FTB Departed Discussion

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Well I got tired of waiting for a response so i just installed the latest version of AoA...It seems to be working but it seems like there is extremely low amounts of ore, and aluminum I haven't seen one of so I can't progress my tinker's tools up beyond stone...I've dug all the way down to the bedrock and also all over at different Y levels, for....miles....and I am getting about 6 full stacks of cobble stone for every 5 ore, 5 individual ores, not 5 stacks. All I am finding is coal, iron, copper, runite, limonite, redstone, diamond & gold. Even in huge chasms if I look up and down the walls, there is very very small amounts of ore veins visible. I did get lucky and find a large deposit of limonite and runite at around y10, but other than that it's almost nothing but cobblestone filling up my inventory. I'm wondering if this is normal or could I have screwed up my ore generation by popping the newer version of AoA into the mods folder? (and deleting the older one). I've been watching a YT playthrough of Departed and he found a big stack of aluminum no problem. Other than the super rarity of ores, I'm getting the shit kicked out of me and I've been basically trapped in a house in a village since game day 2 as every morning there is about 15 mobs waiting outside my door and if I want to do any surface exploration I have to kill them all and heal up before I even leave my hut. And by the time I kill them all it's night time.....Seems a bit extreme.
Well I got tired of waiting for a response so i just installed the latest version of AoA...It seems to be working but it seems like there is extremely low amounts of ore, and aluminum I haven't seen one of so I can't progress my tinker's tools up beyond stone...I've dug all the way down to the bedrock and also all over at different Y levels, for....miles....and I am getting about 6 full stacks of cobble stone for every 5 ore, 5 individual ores, not 5 stacks. All I am finding is coal, iron, copper, runite, limonite, redstone, diamond & gold. Even in huge chasms if I look up and down the walls, there is very very small amounts of ore veins visible. I did get lucky and find a large deposit of limonite and runite at around y10, but other than that it's almost nothing but cobblestone filling up my inventory. I'm wondering if this is normal or could I have screwed up my ore generation by popping the newer version of AoA into the mods folder? (and deleting the older one). I've been watching a YT playthrough of Departed and he found a big stack of aluminum no problem. Other than the super rarity of ores, I'm getting the shit kicked out of me and I've been basically trapped in a house in a village since game day 2 as every morning there is about 15 mobs waiting outside my door and if I want to do any surface exploration I have to kill them all and heal up before I even leave my hut. And by the time I kill them all it's night time.....Seems a bit extreme.

I have never had any problem finding any ores at the appropriate Y level in Departed. Just branch mine at the appropriate levels to find them.

For Departed, what I do is head for the nearest ocean, gather wood safely, make several boats (to save on Spice of Life hunger issues), and stay moving on the water, only stopping to gather sufficient types of berries to make juices and smoothies (if I can find a snow, gourd gardens supply the pumpkins), a stack of sand, clay and gravel, and a few trees worth of wood. Then I set up where I wish (usually try to be in the spawn chunks) and set up a farm and tree farm underground. Once that is established, I mine out sufficient resources to make a tinkers crossbow (sapphire or jade bolts) and after that, with proper situaltional awareness, most of the AoA above ground mobs cease to be a threat. Mind taigas, swamps, and hunter mobs above your level.

See this post about how to start out with AoA in mind. Its for a different modpack with AoA in it, but the rules are largely the same.

