FTB Horizons: Daybreaker Discussion

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Just to add to what others have said, with Progressive Automation, you basically have a self sustaining and expandable power gen and crop automation solution even before you would have with MFR. A tree fram will not only net you wood, but both the fuel to power itself and the materials to make all the tools you will need to feed into the machines. With all the autocrafting solutions that are available, that becomes trivial to setup.

Also, if people are missing TE aqueous accumulators, look at engineers toolbox.
Your're absolutely right about this.

Especially Mekanism is a mod that I usually didn't try because of the alternatives.
And to be correct: IC2 is not in the pack as far as I know :p
Huh, I could have sworn I saw it in the list. Maybe I was looking at Infinity... :P
Has anyone had a problem with the modular armour? I can't seem to charge them or upgrade them. Let me know if you guys know anything about this, thanks!
This is my biggest issue with this pack. The storage and crafting in this pack seems to be totally ignored. Enhanced Inventories is broken IMO and cant even touch AE2 or even JABBA barrels as a storage system. I don't want to have to look through 500 chests to find items i need to craft.

You haven't checked out RFTools I see. Other than that, try looking at Extra Utilities and other piping mods in this modpack. It won't be as compact as AE2, but you can make a great sorting system.

This pack is a MAJOR step backwards in functionality and playability.

If you already think that for this pack, don't try many other mods mate. Just because there is no technology doesn't lower functionality and playability. It's just a bit harder and you need to do some self-thinking. If you can't think of any solutions this pack is just too difficult for you

Sure it has some mods that no one has ever used, and now you know why no one uses them. They are either hard to use, little to no documentation, buggy, incomplete, or they cause crashes. Its like they didn't even use the plugin/mod before deciding to use it.

Duh, they are new or unused mods. What do you expect. Read the purpose of the modpack before you go complaining

A perfect example of a mod that is totally worthless is Progressive Automation. Compared to either MFR or Ender Tools this mod comes up INSANELY short and is a resource hog. For example the iron needed to do a 13 X 13 area with MFR vs. iron PA is 21 iron neede for MFR and ......1026 for PA. Yeah thats comparative. Cobble needed for a Iron PA vs MFR... 4 for MFR. Guess what PA needs?....1,362. That's a almost 9,000% increase in cobble use and a 4,900% increase in iron.

MFR is OP. This is just a fact. I can use a single MFR tree farm to power a dozen machines inside my base. Ender IO is extremely fast. It's faster than MFR, but the down side is you have to give it tools. This however can easily be automated making it possible even more OP than MFR. Progressive Automation is balanced. It can be selfsustaining, but also... I don't need more than 200k stacks of wood on a single day. The speed it works at gives me just enough wood whenever I would need it. Those stone upgrades... well i take it you can mine a bit of cobble, no? You need no upgrades to start a tiny wood farm, so charcoal won't be much of a problem either.
Other than that, this modpack has EE3. I don't actually need a woodfarm for my wood.

This pack is a joke and most of the mods are amateurish at best compared to the seasoned and developed mods out there.

Yeah no. I think it's amazing how it forces you to interact with unkown mods. If you can't handle being out of your comfort zone, don't go playing other modpacks, but don't start complaining about a subjective opinion.
Has anyone had a problem with the modular armour? I can't seem to charge them or upgrade them. Let me know if you guys know anything about this, thanks!
I'm having the same problem. I can get into the screen to create a new recipe but I am unable to select anything to actually make the recipe.
is anyone else having issues with health regenerating? I updated on the curse launcher and difficult life was not disabled (which i'm assuming is the source of the issue), so I loaded up the game, saw it was in, and promptly disabled it. The problem i'm now having is that my health won't regenerate at all no matter how much food I eat (aside from potions). Does anyone have a fix or an idea of what I can do to fix it?

I have already tried changing the difficult life config and re-enabling it so that the configs load. I have also tried deleting any reference to difficult life from the world save. Neither of these have done anything.
Someone else mentioned an issue with not regening life in HorizonsII. It may be MRU related from Essential Craft. Only thing I've heard is maybe a radiation kind of effect from too much exposure to MRU. I have no proof though. I'd be interested to know what you find out.
Has anyone had a problem with the modular armour? I can't seem to charge them or upgrade them. Let me know if you guys know anything about this, thanks!

I'm having the same problem. I can get into the screen to create a new recipe but I am unable to select anything to actually make the recipe.

