Windows 7
i-4770k 16GB
Local server (personal pc)
Java Ver. 8 Update 45
Haven't added any mods but I edited the ServerStart.Bat because the original gave me 256m MaxPerm and a Parnew error then stops the server.
this is my current ServerStart.bat which actually starts up the server.
And here is the crash I get. (crash-report)
here is the fml. the file is 5mb so i couldn't load it to pastebin but here is a screenshot of where it crashes
and here is the ending message
i-4770k 16GB
Local server (personal pc)
Java Ver. 8 Update 45
Haven't added any mods but I edited the ServerStart.Bat because the original gave me 256m MaxPerm and a Parnew error then stops the server.
this is my current ServerStart.bat which actually starts up the server.
java -server -Xms7G -Xmx7G -d64 -XX:+CMSIncrementalPacing -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XXarallelGCThreads=4 -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=5 -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=10 -XX:+PrintGCDetails -jar infinitycauldron.jar nogui
echo Server process finished
And here is the crash I get. (crash-report)
here is the fml. the file is 5mb so i couldn't load it to pastebin but here is a screenshot of where it crashes
and here is the ending message