Well after like 12 hours of mining...I finally found 2 blocks of aluminum ore. At least now I know it exists ;o) But even better I stumbled into a cavern and found about 20 aluminum ore bushes. I moved them all to my basement and now have a steady...but slow source of aluminum. Several hours after that I finally have a bunch of alumnite tools. The mob spam is still a bit of a problem but my limonite TC long sword helps a bit as it gave a nice boost to damage and with the nice charge skill I can use it to run away easier (lil tip: jump and then release the charge skill it shoots you about 9 blocks away, great for jumping over chasms and stuff too). The worst mob by far is the goblins especially when they spawn like 3 or 4. I can't even get near them because of their ranged homing kickback bolts. 3 or 4 of them spawn and forget it. Still not sure why I can't find more than 2 aluminum ores...I've made branch mines galore at Y 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60....almost nothing. The two that I found were at Y 45 and I think 35. But I have branch mines all over those Y levels and I have nothing but 4 double chests full of cobblestone from those lol. I have most of my molds and alumnite tools now though so it may not matter anymore. I just made my first hammer that should help too.
Well, after spending hours in Departed and recording about 25 episodes in a Youtube Let's Play, I think I've kinda fallen out of love with the modpack. I've never been big on hardcore or extremely challenging packs (I'm more of a builder than anything else), but I was hoping to spend some time with Departed and fall in love with the magic mods that I've been neglecting for too long (Thaumcraft, Witchery, Botania, etc). Unfortunately, try as I might, I just could not bring myself to enjoy the magic mods. Oh well, Departed, you were fun while you lasted. Time to move on to something else (strongly considering Horizons: Daybreaker).
Well, after spending hours in Departed and recording about 25 episodes in a Youtube Let's Play, I think I've kinda fallen out of love with the modpack. I've never been big on hardcore or extremely challenging packs (I'm more of a builder than anything else), but I was hoping to spend some time with Departed and fall in love with the magic mods that I've been neglecting for too long (Thaumcraft, Witchery, Botania, etc). Unfortunately, try as I might, I just could not bring myself to enjoy the magic mods. Oh well, Departed, you were fun while you lasted. Time to move on to something else (strongly considering Horizons: Daybreaker).
Daw, that sucks to hear, I really liked your series (Even though I didn't like how you were using an OP crossbow...), I mainly watched the series to see how you react to the Advent of Ascension stuff, maybe you could make another modded series using only Advent of Ascension? (And plus a few little utility mods I guess)
I tried searching, but didn't come up with anything, so I figured I'd ask: Does anyone know of a texture pack for this mod pack? I've been playing around with the pack, and ben having a lot of fun (love a good challange). But it would be nice if things didn't look like ass... lol.
Daw, that sucks to hear, I really liked your series (Even though I didn't like how you were using an OP crossbow...), I mainly watched the series to see how you react to the Advent of Ascension stuff, maybe you could make another modded series using only Advent of Ascension? (And plus a few little utility mods I guess)

Glad to hear that you were enjoying it! I definitely plan to replace it with another modded series, although I haven't decided what modpack it will be just yet. I have enough Departed episodes recorded that the last one will go up on Sunday the 12th, so I still have a little while to decide. I think I will probably be taking a break from AoA for now; although it's a very cool mod (and I know that I only scratched the surface of it), there are many other mods out there that I'd love to play around with. =)
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i was kind of liking the package but... meh... the tooltip dmg of my sapphire javelin (saphire tip, 2x blue slime rod) is 9,5 hearts (48/48 quartz) (19 max as seen in the tool forge), while my emberstone javs (emberstone tip, 2x blue slime rod) is 6,5 hearts (13 max) (moss 1 nothing more.). sooo yeah, all good for now, until i realized that my ember jav can one shot treants and cyclops but my sapphire does not.......

Crossbows is something like with my sapphire one dealing 21 dmg, while a bronze is dealing 46 dmg, with sapphire bolts (2xsapphire bolt+slimy fletching), so mehh....

the worst thing is..... can i belive the tooltip dmg? or is going the 5 hearts of dmg of emberstone be better than the 6,5 of sapphire? (and no, i dont have crystalstone or bloodstone yet <.<)

or wait.... maybe is quartz that bugged my javs?

One more thing.... can an aura node of thaumcraft become a black hole on its own and start sucking everything in a radius? (and kill the player with "fell out of the world")????????????????????????????????????????? i mean... i know there is a rite of the crimson cult that can open a rift to the other lands...... but there was no rift here >.<! AAAAAAAAAAAAAND the node was invulnerable, and visible only with googles of revealing >.<

edit: my sapphire javs with quartz really do less dmg than my emberstone javs with only moss <.< like 3 to 5 less dmg <.<
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One more thing.... can an aura node of thaumcraft become a black hole on its own and start sucking everything in a radius? (and kill the player with "fell out of the world")????????????????????????????????????????? i mean... i know there is a rite of the crimson cult that can open a rift to the other lands...... but there was no rift here >.<! AAAAAAAAAAAAAND the node was invulnerable, and visible only with googles of revealing >.<