Download and install the latest version of Modular Armour. I was having the same issue, communicated with the mod author, who then fixed the issues. The version shipped with Daybreaker was broken.
Download and install the latest version of Modular Armour. I was having the same issue, communicated with the mod author, who then fixed the issues. The version shipped with Daybreaker was broken.
So I installed version 15 of the modular armour mod and rebooted my server and also updated the mod in my local files and the same issue is occuring. I can't add upgrades or charge the armour... pretty weird lol.
So I installed version 15 of the modular armour mod and rebooted my server and also updated the mod in my local files and the same issue is occuring. I can't add upgrades or charge the armour... pretty weird lol.

Did you try to install one of the energy storage upgrades before attempting to charge the armor? That is a requirement. Also, just to make sure, you made the RF version of the armor, not the LP version?

I am testing 15 now and I see what you me be seeing, I cannot select an upgrade to add (specifically the resonant energy one) to the helmet. It is compatible with it. I know I can in version 11, will update this when I downgrade and confirm it.
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Did you try to install one of the energy storage upgrades before attempting to charge the armor? That is a requirement. Also, just to make sure, you made the RF version of the armor, not the LP version?

Ya I tried the first energy storage upgrade in the list and when I click the green checkmark nothing happens, and ya it is the RF armour. Thanks for the suggestions so far
Ya I tried the first energy storage upgrade in the list and when I click the green checkmark nothing happens, and ya it is the RF armour. Thanks for the suggestions so far
Well, in 15, I was able to install the leadstone energy upgrade in both a helmet and chestplate. Make sure you have the required items in your inventory, select the recipe and click the "Add Upgrade" symbol (the one with the green plus sign in the middle of the GUI); it will then exit back to the upgrade crafting grid with the appropriate items for the recipe filled in. It will then accept a charge.

However, I cannot add a Hardened upgrade or anything else that would work (like a magnet) after that. I will put a post up on the mods thread pointing this convo out with the mod author, hopefully he will respond with what the issue is and how to fix it.
Well, in 15, I was able to install the leadstone energy upgrade in both a helmet and chestplate. Make sure you have the required items in your inventory, select the recipe and click the "Add Upgrade" symbol (the one with the green plus sign in the middle of the GUI); it will then exit back to the upgrade crafting grid with the appropriate items for the recipe filled in. It will then accept a charge.

However, I cannot add a Hardened upgrade or anything else that would work (like a magnet) after that. I will put a post up on the mods thread pointing this convo out with the mod author, hopefully he will respond with what the issue is and how to fix it.
Awesome man, thanks for all the info so far!
Ya I tried the first energy storage upgrade in the list and when I click the green checkmark nothing happens, and ya it is the RF armour. Thanks for the suggestions so far

You have to install the low energy storage upgrade first (which is not the first in the list as far as I remember).

I've played a bit with it and the result is mitigated. The boots and the pant are incredible thanks to the step assist, speed boost, jump boost (welcome to the moon !) and the feather falling X.

Nevertheless, there is a major issue: the cake is a lie, it is not an armor, it won't protect you against monsters...

Also the GUI is completely bugged: for example in order to modify the strength of an upgrade, you have to change the value of a slider. THe only way to modify this slider is to use your mouse wheel which has a very small increment value (clicking it won't work), then you have to close the gui using the E button in order to save your change (if you click on anything else it won't save). And as you might have seen there are a lot of upgrades and they all stars with their strength at 0 !
Well, in 15, I was able to install the leadstone energy upgrade in both a helmet and chestplate. Make sure you have the required items in your inventory, select the recipe and click the "Add Upgrade" symbol (the one with the green plus sign in the middle of the GUI); it will then exit back to the upgrade crafting grid with the appropriate items for the recipe filled in. It will then accept a charge.

However, I cannot add a Hardened upgrade or anything else that would work (like a magnet) after that. I will put a post up on the mods thread pointing this convo out with the mod author, hopefully he will respond with what the issue is and how to fix it.

Do you have NEI off while using the slots?

NEI refuses to accept my slots moving, and so it just throws the items.

Ya I tried the first energy storage upgrade in the list and when I click the green checkmark nothing happens, and ya it is the RF armour. Thanks for the suggestions so far
Make sure that you are using the most recent version of Daybreaker. The older one has an issue involving that exact thing. If you are using the most recent version, then please make a bug report on my github.

You have to install the low energy storage upgrade first (which is not the first in the list as far as I remember).

I've played a bit with it and the result is mitigated. The boots and the pant are incredible thanks to the step assist, speed boost, jump boost (welcome to the moon !) and the feather falling X.

