FTB Horizons: Daybreaker Discussion

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I dont understand emc... I tried copying in the file provided to config folder and no new values were added... i tried deleting saves>data>ee3>energyvalues folder - nothing... i even tried putting the files into the ee3>energyvalues archives and still no new values!!! even made a new world! no new values! WHY?!
Yeah, this is a common issue. People like @D4rkWulf have done a bunch of research, and it boils down to probably being a bug with EE3; it's not intended and will hopefully be fixed.
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It feels like it has a time out on setting the values and my cpu cant get them quick enough or something >.< coz for example: i launch my world first time and diamond block values, interaction upgrade values are not set, so i have to leave and join my world again for those values to load.
RFTools has a storage system, I believe it goes up to 300 slots per block or something, I haven't messed with it too much yet. I'd honestly just turn all the EMC-able stuff into Aeternalis Fuel (its sort of like a magic AE2) and then use storage drawers with a emerald and void upgrade for the rest of the stackable items (without EMC) and then RFTools storage for non-stackable things. I haven't had any problems with EMC on the server I'm playing on but that probably wouldn't be an option for everyone so YMMV.

Good idea! I played a bit with ee3 this afternoon and it seems that we can indeed (nearly) stop mining: cobblestone generator + a few autocrafter = infinite EMC :D All this only requires very low tech and is very cheap

I started a daybreaker party a few days ago and I now came to a point where enhanced chests or drawers are just not sufficient enough (digital miners and mob farms producing a lot of ressources). I was used to the wonderful combo of ae2 drives + dsu but here none is available (that's the point of the modpack :) ) I have seen mekanism electrical chests or ee3 chests but they do not seem to make the cut.

What are the other options I have for storage in daybreaker ?
Little-known thing is you can stack storage upgrades on drawers (you have 5 upgrade slots to play with). 5 emerald upgrades on a 1x1 drawer gives you 1/4 of the standard theoretical maximum storage of JABBA. Or 4 emerald and a void because at that point...
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why is quantumflux rf exciter set to max of 100rf/tick??? are you crazeh?! only 100rf?!?

Good idea! I played a bit with ee3 this afternoon and it seems that we can indeed (nearly) stop mining: cobblestone generator + a few autocrafter = infinite EMC :D All this only requires very low tech and is very cheap
Here is my setup (this was my #1 priority :D):


I want to autocraft compressed cobble, but i dont know with what... autopackager i thinks would be too slow and im not sure about automatic project table, since it crashed my game when i crafted a stack of redstone blocks in it...
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I created a server to play on with this pack installed, usually i have no problems in doing this, and i installed the pack with the curse installer / launcher. I can play the pack perfectly fine in singleplayer, however when i go in multiplayer and play on the server there are some massive glitches ie: Upside-down witch on player head, cannot see breaking animations / water / mobs etc, and half the world dissapears when looking down. When i hit F1 to hide the guis, the problem goes away, so i assume this is a gui - changing mod causing this?
I created a server to play on with this pack installed, usually i have no problems in doing this, and i installed the pack with the curse installer / launcher. I can play the pack perfectly fine in singleplayer, however when i go in multiplayer and play on the server there are some massive glitches ie: Upside-down witch on player head, cannot see breaking animations / water / mobs etc, and half the world dissapears when looking down. When i hit F1 to hide the guis, the problem goes away, so i assume this is a gui - changing mod causing this?
Are you using the Curse launcher version? I have that problem I think as well with Curse. FTB launcher version works fine though.

I want to autocraft compressed cobble, but i dont know with what... autopackager i thinks would be too slow and im not sure about automatic project table, since it crashed my game when i crafted a stack of redstone blocks in it...

Compacting Drawers work really well for me. Use Refined Relocation Relocators or Mekanism pipes (should work) to transfer the items between each drawer. Don't use XU transfer nodes they'll just delete the cobble. I think that might be the fastest method, as fast as you can input cobble it will compress it.
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is anyone else having issues with health regenerating? I updated on the curse launcher and difficult life was not disabled (which i'm assuming is the source of the issue), so I loaded up the game, saw it was in, and promptly disabled it. The problem i'm now having is that my health won't regenerate at all no matter how much food I eat (aside from potions). Does anyone have a fix or an idea of what I can do to fix it?

