FTB Horizons: Daybreaker Crashes FTB Client; Mods Outdated, ModPack needs Update

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
FTB Horizons: Daybreaker Crashes FTB Client; Mods Outdated, ModPack needs Update
Launcher Version:
FTB Horizons: Daybreaker
Modpack Version:
Log Link:
Details of the issue:
Good Morning,

To be direct and straight to the point...

When will FTB Horizons: Daybreaker be updated?

We love this ModPack and very much would like to see it continue to be supported and updated!!!

As of today, I have found the last straw that breaks the camels back in supporting our servers use of this pack. There appears to be several mods within the pack now outdated and many issues with-in the current 1.2.0 build that causes world ending player crashes that range from creating LatBlock items to exploring new areas in-game (all MP) that causes the FTB client to crash and makes it impossible for the player to log back in without having the server Admin relocating the player to another spawn area.

The list of issues range from simple things like EE Tome not remembering what it has learned upon the player logging out. Endgame progression issues from issues with Matter Overdrive machines not working correctly to killing the Android not dropping parts after the ModPack addition included Difficult Life which in itself has an issue with difficulty settings not scaling as described in Mod details creating Elites that have ability to have HP over 2K and provide one hit kills.

Please provide accordingly any line of sight on this Mods future and possibly any upcoming updates to the ModPack.

Thank you for your time and support!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That looks like Block ID corruption. I would say this probably isn't the best place to inquire about this though. Have you tried contacting one of the pack developers?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No response from the Pack Developers. It appears FTB has moved on to focus on new Packs around 1.8


legacy FTB Launcher developer
Launcher Developer
Global Moderator
Dec 17, 2013
Or maybe you should use bug reporting threads?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
We have posted bug reports. In fact many people have posted similar or exact same bug issues regarding on one particular issue where a player explores new areas and the game client crashes with no response.

This post was direct in its regards that the Pack needs updated to resolve many of the issues.

- Player cannot explore new areas in-game without fear of loading bad chunks creating an issue for that players ability to log back into the game until admin relocates player to spawn to resolve. This is a game ending error. It has been consistently reproduced in the areas that cause the issue.

- EE tome doesn't retain items learned when player logs out. However if that tome is used by another player then the tome will retain the items learned.

- Androids no longer drop parts after the Pack added Difficult Life

- Difficult Life creates elites with hp over 4K with one hit kill ability disregarding the scale it implies it has set for gameplay.

- Matter Overdrive has several issues listed fixed in the mod update it has posted

- Immersive Engineering is not working correctly interfacing with Mek Induction Cells. It appears Mekanism Induction batteries and Immersive Engineering power transient systems are bugged, and this issue has been reported.

This is the short list of issues that after reviewing the ModPack versions of mods have either been suggest by mod developer is fixed with current versions.

So thank you for FTB launcher developer for taking the time to reply to this post. If you feel this entire post that is directly requesting feedback on the merits of when the Modpack will continue to receive updates be placed inside the bug reporting area that's fine.

My interests are not to battle with anyone over where best to post in the support, forum, tech support, bug reports, etc venues made available with-in FTB.com. My only interest is finding of the validity of this Modpack will continue to receive updates since it hasn't been updated since Oct 7th and it appears FTB has turned its attention (gladly with praise) to MC 1.8 Packs.


legacy FTB Launcher developer
Launcher Developer
Global Moderator
Dec 17, 2013
There might be hope. ETA unknown, don't ask.

I can share your pain some bugs are ignored for month even they are 100% reproduciable :/
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