Nevertheless, there is a major issue: the cake is a lie, it is not an armor, it won't protect you against monsters...

Also the GUI is completely bugged: for example in order to modify the strength of an upgrade, you have to change the value of a slider. THe only way to modify this slider is to use your mouse wheel which has a very small increment value (clicking it won't work), then you have to close the gui using the E button in order to save your change (if you click on anything else it won't save). And as you might have seen there are a lot of upgrades and they all stars with their strength at 0 !

Have you added any protection upgrades? The armour has no base anything. You need the corresponding protection upgrades in order for it to protect you from damage.

The strength at 0 is intentional. I want the users to have to look into what they can change in the upgrades.

The closing and opening thing is a bug, and will be fixed in the next version.

Did you try to install one of the energy storage upgrades before attempting to charge the armor? That is a requirement. Also, just to make sure, you made the RF version of the armor, not the LP version?

I am testing 15 now and I see what you me be seeing, I cannot select an upgrade to add (specifically the resonant energy one) to the helmet. It is compatible with it. I know I can in version 11, will update this when I downgrade and confirm it.

The resonant Energy requires the reinforced energy, which requires the hardened energy, which requires the leadstone energy. Follow the progression.

I'm having the same problem. I can get into the screen to create a new recipe but I am unable to select anything to actually make the recipe.

Do you have NEI off? Are you using the most recent version? Both of those cause issues when crafting.
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Do you have NEI off while using the slots?

NEI refuses to accept my slots moving, and so it just throws the items.

When I did my testing, i was able to add the Leadstone upgrade with NEI on, but i typed some gibberish on the search bar in order to clear the NEI list off the Modular Armour GUI tabs. However, I was not able to add the Hardened Upgrade (the next in line) after that, even though I had the requisite items for all four energy upgrades in my inventory. I also could not add the magnet upgrade, which I also had the requisite items for in my inventory. I attempted to add these upgrades both before and after I charged the armor piece. I did not try it with NEI turned off.
Do you have NEI off while using the slots?

NEI refuses to accept my slots moving, and so it just throws the items.

Just to be clear, by "have NEI off", you mean I need to quit the game, edit my mod list to disable NEI, start the game back up, craft the modules, then quit the game, re-enable NEI, and start my game back up, right? That's what I've been assuming, since I can't seem to get it to work any other way, but I've not been willing to go quite that far to test it.
Just to be clear, by "have NEI off", you mean I need to quit the game, edit my mod list to disable NEI, start the game back up, craft the modules, then quit the game, re-enable NEI, and start my game back up, right? That's what I've been assuming, since I can't seem to get it to work any other way, but I've not been willing to go quite that far to test it.
Press the O button.

Also, just recreating the recipe in the crafting grid is the best way to craft upgrades.
Just to be clear, by "have NEI off", you mean I need to quit the game, edit my mod list to disable NEI, start the game back up, craft the modules, then quit the game, re-enable NEI, and start my game back up, right? That's what I've been assuming, since I can't seem to get it to work any other way, but I've not been willing to go quite that far to test it.
Edit: what the post above mine said.
Have you added any protection upgrades? The armour has no base anything. You need the corresponding protection upgrades in order for it to protect you from damage.

The strength at 0 is intentional. I want the users to have to look into what they can change in the upgrades.

Did you know that your armor pieces show up with a strength rating in WAILA, even with no modules installed in the piece of armor? That's what made me think they just didn't work at all. I see a protection rating in the tooltip, just like any other armor, but no shields on my hotbar, and no actual protection from mob attacks.

Also, if you want to encourage users to see what they can upgrade, you might want to call out someplace that the protection module (and an energy module) are pretty much required, or the armor is useless. It's not obvious at all to someone who comes to your mod cold. Instead, it just feels like it's buggy.
Did you know that your armor pieces show up with a strength rating in WAILA, even with no modules installed in the piece of armor? That's what made me think they just didn't work at all. I see a protection rating in the tooltip, just like any other armor, but no shields on my hotbar, and no actual protection from mob attacks.

Also, if you want to encourage users to see what they can upgrade, you might want to call out someplace that the protection module (and an energy module) are pretty much required, or the armor is useless. It's not obvious at all to someone who comes to your mod cold. Instead, it just feels like it's buggy.
Not sure how I could easily point that out though. If anybody has any ideas, I'm all ears.

The waila thing I'll look into. I have an idea on what could be causing it, though.