I have already tried changing the difficult life config and re-enabling it so that the configs load. I have also tried deleting any reference to difficult life from the world save. Neither of these have done anything.
Little-known thing is you can stack storage upgrades on drawers (you have 5 upgrade slots to play with). 5 emerald upgrades on a 1x1 drawer gives you 1/4 of the standard theoretical maximum storage of JABBA. Or 4 emerald and a void because at that point...

... didn't know that ! It should effectively help a lot.

why is quantumflux rf exciter set to max of 100rf/tick??? are you crazeh?! only 100rf?!?

Here is my setup (this was my #1 priority :D):


I want to autocraft compressed cobble, but i dont know with what... autopackager i thinks would be too slow and im not sure about automatic project table, since it crashed my game when i crafted a stack of redstone blocks in it...

The auto crafter from RFtools is really fast and works nice. The autopackager and the auto project table are too slow for the first stage of the compression chain.
Are you using the Curse launcher version? I have that problem I think as well with Curse. FTB launcher version works fine though.

Compacting Drawers work really well for me. Use Refined Relocation Relocators or Mekanism pipes (should work) to transfer the items between each drawer. Don't use XU transfer nodes they'll just delete the cobble. I think that might be the fastest method, as fast as you can input cobble it will compress it.

Yes, I am using the curse launcher, however it seems that removing difficult life from my server and client fixes the issue.
It feels like it has a time out on setting the values and my cpu cant get them quick enough or something >.< coz for example: i launch my world first time and diamond block values, interaction upgrade values are not set, so i have to leave and join my world again for those values to load.
It says in the info files the mod needs time to synch with the server and worlds. When it isn't able to do it will use the default settings. This can also happen mid game appereantly, for my emc values suddenly dissapeared, only to come back a few seconds later.
Except for that, just expect a few bugs around EE3. It has been said a couple of times already, but the interaction between EE3 and it's config files seem to be a bit iffy.
why is quantumflux rf exciter set to max of 100rf/tick??? are you crazeh?! only 100rf?!?
It makes rf out of anything... put a cobble gen on it and you basically have free power, cheaper than any solar panel since the generator self is very cheap as well. Keeping the rf rate low is a way to balance this.
Here is my setup (this was my #1 priority :D):


I want to autocraft compressed cobble, but i dont know with what... autopackager i thinks would be too slow and im not sure about automatic project table, since it crashed my game when i crafted a stack of redstone blocks in it...
Mine crashed as well with the redstone blocks...
Anyway, I don't have a picture on hand, but I got a really compact system:
3 XU cobblestone generators - each with 64 world interaction upgrades, 5 speed upgrades and a filter for cobble (believe me this was needed for it'd randomly pickup items below it)
these 3 gave cobble to both the RFTools Tier 3 autocrafter and a Minium Condenser wich auto crafts enderpearls. Pump out enderpears to XU Ender Generator (8x) and set the autocrafter on fast. This keeps up;).
Another way - a bit more expensive to set up if you want this to keep up, but costs no power - is to compress them with Condensers... That way you can even skip a few tiers. (Output is at the bottom)


By the way. The Death Extractor from Clockwork Phase doesn't work with the Blood Magic's sword of sacrefice. Not sure if intended (I do think so since it'd be extremely OP), but I thought I should mention it.
is anyone else having issues with health regenerating? I updated on the curse launcher and difficult life was not disabled (which i'm assuming is the source of the issue), so I loaded up the game, saw it was in, and promptly disabled it. The problem i'm now having is that my health won't regenerate at all no matter how much food I eat (aside from potions). Does anyone have a fix or an idea of what I can do to fix it?

I have already tried changing the difficult life config and re-enabling it so that the configs load. I have also tried deleting any reference to difficult life from the world save. Neither of these have done anything.

Yes! Difficult life was making my.... life difficult. I don't like gearing up or being overpowered, so difficult life was not needed. I did get 1 heart from a mob and 'ate' it. A while later, mobs were one-shotting me and taking forever to die, so I disabled difficult life. All of a sudden I could not regenerate my health. I tried removing all references to difficult life from my save file with no difference.
I gave up and moved every file back to where they were originally, and re-enabled difficult life, and now can regenerate. I really don't want difficult life, but if it's the only way to regenerate my health, what else can I do?
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I started a daybreaker party a few days ago and I now came to a point where enhanced chests or drawers are just not sufficient enough (digital miners and mob farms producing a lot of ressources). I was used to the wonderful combo of ae2 drives + dsu but here none is available (that's the point of the modpack :) ) I have seen mekanism electrical chests or ee3 chests but they do not seem to make the cut.