thats probably a hungry node, they suck in everything around them, can be hard to spot, till it kills you!
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I know there was a discussion many pages back about being Tinkers being OP in this pack, but has it been nerfed yet? Looking at most FTB Departed series, it seems all of them just completely ignore AoA weapons and rush for Tinkers weapons, and literally kill the difficulty for the early to mid-game, and don't even get me started on the crossbows and how they can 1 hit almost any normal mob...
With how unbalanced the Tinkers stuff is, it almost feels like Tinkers construct is the main mod in this pack, and not AoA, I'm not saying it is the main mod, but it feels like it...

I'm hoping to revive this thread a bit, as it is feeling a little dead around here
I know there was a discussion many pages back about being Tinkers being OP in this pack, but has it been nerfed yet? Looking at most FTB Departed series, it seems all of them just completely ignore AoA weapons and rush for Tinkers weapons, and literally kill the difficulty for the early to mid-game, and don't even get me started on the crossbows and how they can 1 hit almost any normal mob...
With how unbalanced the Tinkers stuff is, it almost feels like Tinkers construct is the main mod in this pack, and not AoA, I'm not saying it is the main mod, but it feels like it...

I'm hoping to revive this thread a bit, as it is feeling a little dead around here

The only real change was a nerf to skeletal. There does not seem to be any new updates since then. There is a post earlier from the AoA mod author that said he was working on getting more Tinkers Nerfs.

I personally will not be playing Departed anymore; I have said in another earlier post that I believe it was a mistake to include the magic mods and Tinkers in a pack supposedly centered around AoA. There is a third party pack (Twisted Realms) that does the kitchen sink approach with AoA, with both magic and tech mods, and its fine for having a lot of content. But in it as well as Departed, you can progress down one of many paths in the big magic mods while only interfacing with AoA mobs as a distraction. A lot of the other mods are fine because they do not interfere with AoA progression and/or do things that AoA does not address.
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The only real change was a nerf to skeletal. There does not seem to be any new updates since then. There is a post earlier from the AoA mod author that said he was working on getting more Tinkers Nerfs.

I personally will not be playing Departed anymore; I have said in another earlier post that I believe it was a mistake to include the magic mods and Tinkers in a pack supposedly centered around AoA. There is a third party pack (Twisted Realms) that does the kitchen sink approach with AoA, with both magic and tech mods, and its fine for having a lot of content. But in it as well as Departed, you can progress down one of many paths in the big magic mods while only interfacing with AoA mobs as a distraction. A lot of the other mods are fine because they do not interfere with AoA progression and/or do things that AoA does not address.
Agreed, I hope this modpack gets a big rework, removing and adding mods that won't overpower AoA stuff, and make AoA weapons viable.

And personally, I think Tinkers and maybe Botania should just be removed from Departed.
Seriously, go watch any Departed series on youtube, do you notice some sort of trend among them? Yes, they just rush to get the all the OP tinkers stuff and completely dominate the entire pack, its ridiculous.
Botania seems like a good mod, but some of the baubles literally make some of the AoA armors obsolete, the biggest culprit here is the flugel tiara, whose idea was it to include free flight in this pack? Don't tell all of this costs mana, as it seems that the later you get in Botania, the more easier it is to get plenty of mana.
Another thing, I don't see how Thaumcraft and Witchery have a place in this pack...
I'm not too experienced on FTB, but it seems that almost every magic/adventure themed pack has these mods, I was thinking this pack was made to showcase AoA to the FTB players, but alas, they pushed AoA to the sidelines to use mods almost everyone knows how to use, and stomp on AoA with the endgame of those mods.

My suggestion would be to rework this pack so it includes more mods that don't interfere with the progress of AoA, but instead add more spice (of life, hehe), because currently, this pack is very unbalanced.
I really hope the Departed devs. see this.
I thought I would flesh out my earlier criticism with some constructive feedback about my opinion of what Departed should be. I may add additional ideas to this post in the future.

