It feels like it has a time out on setting the values and my cpu cant get them quick enough or something >.< coz for example: i launch my world first time and diamond block values, interaction upgrade values are not set, so i have to leave and join my world again for those values to load.
It says in the info files the mod needs time to synch with the server and worlds. When it isn't able to do it will use the default settings. This can also happen mid game appereantly, for my emc values suddenly dissapeared, only to come back a few seconds later.
Except for that, just expect a few bugs around EE3. It has been said a couple of times already, but the interaction between EE3 and it's config files seem to be a bit iffy.
why is quantumflux rf exciter set to max of 100rf/tick??? are you crazeh?! only 100rf?!?
It makes rf out of anything... put a cobble gen on it and you basically have free power, cheaper than any solar panel since the generator self is very cheap as well. Keeping the rf rate low is a way to balance this.
Here is my setup (this was my #1 priority

I want to autocraft compressed cobble, but i dont know with what... autopackager i thinks would be too slow and im not sure about automatic project table, since it crashed my game when i crafted a stack of redstone blocks in it...
Mine crashed as well with the redstone blocks...
Anyway, I don't have a picture on hand, but I got a really compact system:
3 XU cobblestone generators - each with 64 world interaction upgrades, 5 speed upgrades and a filter for cobble (believe me this was needed for it'd randomly pickup items below it)
these 3 gave cobble to both the RFTools Tier 3 autocrafter and a Minium Condenser wich auto crafts enderpearls. Pump out enderpears to XU Ender Generator (8x) and set the autocrafter on fast. This keeps up

Another way - a bit more expensive to set up if you want this to keep up, but costs no power - is to compress them with Condensers... That way you can even skip a few tiers. (Output is at the bottom)
By the way. The Death Extractor from Clockwork Phase doesn't work with the Blood Magic's sword of sacrefice. Not sure if intended (I do think so since it'd be extremely OP), but I thought I should mention it.