What are the other options I have for storage in daybreaker ?

This is my biggest issue with this pack. The storage and crafting in this pack seems to be totally ignored. Enhanced Inventories is broken IMO and cant even touch AE2 or even JABBA barrels as a storage system. I don't want to have to look through 500 chests to find items i need to craft. This pack is a MAJOR step backwards in functionality and playability. Sure it has some mods that no one has ever used, and now you know why no one uses them. They are either hard to use, little to no documentation, buggy, incomplete, or they cause crashes. Its like they didn't even use the plugin/mod before deciding to use it. A perfect example of a mod that is totally worthless is Progressive Automation. Compared to either MFR or Ender Tools this mod comes up INSANELY short and is a resource hog. For example the iron needed to do a 13 X 13 area with MFR vs. iron PA is 21 iron neede for MFR and ......1026 for PA. Yeah thats comparative. Cobble needed for a Iron PA vs MFR... 4 for MFR. Guess what PA needs?....1,362. That's a almost 9,000% increase in cobble use and a 4,900% increase in iron. This pack is a joke and most of the mods are amateurish at best compared to the seasoned and developed mods out there.
This is my biggest issue with this pack. The storage and crafting in this pack seems to be totally ignored. Enhanced Inventories is broken IMO and cant even touch AE2 or even JABBA barrels as a storage system. I don't want to have to look through 500 chests to find items i need to craft. This pack is a MAJOR step backwards in functionality and playability. Sure it has some mods that no one has ever used, and now you know why no one uses them. They are either hard to use, little to no documentation, buggy, incomplete, or they cause crashes. Its like they didn't even use the plugin/mod before deciding to use it. A perfect example of a mod that is totally worthless is Progressive Automation. Compared to either MFR or Ender Tools this mod comes up INSANELY short and is a resource hog. For example the iron needed to do a 13 X 13 area with MFR vs. iron PA is 21 iron neede for MFR and ......1026 for PA. Yeah thats comparative. Cobble needed for a Iron PA vs MFR... 4 for MFR. Guess what PA needs?....1,362. That's a almost 9,000% increase in cobble use and a 4,900% increase in iron. This pack is a joke and most of the mods are amateurish at best compared to the seasoned and developed mods out there.

Not to be an ass, but I think you missed the point of the pack. Sure, MFR has AMAZING utilities (I personally think its quitely the most OP mod in a number of packs, not that I don't love and abuse it), but using the same old MFR machines over and over has impacted my brain. Now that I don't have the usual solutions to my every day problems, I'm being forced to look into different approaches with unfamiliar, and sometimes less powerful, mods for answers. If this isn't for you, that's fine. There are a number of other packs out there with the same old mods for you to play.

This pack is about seeing what mods are on the come - on the Horizon, if you will. This pack comes with a certain degree of patience, as this is the "big break" some of these mods need to get out of the shadows. Others are enjoying the exposure as a way to uncover bugs that smaller groups of testers hadn't seen, and yet more are using this as a way to network with other mod authors to develop better and unique mod interactivity. This is the beginning of a new generation of mods, much like the original Horizons was, in a lot of ways, the foundation for the packs we have today.

Personally, I look at this pack as a mass beta test. If you want these mods to be better (less "amateurish"), get involved. Send constructive criticism to a mod author. If you find a bug/crash, let them know. These mods are not as well established yet, but they are in constant development with bright outlooks. Even the mods we rely on so heavily in our other, more established, packs started out with issues that were addressed when the community and the authors had dialogue - this is true other the heavy hitters still (see the nearly 1400 pages of posts on the Thaumcraft forum).

TL;DR: Maybe this isn't the pack for you. If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. Stop being part of the fucking problem.
The storage and crafting in this pack seems to be totally ignored. Enhanced Inventories is broken IMO and cant even touch AE2 or even JABBA barrels as a storage system. I don't want to have to look through 500 chests to find items i need to craft.

I see Enhanced Inventories as an alternative to Iron Chests, not JABBA. I've been using Storage Drawers where I would normally use JABBA barrels (especially the Compacting Drawers, those are awesome). Refined Relocation can help organize the miscellaneous stuff that doesn't go in the drawers. I find chests dedicated to particular mods and some signs to remind me what's in which chest helps a lot.