The title of the modpack invokes an exploration theme, that the player will be going on a journey; within the context of Minecraft mod pack categorization, I believe it should be an exploration modpack first and foremost. So, going through the current Departed mod list, here is what I think should stay and what should go. Please note that my judgement of a mod in this instance has nothing to do with my feeling about the quality of the mod or the experience it provides, only it's appropriateness for this particular modpack:

Forge/FML by LexManos, cpw = required

Advent of Ascension by Xolova = required

AppleCore by squeek502 = remove

Aroma1997Core by Aroma1997 = keep

AromaBackup by Aroma1997 = keep

Baubles by Azanor = remove

BiblioCraft by Nuchaz = ambivalent, aside from decoration and some minor block utility, it does allow you to copy enchanted books.

Botania by Vazkii = remove. While it does have a bit of exploration built into the progression (gathering flowers) its very minor and short lived in my experience.

bspkrsCore by bspkrs = required

Carpenter's Blocks by Mineshopper = keep

ChickenChunks by Chickenbones = ambivalent, does not really matter

Chisel by AUTOMATIC_MAIDEN = keep

CodeChickenCore by Chickenbones = keep if retaining dependent mods

CodeChickenLib by Chickenbones = keep if retaining dependent mods

Custom Main Menu by lumien231 = keep

DecoCraft by RazzleberryFox = keep

Dr. Cyano's Lootable Bodies by DrCyano = probably should keep, since if I recall correctly it addressed an issue within AoA that may or may not be fixed in future AoA releases.

Enchiridion by joshie = keep

EnderStorage by Chickenbones = ambivalent, certainly convenient

ExtraTiC by Glassmaker = remove

FastCraft by Player = keep

FastLeafDecay by Olafski = ambivalent

Hardcore Ender Expansion by chylex = keep

HarvestCraft by MatrexsVigil, Rhodox = if Spice of Life is retained, keep, if not, ambivalent

Iguana Tweaks for Tinker's Construct by boni, iguana_man = remove

Inventory Tweaks by Kobata = keep

IronChests by cpw = ambivalent

JABBA by ProfMobius = ambivalent

JourneyMap by techbrew = ambivalent with a lean to remove (the radar is my main sticking point, especially with AoA invisible mobs)

Mantle by mDiyo, progwml6 = remove if no dependencies

MineTweaker by StanH = depends on if you need it or not

ModTweaker by jaredlll8, joshiejack, SpitefulFox, Yulife = depends on if you need it or not

NEI Addons by bdew = depends on if you need it or not after removal of other mods

Not Enough Items by Chickenbones = keep

Not Enough Keys by Mr_okushama = ambivalent, may no longer require it, but does not hurt anything.

OpenBlocks by Mikeemoo = ambivalent

OpenModsLib by Mikeemoo = retain if necessary

Redstone Paste Mod by FyberOptic = ambivalent

Resource Loader by lumien231 = keep

StartingInventory by bspkrs = keep

Steve's Workshop by Vswe = ambivalent, but really does not hurt anything

Thaumcraft by Azanor = remove; it also has an exploration component to progression, including a small dimension, but again its relatively minor and short lived.

Thaumic Tinkerer by pixlepix, nekosune, vazkii = remove

The Spice of Life by squeek502 = ambivalent; depends on the pack it is in, in Departed it is annoying since I believe it needs Hunger Overhaul and proper configurations to have meaning beyond annoyance, and that only happens within the context of a "hardcore" mod pack. I do not think Departed is meant to be hardcore. It could be, if desired, but from the feedback on the forums, I see many players saying the AoA mobs are hard enough for them.

TiC Tooltips by squeek502 = remove

Tinker's Construct by boni, mDiyo = remove

Translocators by Chickenbones = ambivalent

Waila by ProfMobius = keep

Wawla by Darkhax = keep

Witchery by Emoniph = remove. It does add the spirit world, but like the other magic mods, its mainly a gate for gathering certain required resources for progression.

Ztones by riciJak = keep if only for the decorative options.

