner, the Witches did not work at all, because my Glowstone count (which was zero when I logged off) is only 51 pieces which means the Auto-Spawner wasn't working at all (or else the MFR Grinders weren't working, but I believe it was the Spawner).

So why would SOME machines keep working, and others didn't work while chunk loaded? Only the mod developer can answer that one I guess...

As of now, I'm going back to my Railcraft World Anchor to chunk load my base. At least I know that works properly. With the FTB Utils, I can't be sure it is working properly yet. It appears as if it might not be.

Chunkloading is an all or nothing affair. There is no circumstance I am aware of which could cause a chunk to only partially load.

In your case, the mobs were likely despawning due to there not being a player within the needed range to keep them in play. Maybe some were harvested before they despawned, which accounts for the subtle rise in glowstone, but the majority would have simply vanished before the Grinder could deal with them. Using a Witch Spawner on a piece of Cursed Earth can mitigate this mechanic, as mobs spawned due to Cursed Earth do not despawn if no player is in range.
Chunkloading is an all or nothing affair. There is no circumstance I am aware of which could cause a chunk to only partially load.

In your case, the mobs were likely despawning due to there not being a player within the needed range to keep them in play. Maybe some were harvested before they despawned, which accounts for the subtle rise in glowstone, but the majority would have simply vanished before the Grinder could deal with them. Using a Witch Spawner on a piece of Cursed Earth can mitigate this mechanic, as mobs spawned due to Cursed Earth do not despawn if no player is in range.

Trust me when I tell you something isn't right with the Chunk Loading aspect of FTB Utilities.

When I use a Railcraft World Anchor to load my chunks. The Auto-Spawner works right thru the night, without any problems whatsoever. It's how I'm obtaining all the Glowstone dust I need to make Quantum Solar Panels, by Auto-Spawning Witches while I'm offline and asleep.

However, yesterday, we updated to v2.3.3 with the new FTB Utils, so I did the test overnight. My IC2 Recyclers kept working all night long - 3000 stacks of Scrap Boxes in my Jabba Barrel when I logged on. Nice!! Chunk loader works!! Except.... the glowstone total clearly showed that my Auto-Spawner was not working when I wasn't there. It SHOULD have worked. It works with the Railcraft Chunk Loader. But it didn't work with the FTB Utils chunk loader.

Rather than keep trying to test it, I already deemed it unreliable and have gone back to the Railcraft World Anchor. Still high hopes for it, but as of now, I cannot trust it to work properly based on my experience.
Trust me when I tell you something isn't right with the Chunk Loading aspect of FTB Utilities.

When I use a Railcraft World Anchor to load my chunks. The Auto-Spawner works right thru the night, without any problems whatsoever. It's how I'm obtaining all the Glowstone dust I need to make Quantum Solar Panels, by Auto-Spawning Witches while I'm offline and asleep.

However, yesterday, we updated to v2.3.3 with the new FTB Utils, so I did the test overnight. My IC2 Recyclers kept working all night long - 3000 stacks of Scrap Boxes in my Jabba Barrel when I logged on. Nice!! Chunk loader works!! Except.... the glowstone total clearly showed that my Auto-Spawner was not working when I wasn't there. It SHOULD have worked. It works with the Railcraft Chunk Loader. But it didn't work with the FTB Utils chunk loader.

Rather than keep trying to test it, I already deemed it unreliable and have gone back to the Railcraft World Anchor. Still high hopes for it, but as of now, I cannot trust it to work properly based on my experience.
I¨m also just a Player not a modDesigner but what @Inaeo said is right. As far as I´m aware, there is no way to only load n blocks inside a chunck. Or it is loaded or it is not.
The despawn function when there is no player near, was always a problem for Minecraft mods and it requieres special spawners that do spawn mobs that will not despawn.

Now you mentioned that you did uploaded to 2.3.3 yesterday. Did you try to run your spawner with the railcraft Chunk loader after that for more then 2-3 hours? There is a certain time after a player was near that makes mobs not to despawn. So a long test is requeired. Maybe its not FTB Utilitie but a other change made in 2.3.3.

Maybe it is indeed FTBUtilite. I could also imagen that how ever the Chunck Loading works on code level, it uses some feuter that make mobs despawn if no player is near.
I mean minecraft vanilla has this build in, and MFR Autospawner has some code that deactivate this. Maybe FTBUtilities has some other code that does the same as Vanilla did but since MFR is not aware of it its not deactivating this part.
(Gosh... I think the last part just makes sence in my head, does it?)
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Excellent point Dentvar - as you guessed, I have not re-confirmed that the Auto-Spawner is working with the Railcraft chunk loader in v.2.3.3

I'm loading my world right now so here's the answer.......... I did have the Auto-Spawner running all night long with the Railcraft anchor active.......

Yes, the Auto-Spawner worked thru the night properly with the Railcraft Anchor. I have 2000 more Glowstone dusts in my system than I had last night.

I agree - I have NO idea why some machines in a loaded chunk would work properly, but other machines would not. But I am not a computer programmer, I just play the game. I have no technical knowledge to determine what is going on and why. I hope the mod developer sees the discussion and provides some feedback for us.

Having said that... I think you probably are correct about mobs de-spawning, that is probably the issue here, rather than "some machines work and some don't". Good points Dentvar!
Another problem to report - someone on our server was apparently using the new FTB Utilities chunk loading feature at the same time they had a Railcraft World Anchor running to also load the same chunks.

Our server crashed and would not restart, and the crash logs showed the Railcraft anchor was at fault. Deleting it in MCEdit resolved the crash and got us back up and running again.

You could speculate that the Railcraft World Anchor chunk loading is at fault, based on the crash logs, however, quite clearly, the "new player on the block" is the FTB Utilities chunk loading, so I'm going to guess the problem lies there instead.
There have been issues before with using multiple mods to load the same chunk (ChickenChunks and RC, for example). I'm not sure how it works on the code side of things, but it is generally not good practice to double up on the chunkloading.

Likely not a bad idea to send a heads up to both Devs anyway.