Personally, I've been trying to rely on EE3 for a variation on "autocrafting", at least for of some of the basics of each mod -- the same sort of things I would set up AE2 autocrafting for. I don't feed an automated cobblegen to the EE3 system, since that feels too much like creative mode for me. Unfortunately, I have to keep messing with EE3 and assigning (and sometimes re-assigning) EMC values to make that work, which is getting a little frustrating.
A perfect example of a mod that is totally worthless is Progressive Automation. Compared to either MFR or Ender Tools this mod comes up INSANELY short and is a resource hog. For example the iron needed to do a 13 X 13 area with MFR vs. iron PA is 21 iron neede for MFR and ......1026 for PA. Yeah thats comparative. Cobble needed for a Iron PA vs MFR... 4 for MFR. Guess what PA needs?....1,362. That's a almost 9,000% increase in cobble use and a 4,900% increase in iron. This pack is a joke and most of the mods are amateurish at best compared to the seasoned and developed mods out there.
Progressive Automation is, imo, the best early game automation mod around. You can get into it as soon as you get a piece of redstone. All of the Stone level blocks are probably some of the best value out there as well. The chopper will even power itself and the other blocks. Which brings me to the best part, it all can run on coal or RF. Meaning you don't need a power gen setup to even use the mod. And if you want a power gen setup, stick a lava bucket in the generator and it will run for like 10 minutes on that single bucket.
This is my biggest issue with this pack. The storage and crafting in this pack seems to be totally ignored. Enhanced Inventories is broken IMO and cant even touch AE2 or even JABBA barrels as a storage system. I don't want to have to look through 500 chests to find items i need to craft. This pack is a MAJOR step backwards in functionality and playability. Sure it has some mods that no one has ever used, and now you know why no one uses them. They are either hard to use, little to no documentation, buggy, incomplete, or they cause crashes. Its like they didn't even use the plugin/mod before deciding to use it. A perfect example of a mod that is totally worthless is Progressive Automation. Compared to either MFR or Ender Tools this mod comes up INSANELY short and is a resource hog. For example the iron needed to do a 13 X 13 area with MFR vs. iron PA is 21 iron neede for MFR and ......1026 for PA. Yeah thats comparative. Cobble needed for a Iron PA vs MFR... 4 for MFR. Guess what PA needs?....1,362. That's a almost 9,000% increase in cobble use and a 4,900% increase in iron. This pack is a joke and most of the mods are amateurish at best compared to the seasoned and developed mods out there.
Yeah, dude... @lnaeo is right. The point is to put you OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE, and if that means taking away MFR and AE2, so be it. You're supposed to be looking for alternatives - as has been mentioned, Storage Drawers and Refined Relocation are both great. Even more, there's RFTools' storage system, which is almost like a mini-ME system; using all these in tandem you won't need AE because you've worked to get your own system. For MFR, there's a BUNCH of other tech mods in the pack - Mekanism and IC2, for example. Progressive Automation isn't bad because it's hard, and what's more is that you've chosen MFR out of everything as a measuring stick. MFR, which is intended to be easy! Again, not a bad thing (I prefer it super easy myself), but balance will be different for different mods.
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Yes! Difficult life was making my.... life difficult. I don't like gearing up or being overpowered, so difficult life was not needed. I did get 1 heart from a mob and 'ate' it. A while later, mobs were one-shotting me and taking forever to die, so I disabled difficult life. All of a sudden I could not regenerate my health. I tried removing all references to difficult life from my save file with no difference.
I gave up and moved every file back to where they were originally, and re-enabled difficult life, and now can regenerate. I really don't want difficult life, but if it's the only way to regenerate my health, what else can I do?
Try doing "/gamerule naturalRegeneration true"
Yeah, dude... @lnaeo is right. The point is to put you OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE, and if that means taking away MFR and AE2, so be it. You're supposed to be looking for alternatives - as has been mentioned, Storage Drawers and Refined Relocation are both great. Even more, there's RFTools' storage system, which is almost like a mini-ME system; using all these in tandem you won't need AE because you've worked to get your own system. For MFR, there's a BUNCH of other tech mods in the pack - Mekanism and IC2, for example. Progressive Automation isn't bad because it's hard, and what's more is that you've chosen MFR out of everything as a measuring stick. MFR, which is intended to be easy! Again, not a bad thing (I prefer it super easy myself), but balance will be different for different mods.

Your're absolutely right about this.

Especially Mekanism is a mod that I usually didn't try because of the alternatives.
And to be correct: IC2 is not in the pack as far as I know :p
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