FTB Direwolf20 1.0.8 Issue


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So, first off I started Direwolf20 after being gone since Friday, Dec. 27. Direwolf was at 1.0.7 at the time. When I came back, today (Monday, Dec. 30th), Direwolf20 updated itself to 1.0.8. I loaded the usual server and it showed me the list of mods that were outdated. So, I forced update and after a hectic time of it not updating and butthurting me, it finally updated. So, I went on and now I'm getting the error:
Connection Lost
Timed out
This happens to all servers I try to go on and I'm getting very upset :c <-- Much sad face.
I would love some halp. Any questions needed, be sure to ask in comments


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I, too, am having issues downloading 1.0.8. The latest recommended mod pack is taking a long time to download, and it gave me an error the first time, the log says "Error downloading modpack!" Anyone else getting this message, and does anyone know of a fix?