If you remove anything at all, I would remove ExtraTic, IguanaTweaks and Tinkers in that order. Other than the often discussed issues with Tinkers crossbows, several of the AoA armors require ingots from mined ore, and Tinkers ore doubling of AoA ores through ExtraTic makes things a bit easier than it is probably intended in AoA. I also recall from the announcement livestream it was mentioned that Xolova was concerned with mods adding flight mechanics breaking some of his content, which is why XU was omitted, but flight is still possible via Botania, Thaumcraft and Witchery.

If you want to keep one of the big three magic mods for utility sake, keep Witchery with the broomstick disabled, as I feel it provides the most utility without stepping on AoA progression.


With that said, what would I add? Probably other dimension mods (DivineRPG, Erebus, etc.). Perhaps some overworld exploration content mods (Ruins, ChocolateQuest, etc.).

You may consider forcing progression through a certain dimension order with Minetweaker/Modtweaker if possible, but it is not necessary.
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I hope this pack gets and overhaul. Currently AoA is shadowed by all the other over powered items from other mods
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I agree. I started playing and it was too easy to make hammers from Tinkers and immediately watch my skill soar. AOA ores that i cant use yet make great tinkers items. I had hundreds of ingots for repairs that i had not other use for, after only a couple of nights playing. I think AoA is the gem here, and things that overshadow it need toning down.

And while some of the magic mods are "Everyone's Favorites" that's a reason for toning them down or tossing them. Everyone just goes immediately for the best godlike armor they can, and then the content is trivial. I like playing on servers for the experience of playing with other people. But this is spoiled when half those people are flying around shooting the bosses with overpowered xbows and one shotting them. I like the concepts behind tinkers and really love the mod. But it jumped the shark. It now overshadows everything. Same with the thaumcraft addons. And please, please tone down the configs for flowers. I think botania would be better if you had to search a bit for the basic flowers and they weren't right outside your door. And the rest of the world wouldn't look like your grandmothers flower guarden

A few of us think this pack should get an overhaul, due to the high amounts of misbalance in the pack.
I hope its not against the rules to tag certain people.
Some of the biggest things that I saw were:
Tinkers Construct: Hammers giving huge increases in mining skill very fast. Horribly overpowered bows. I assume swords and things from AoA eventually outdamage tinkers weapons. Turn off the combo of smelt+fortune. Turn off doubling of ores. Or drop tinkers altogether.
Not sure if Kami is on in the pack, if so, it needs turning off.
Limit Flying.
Limit any non AoA armor or combo that makes you invulnerable to damage.

I'm not sure why people put in a lot of time trying for packs with progression or exploration if every time the way to solution is Bloodmagic or Kami. Plus tinkers bows that one shot your opponents.
Some of the biggest things that I saw were:
Tinkers Construct: Hammers giving huge increases in mining skill very fast. Horribly overpowered bows. I assume swords and things from AoA eventually outdamage tinkers weapons. Turn off the combo of smelt+fortune. Turn off doubling of ores. Or drop tinkers altogether.
Not sure if Kami is on in the pack, if so, it needs turning off.
Limit Flying.
Limit any non AoA armor or combo that makes you invulnerable to damage.

I'm not sure why people put in a lot of time trying for packs with progression or exploration if every time the way to solution is Bloodmagic or Kami. Plus tinkers bows that one shot your opponents.
You're right about the hammer.

Nope, highest damaging sword in AoA does 38 damage (harvester sword), and while the highest damaging weapon in AoA does 75 damage (a sniper rifle named Monster), it does have a slow cooldown due to the high damage.
With tinkers, you could just upgrade a crossbow to do 90 damage and make it shoot 4 bolts a second... I'd say just remove tinkers, not every pack needs it.

I don't think blood magic or kami is in this pack

Either remove flight mechanics or make it extremely expensive

I wouldn't call the AoA armors too OP, sure some of them give high regen or free strength, but those armors usually require a very high hunter level, killing a difficult boss multiple times to get the pieces, or lots of exploring.
If you're talking about baubles, then I'd just remove it, as it makes some of the AoA armors obsolete.
Here's the AoA armor page if you're wondering what they do. http://adventofascension.gamepedia.com/Armor